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Hina's Simp


Posts posted by Hina's Simp

  1. On 3/28/2020 at 11:42 PM, Paragon of Mystery said:

    I like your imagery in the first few paragraphs. Very vivid. Reminds me of Bradbury. I also like how you only added enough detail about this presumably self-absorbed, work-obsessed world to get the message across: after all, it's not the destination that matters, it's the company, and the experience of being alone. Good work – you've got a spot in the short story anthologies with your name on it.

    Thanks, man. Appreciate the read!

  2. 19 hours ago, Mugendramon said:

    Whatevs, Tasigur was just a non-izzet commander. If it didn't count for the color identity you would have run it in any color combination that used either U or R. That's a lot of potential splash.

    Nobody's denying some companions are good, that's for sure. Lutri in particular was just too blatant an include in anything that could play it with 0 deckbuilding cost that they just didn't want to let it loose.

    I guess the other companions cause /some/ deckbuilding restrictions, but the companion mechanic is the problem imo, not just the card. It is a free card that requires no deckbuilding costs outside of the conditionary clause, which is not a problem when the free card does what it does. Yorion is the exception since you legit cannot use it in Commander.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mugendramon said:

    In the sense that you can't play it in tasigur like you could if it didn't count

    That is not a splash that it loses. Tasigur is shit. And cards like Lurrus or Yorion have warped formats; there is more lost by not playing such cards than doing so. These are free cards, and if you're not playing them you're down a powerful card against the opponent.


  4. My biggest experiences in my life that I seem drawn to want to re-experience, at least ruminate the idea that I could have done something different and made the outcome better than what I wanted are the ones where I have failed myself, more than I have have others or anything like that. The closest place in my mind that I can recall, where I failed myself, was when I fell in love with this girl, about two (almost three) years ago and I lost her. We started dating around October, she would see me on campus talking to everyone and everything. I got a nickname before I even met her, she called me "friend guy" just because I seemingly was friends with everyone and everyone was friends with me. This took a step further when she saw me show up to a friend's performance at a local coffee shop, turns out this girl was my friend's friend growing up. My nickname became cemented. I didn't talk to her until a few days after, actually got rejected by another girl at the same event in one of the nicest manners.

    Well, I got rejected and was used to that. This was like the third time I thought I found someone I fell for in that semester, the first only dating for about a month from End of August to end of September. Well, this girl came up to me and started talking to me before I even said a word to her. She saw me walk to class, like she normally does, and walked up asking about her friend and how I knew her. I got her number, shooting her a text that was not something I normally do. I just asked her, "What's something that you're smiling about right now?". I was out for the night with friends, but I was glued to my phone that entire time. We talked for about 4 hours back and forth, just through the phone, and I would see her the next day. Same time, same place.

    We saw each other so often that I never asked her on a date until her birthday was coming up, and I asked her out. I wanted to celebrate her birthday even though I was only talking to her, really. We spent the night talking, I got to know her. And it was that moment that I felt my most romantic self. I didn't just want to date this girl, I wanted to be someone who would be worth dating. Someone she would see herself with and would want to be with. I started going to church to get more acquainted with my spiritual side, wondering what kind of affect she was having on me. I didn't know and I had to, not just because of who she was but because I put myself and my happiness onto someone . I have never done that before.

    We start seeing each other casually, go on car rides and just spend time together. I never wanted to officially ask her out because I didn't feel like I was the type of guy that was ready for her. It strained me, and all the time we spent together I wanted to prove myself, even if I just acted like myself. Then, around November 30th, we went on a walk around campus and we just talked, genuinely talked, that in such a way that I wrote a poem about. I never gave her that poem until it was too late. There's a lot more that I could go into right now, but that might have to be a part two. Since we were still casual, I was still dating other people since I was just being myself. She learned of this, step one of the downfall. The official collapse of everything was around March, and it was more than just because I was dating other people. But I couldn't face myself. Then, I saw her fall in love with someone else as I was falling out of love with myself.

  5. Editor. My main source of income keeps me at home, got fired or had assignments dropped from teaching/serving. I am not really needed at the university either, since most of the classes I covered have been put online. I mostly worked as a TA, or support staff for the professors. So really, I am just reading and writing on most of my time. Been getting a lot more into theory than into actual literature lately. It takes me a lot more time to read books than it used to, since I don't have any time frame to read them in. It is pretty relaxing just staying in my house. I haven't done this since I was a freshman, and barely did it then.

    Probably gonna get into baking my own bread soon. I just have to get a bread pan, keeping it simple and cheap since my main job covers mostly my essentials and I don't have much in the way of "spending income" right now. That is the biggest thing that sucks; I would be worse if I didn't have most of what I already need around the house.

  6. I tend to spend my days reading and writing lately, that I like being able to just opening up some lame mobile game on my phone with airplane mode off. My favorite, besides thermo Sudoku, is Nonogram. I like the pattern of pixel puzzling. It is a rather simple concept, but I can get warped into it while I am needing to take a break.

  7. Placing 3rd in the Dance Drama category of the World Irish Dance Championships. Placing 22nd in the solo portion of the World Irish Dance championships. Getting into Dartmouth on a portioned stipend to pursue fantastical genre theory. Completing my first thesis of Roberto Belano's Currents of Poetry. Getting published on CardKnockGames with MTG competitive Theory.

    I think the biggest "memories" I have are the personal relationships I developed with my mentors. I consider my dance teacher almost akin to a second mom, and much more of an authority to follow when it comes to looking up to than my actual mom. My mom is more like a peer. My professor from my Undergrad put me in as her research assistant, and that was a major step for me academically since it pushed me forward than my compatriots that I "worked" along side in regular classes. I was able to pursue my own academic interests with proper guidance, that provided me a foundation in postcolonial, Arthurian, and narrative theory, that forms how I look at texts. It also benefited me in the focus of how I want to view texts as literary, and form my own idea from them rather than a straight reader-response lens.

    I don't really know what has affected me on the otherside. I guess my love life has been the most traumatic, as I tend to follow a pattern that often disappoints me. I love the people I never fall in love with and fall in love with the people I will never come to be loved by. I like the ability to feel love from a far, it inspires me to be more creative and pursue much more than the every day desire that I take into. Makes me come to love myself and be adamant on how I am. Those that I come to love are the ones that arise from opportunity rather than "destiny", to put it obnoxiously but simply. I take opportunity to ask people out. I have been more consistent with my dating life. But the ones that I fall in love for, it is a muse and the "idea of the person" that I never lose. I learn only what I want to know, and come to feel for them only how I want to feel.

    My greatest place is when I am able to love from a far rather than following the "ritual" of love, and the courtship of the companion. I much more like the muse than the person. That is something that I have come to focus on a lot more lately, especially when I started looking into the Romantic movement of the 19th Century.

    Retrospectively, I think the biggest qualms of my life as the ones where I don't feel affected by just the most mundane thing. It gets boring and unexciting living in such a world where I lack passion to even follow my own worth, whether I recognize it or not. If this means anything, I'll refer to a quote I made on reddit that brought me back to where I am right now



    I was going to post this in r/askreddit, but I couldn't provide context to the question. I thought, at least, some context might help to establish what I mean by this question.

    I was driving down the highway on a small road trip, and a song came on that hit me the right way at the right time. I started to tear up, as much as I would, and felt a range of emotions that I haven't understood for a good while. One of those was sadness, the feeling of loss and what I am missing in life.

    And now, I didn't think I was missing anything, since I think my life is going pretty well; I have a solid career path, I have support on everything, I finally had sometime to just get out an enjoy myself, I am dating someone I truly enjoy. I didn't think I was missing anything. Instead, since I didn't think I was missing anything, was trying to recognize why I was feeling such as a way - as if I had lost something. And it wasn't that I had lost something particular, more that I was missing something in my life that I used to revel in. I was missing the excitement of simply feeling my emotions, feeling joyous, saddened, etc. I had lost, at least for sometime, the feeling about being able to feel my emotions to their most effective state of being an emotion. I still am missing it, but that one moment had me remember what it meant to feel my emotions again and find passion in what to do that again.

    I tried to reach such states before, having done some drugs that never lived up to the way people have explained me. I used to write poetry and prose to just understand places and stages I have experiences. I think what I was missing was the wanderlust of emotions that literally move you, whether it be negatively-charge or positive ones.

    This, hopefully, provides clarity to my question: Do you want to feel sad (or at least an emotion) powerfully sometimes?

    Now, looking at myself: I tend to see myself fall short of what I think I am. Sure, I have a big ego and I am quite stern in my own stances on life, but I have recently only been moved by the humanities and the written word. Politically, I support more of a classicist approach because of Hannah Arendt's works. It seems more fulfilling in the life that I want to achieve. Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity aligns much with how I would approach my own spiritual ideology, that satisfies my inquiries more than my own mind would have sufficed with just reading religious texts.

    Again, the romantic is where I see myself changing; the next step to only fall deeper into the idea of the moved "I", the soul or spirit as it is also termed, that I want to understand and recognized beyond how I truly seem to get from just my own sanctity. The points that I turn more is when I can do as much as I can to conquer what I feel about myself, the id to the ego, and how I can trace that back to a place that cements my adamant self in more often a followed measure. I am affected by the affects of my emotions, if that is an easier means to understand.

  8. 20 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

    I am an enigma.

    Also sorry if wrong for tagging you but I noticed a "lord cowcow" on here, and on chaos's there's a "chaos sonic" and I assume it's the same for others

    and I am guessing that was

    @Daemon the True Admin

    What the fuck is wrong with you, thinking it was me? Cunt.


    it was me.

  9. morbius-new-image-scary-1212689.jpeg?aut

    This is a new poster for Morbius, released yesterday. I am looking forward to this. Leto has always been an awkward actor, and usually works with characters that have ulterior motives to mask their physical appearance and actions. I loved him in Nightcrawler, thought his Joker impression was offputting since it was external representation of madness from a character that portrays his inner monologues outwardly. In Bladerunner 2049, it showed much about how Leto works in the darkness; not as a character of the dark. This stretches his career a little bit more, from playing a character masked in darkness who has his own darkness to try and break away from. I am excited for Morbius, it is a solid character for him.

  10. On 3/17/2020 at 6:57 PM, Thar said:

    Don't think I've posted mine since my last investment, so here's what I have so far:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Latest buy was the mount holding up the top two monitors as well as the tablet underneath. Originally planned to mount the tablet as well, but it turns out that the adjustable stand it came with works much better. Next I plan to replace the left monitor due to boot-up delays involving the video cable (yes, I've tried multiple other cables and that didn't seem to fix it.) Was thinking of getting a 4K monitor of the same size, or alternatively I was considering just getting another one of the right monitors for symmetry.

    And if I'm feeling extra ballsy, I might just get a third one to center everything out, but right now I don't seem to need it.

    ...also yes, the chair is ripped and I plan to get a new one once I get comfortable in my new house next month.

    What kind of drawing tablet you got? Love the adjustable stand, thinking of getting my own eventually.

  11. I started working remotely from home today, and a Twitter post caught my eye: PSbVoJn.png

    I want to know what sort of setup you guys are working with.

    This is my current setup. It is subject to change the more I get isolated from reality and need to construct my own space to operate outside of my mind. But I like and have liked how it looks.


  12. This deck is closer to a turn 2 Midrange rather than turn 1 because of the amount of manlands and checklands. I added Fabled Passage to add more consistency to the mana, really only needing one of each color to get off the ground. I lowered the amount of Woodland Cemetary, Godless Shrine, and Temple Garden to support the card.


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