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[MtG] +1-1 to the Banlist

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Oh, hey, this section exists.

So, the idea of this thread is fairly simple. For as many formats as you like, name one card you would add to the banned/restricted list, as well as one card you would remove from it. Feel free to criticize the choices others make, I'd love to see some dialogues open up.

And to make this thread more interesting, you can't unban lutri. That's too easy of an answer.

As for my choices...

Unban Cauldron Familiar: okay so I will be honest, I haven't played this standard any amount, but I have played a good deal of ELD limited and I am really upset to see my boy on this list.
Ban Oko, the Trickster: just to send a message, really.

Unban Hypergenesis: probably an awful idea but wouldn't it be sick??
Ban Blood Moon: this is just me being petty

Unban Sensei's Divining Top: countertop was a deck that spoke to me on an emotional level
Ban Oko: I can't believe I want to limit a planeswalker to vintage and edh only but here we fucking are

Unban Lurrus: I know she's broken, I know her restriction is a joke in vintage. I know restricting her wouldn't work. I don't care. Vintage isn't supposed to ban cards. Adapt to the Lurrus format, cowards.
Restrict Defense Grid: even if Lurrus would push it out of the format and it isn't great anyway, I just don't fucking like this card.

Unban Iona: she isn't even good.
Ban Thassa's Oracle: I'm fine with two-card win combos, but in my opinion this one is too good.

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Even just playing casually I know how ridiculous Divining Top can be so I would be hesitant on that one. It makes me think of Pot of Greed. Can go easily into any deck and just give an advantage for almost nothing.

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5 minutes ago, LordCowCow said:

Even just playing casually I know how ridiculous Divining Top can be so I would be hesitant on that one. It makes me think of Pot of Greed. Can go easily into any deck and just give an advantage for almost nothing.

It really doesn't go into every deck, at least in legacy. It is a pretty sizable loss in tempo, as it doesn't technically generate card advantage and requires mana at each use.

Don't get me wrong, card is insane, but legacy is a very overturned format where the card needed some form of synergy to see use. In the case of countertop, it was used alongside the enchantment Counterbalance to rearrange your topdeck and counter whatever the opponent threw out. This is relatively easy due to the limited CMCs you'd see in the format, typically capping out at around 3-4. It also had synergies with the miracle mechanic from avacyn restored.

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