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Showing most liked content on 04/28/2019 in Posts

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    Yuuka shook her head as Katsurou commented on his notes on her and said, "not really, no. I apologize, but for the most part, I only have notes on things I've seen or the things you've all said. But I look forward to seeing what you can do in the future." It was then that conversation had turned to Kessandra and how she had done with her answer. Yuuka put a finger to her chin as she thought about it, and said, "well, you have a point there. Most of the other answers were about helping others in some capacity. Hers however was more in line of defeating others." Thinking on it for a moment Yuuka the continued, "I suppose the end result is the same, and she certainly seemed as passionate as someone like Ms. Clark was. But, that difference in mentality and selfishness in approach, well." The girl closed her notebook as she finished, "it either leads to the worst kind of hero, or the most dangerous kind of villain." Her somewhat grim expression from their talk had made way to a more pleasant one as she gave a wave to Katsurou. "Well, I hope I may be of service to you then. Pleasant meeting you Yamauchi-san." Once that conversation had finished, Yuuka stood up from her chair and packed her bags. It had appeared that everyone else had already done so, and as per her own norm, Yuuka was the last one to leave her classroom. Walking outside, the girl got to her bike, unlocking it and getting aboard it. Pedaling down the street, the girl began her long trek home as she had the thoughts of all that had happened today. Speeding along, the girl muttered to herself, "what does it mean to be a hero?" Kessandra's answer hadn't been the only one lacking, she had known, it was just the one that had stuck out the most. As the other's answers continued to play in her head, the girl eventually gave up on the line of thought and merely smiled to herself. She couldn't wait to go back tomorrow. Opening the door to her home, a much more mellow expression on her face as she did so, the young girl simply called out, "I'm home." "Oh, home already Yuu-chan?" Yuuka had a look of surprise cross her face as, after taking off her shoes, she made her way quickly to the living room where the voice had come from. Looking at the silver haired woman in a suit, seemingly exhausted as she was lying face first on a table, she looked over to the young girl with a smile on her face. "Mom, what are you doing home?" "Well, I couldn't just miss my precious daughter's first day at a new school could I?" Sitting up, the woman's smile broke into a sigh as she said, "well, that's what I'd like to say. Really, my meeting just got pushed back to tomorrow so I had some free time." Though her face briefly broke with disappointment, it quickly righted itself to her usual smiling expression saying, "well, glad that you're home." Sitting down on the couch, placing her bag there, the girl sifted through it before presenting her mother a pen and the paper. "Here, I need you to sign this. It's for a class field trip." Taking it, the woman kept her eyes on her daughter as she said, "oh my, a trip in the first week? And here I thought my daughter was going to a dignified private school." The girl turned her eyes away from her mother, yet despite her teasing, the woman signed it without really looking further at the paper. "Here you are." Presenting the paper, Yuuka took it and simply stowed it away. "Sooo, are you gong to tell your mother about your first day, Yuu-chan?" Putting her finger to her chin, the girl smiled as she said, "well, it was fun. We just had an introduction to most of the subjects we'd be learning about." Sighing, the woman said, "sounds like loads of fun." Perking up, she smiled and said, "oh, how about your classmates. Any of them...catch your interests yet?" The woman raised an eyebrow as she awaited her daughter's response. Putting a finger to her chin she said, "well, there's a beetle and a bat. The bat can scream really well too." The girl figured they were the most unique of her classmates. Her mother, however, looked shocked, simply saying, "Yuu-chan, I think we need to talk about your taste in men." Yuuka merely tilted her head to the side, confused. The day continued to pass by as the two talked a bit and watched television, only for Yuuka's mother to make her way to the kitchen, and come back with two steaming cups of ramen. "Here you go, mother's house special!" Placing it in front of her daughter, the two went about their business, slurping down the cup noodles before the woman started again saying, "sorry I couldn't make something more grand for your first day. But they gave me extra hours to work in the morning, so I've gotta be up bright and early." While she seemed to keep up her upbeat attitude, the woman's facade momentarily broke way to one of fatigue. Perking back up the woman said, "I'll be out long before you have to go, so do you want me to wake you up?" With a smile on her face, Yuuka waved the notion off saying, "don't worry about it. I haven't been tardy yet, and I don't plan on starting to this year either." The woman laughed as she made a pinching motion at the air next to the young girl's cheek saying, "of course, my daughter is so reliable after all. Well, I'll be heading to bed now. Good luck with school Yuu-chan." Getting up from her seat, placing the empty cup of noodles on the table, the woman began to make her way to her bedroom, giving a wave to her daughter. Yuuka began reaching out her hand, but stopping short she merely smiled and waved back to her mother. Once the door had shut, Yuuka merely let out a sigh and took out her notebooks, flipping through the pages of each of them. Yuuka was certainly eager to begin the quirk evaluations that were going on. Not necessarily because she was eager to show off her own quirk - in fact it most certainly did not seem suited to her at all. However, this did mean that she would be able to see all of the hero-to-be's quirks at full display. Of course, being on a field such as this, the girl couldn't exactly tote around all of her notebooks out here. As such, the girl had an intense look of concentration on her face as each student went up to the different trials, examining each of them and trying to burn everything about what they did and how they did it into her memory. As she felt the pat of her teammate Diana, the girl smiled and said, "well, I'll do my best." Stepping up, it didn't particularly matter which order she did them in, and so the girl went with what would take the least time to most. As such, the girl was punching bag test. Stepping up to the bag, the girl took in a deep breath, cracking her knuckles as she would her fist back up. Throwing an awkward punch, the girl hit the bag as hard as she could, and the results certainly showed it. Pulling her hand back, shaking it out a bit after punching the bag, it was revealed that Yuuka did...as expected. Results - Average (for a female her age) Next was the shooting range. Looking at the targets, Yuuka thought about how she would go about this. There wasn't exactly anything for the girl to use as she was just to rely on her quirk, and so the girl decided to give it her best shot with just that. Taking yet another deep breath, the girl focused on the liquid in her palms, as it slowly turned to mist and slowly gathered into a small ball. Winding back, and pitching it like a baseball, the girl through it at the mock villain targets. The ball itself wasn't aimed at any of them in particular, nor was it aimed that great, but it didn't have to be. As it got to its destination, the small ball exploded into a cloud of mist, that lingered around the targets as it enveloped a large radius. Of course, as they weren't living villains, her mist didn't seem to do anything at all, but Yuuka still seemed to have a satisfied expression her face. Results - Hit All of Them (but didn't really do anything to them) Yuuka brought herself to the final trial in this evaluation. An obstacle course. Without saying a word, the girl merely got into a runner's starting position and began to sprint up the hill before her. While Yuuka didn't seem to be the athletic sort, her body was that of the honed academic. Having never been one to use public transit to get to place, Yuuka had always elected to walk or run places then take a bus or train. As a girl who prided herself on a perfect attendance record as well, this meant that she mornings where she had not waken up at the perfect time (more often then she'd like to admit,) were filled mad morning dashes. As such, her stamina was forged by the fires of the academia, with her legs having been honed to cross many a hill in record time. As such, when she took off to run up the hill at the start, she had managed to rush up it and clear the first of the obstacles in surprising (but not too impressive) time. As the girl continued onward, she had but the second obstacle to clear next. One that required the person to walk between two walls, using the whole body to keep themselves balanced between it and shimmy through. Naturally, Yuuka had the body of a honed academic. And so with plenty of stamina to go, she was in no danger of getting tired between these walls. However, the majority of her arm strength had been built up from carrying copious amounts of notebooks where she went and always writing down in them. As such, she had something akin to noodles for arms in terms of raw strength, as she attempted to keep herself suspended between the two walls. Her first attempt, she botched it, slipped and fell. Her second attempt, she managed to get her hands and feet between the walls, but it was clumsily done and so she fell once more. Her third attempt, she managed to keep herself stuck between the two walls. While this was certainly a step forward in the right direction, Yuuka couldn't actually move forward and so just hung there. Until she started to slip and fell down once more. Result - Failed at the second hurtle (but hung on admirably)
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    Adjusting her hat, Jun was already making her way from one end of the campus to the other. Sure she had been bummed not too recently, as classes seemed to have started giving out a great deal of "mandatory readings" already, but that had all changed in light of other recent events. It was the first day of clubs, which also meant it was the first day of their team meeting up. Getting ready to start her third year, Jun was all the more excited to finally feel like a real upperclassman to all of the new members joining this year. And with her becoming vice captain, she could feel like one even more so! The girl's mood then suddenly took a downward turn as she realized what was most likely to happen. They were supposed to have a team meeting today. They were supposed to tell all the team members about what to expect, what to prepare for and then do some practice and advising. Of course, most of this was on the captain and his duty. And it was for that very reason, Jun's mood had dropped. "Knowing him," she started mumbling to herself, "he'll probably go like, 'oh sorry Hattie, but I got a hot date with a coffee machine that gets ornery when I don't brew with her. You can take over right? Hahaha' tch!" The last part came out much louder than the rest as the girl seemed upset, only to seem to level out again. Regardless of the work she'd have to do, Jun was still happy to be able to go and see the new faces there. And so, with a spring in her step and a smile on her face, Jun continued to make her way to the across campus to the team's meeting place.
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    Two things stuck out to Melissa and she wasn’t entirely sure how she was supposed to address them, or even what order they were supposed to be addressed in the first place! The first (because one of them had to be -- there wasn’t a specific reason why one was a greater question than the other) was, well, where was the Duel Team Meeting? Melissa didn’t know -- how could she? -- but she was pretty sure the library wasn’t it. “Do be careful next time,” Gabriela had said. “I’m trying,” Melissa said. Melissa's second concern was: were they really doing the whole small talk rigamarole? After she'd already decided that they shouldn't? Sure, it was mostly a lie she told herself -- that the other party wasn't interested in chit-chat so why bother? -- but it was certainly a comfortable one. Besides, it wasn't like she couldn't, especially with someone she'd talked to before, she just, well, you know, she'd rather not. “How… are you on this day?” Gabriela had said. “I’m- I’m actually very well right now, thank you,” Melissa said. “How are you?” But that didn’t really resolve the first concern which, now that she thought about it more, certainly seemed like the bigger one. The library was, what, basically on the opposite side of campus from the gymnasium and most of the related duel arenas, right? So what was Gabriela doing here? “Are you-” “Lost?” was the third word Melissa wanted to say, but she managed to catch herself in time. The question was too incendiary, and Melissa knew she didn’t have the requisite social skills to defuse the conversation once it was set ablaze. But at the same time, she stumbled over the pivot, which in turn caused her to alternate between frankly awkward silence, the standard “uhms” and “ahs” and repetition of those two words until it wasn’t actually clear there was actually going to be anything after them. As always, the moment was probably shorter than it seemed, but also as always, that was only because the moment seemed to stretch on forever. Melissa eventually did stick the landing, at least, as well as she could manage. “Are you- Are you going to your team meeting now?” It was a start, at least. “I was actually going in that direction if you don’t mind the company.” Where?! Where was she going? A good portion of Melissa’s brain was screaming at her, begging her not to go through with this. The worst-case scenario -- the most likely scenario, even -- was that they’d just both get lost together. She felt obligated to Gabriela, yes, but that didn’t mean - no, she didn’t want to finish that sentence. The sentiment was there, and Melissa hated that it was, but still… She was a good person! Why was even a simple act like this so hard? The only investment was time, which Melissa had plenty of. If she had an obligation to Gabriela, that was because Gabriela was in that rare category of people Melissa had gotten to know without any external factors. This wasn’t like Jun and Yusuji et al. -- as nice as their friendship was -- where even an accidental meeting meant you were friends with all of them, nor was it like Connor or anyone else in the Community Service Club where Melissa associated with them out of a common interest, no, Melissa met Gabriela fully because of Melissa’s own actions. That had to mean something. It was that latter, thankfully larger part of Melissa that smiled and offered her hand out, beckoning Gabriela to follow her. It seemed neither of them knew exactly where they were going, but maybe they could find out together. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” -Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)
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