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Everything posted by Nyx

  1. I just felt no one deserved to be left in the dark.
  2. Child's Play (1988) is a Christmas movie.

    1. Sleepy


      and Valentine's Day is technically a Winter Holiday as Spring doesn't begin until late March [/trivias]

  3. Shantae Pokémon Crystal The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
  4. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Haxorus_(Pokémon) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Obstagoon_(Pokémon) Haxorus and Obstagoon.
  5. It's like a Digimon, but more tame! All I know is YouTube lied about tragedies for still having that video up.
  6. It'll be harder this time around, because we've got 8 Generations to work with.
  7. Which original Japanese Yugioh card art would you like to see in a future Lost Art Restoration release?

  8. Quarantine may put a damper on Halloween for a lot of us in real life, but you can still trick or treat here! Don't be scared! Give it a try!
  9. Well, I've had nightmares that had scarier atmospheres than the one I'll elaborate on. One where my younger brother was possessed by a doll. One where our house was torn up by a tornado. One where I was in a haunted mansion. But this one that I had sticks out to me the most, because it has the clearest ending. This took place when I was younger. I was walking with my cousin and her mom in the wastelands. I look away for a while. And when I look back, they're gone. So I start sprinting around trying to find them. But I trip on a cliff and wall off. Right into sharp spiked rocks. And when I fall to the spikes, that's when I wake up. Not the scariest atmosphere, but it has arguably the scariest ending.
  10. Good to see you, again! Even though we only got acquainted in the last Fake Type Knights project. But still, nice to see ya again. Make yourself comfortable.
  11. And when I say nightmares, I'm talking about the bad dreams you get in your sleep. So no posts like "I'm living it" or anything of the sort.
  12. Shadow the Hedgehog I guess would be the bad game. I mean, I had fun with it. But it gets lots of flack. But hey, it has great jams. Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist was fun, but the tracks were lacking. Nothing impressed me.
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