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    Wind up. Pitch. Impact. Boom. Cloud. Double Knockout. Failure. With a deep sigh and slightly heavy breaths, Yuuka slumped her shoulders as this had happened yet again. And again. And again. In fact, it was practically all that had happened in the time since she had begun her training in this facility. She had tried all she could think of to hit the dummies as best she could. The challenge was simple. A straight toss would always occur in a knock out of both targets. And throwing it down the hole would always result in a straight toss. She had tried many ways of tossing. Different speeds. Different curves. Different starting points. And without fail her cloud would either explode on both of them or merely hit against the wall and not reach either. And, while she was normally fine doing this, doing it for so long and so often had started to leave the young poisonous girl tired. And so, she leaned back, squatting down into fully sitting on the ground. Letting out a defeated sigh, the girl tried to rethink her approach. Thinking back on it, Ms. Hitotsume had said that her making orbs was likely hampering her powers. And, each time she had thought about it, she had gotten nowhere and simply retried her already proven ineffective method of pitching. However, if she kept stubbornly trying to use the only thing she had, it was clear she was going to fail for real from pure exhaustion. The obvious solution was to blame Ms. Hitotsume for giving her an impossible task. After all, it was her body and her quirk, so how could her teacher possibly know more about it than her? Of course, thinking like that annoyed Yuuka to no end, and thinking rationally on it it didn't even make sense to her. As she tried to think about what her power actually was, she knew that outside of a fundamentally basic idea on what it was, she could hardly explain it herself. And so, all she could do was speculate on what it was her quirk did. And so, any idea that Ms. Hitotsume had must have been equally valid as well. In essence, her teacher didn't have an answer, but knew that there was a problem that had one. And it was up to Yuuka to figure out what that solution was herself. Letting out a soft chuckle, the girl said, "what a harsh teaching style." Yuuka knew that if she was to figure this out she needed to go over everything she knew about her quirk, and figure out where it was she was tripping herself up. Firstly, she secreted a poison like substance across her skin that on contact fatigued a target. The primary method of using this was skin to skin contact. However, she could make an orb of poison that she was able to throw. When it made contact, it exploded and released a cloud of a less potent version of her poison. The girl stopped herself as she finished this explanation, thinking there was something off about it. Replaying it in her head over and over, the girl simply said, "wait...hmm..." Looking at her palm, the girl focused on herself and made yet another orb of poison appear in it. Studying the orb more carefully, it was clear that it was a gas of some kind. "I see. How simple minded could I possibly be?" The girl admonished herself, realizing the answer itself was obvious. One could not will a liquid into a gas. One could not shape gas without a container. One could not hold onto gas. It mattered little if one could because one could not possibly pitch gas like it was a baseball. Standing up, the girl understood now. Her power was not to create a ball of poison. Her power was not to pitch poison. She had simply convinced herself long ago that this was the only way it could be use. It was the most logical conclusion in her mind to end at, and having formed muscle memory on it, she couldn't possibly see it as anything else. Stepping back, a renewed look of confidence on her face, the girl said, "alright. Let's start round two."
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    As Lindow told her to speak what was on her mind, the girl looked to the side saying, "um, well, that. I um, well I'd actually..." Both wanting to wait for everyone to be present and wanting to just wait to say anything in general, the girl then felt a small pat on her back. Looking over as Keres seemed to step up and explain for her, the girl braced herself for the reaction of the others. As Reinaan seemed less than pleased with the idea, Ryia simply bowed her head saying, "I'm sorry." Looking back up at Reinaan and Lindow she said, "he just seemed really earnest and like he was going to go do it on his own anyway so I uh...I..." Looking to the side again she said, "sorry. I, um, probably should've, uh, talked to you all about it. First." As Pyrrha then came back, affirming what it was Keres had said, the girl let out a sigh. In one part, she felt bad about simply leaving Damien behind after asking him to come with them to begin with. On the other hand, she had felt like he and Geoff wouldn't get along in the slightest. Though, it hardly seemed like any of the others were going to get along with him either. Looking at Pyrrha, nervous smile still on her face, the girl said, "ah, uh, um, about that. We'll uh, be bringing Geoff along with us. Aha. Aha. Ah..." An apologetic look replacing this smile she muttered, "sorry." With that out of the way, the girl looked to the rest of the group saying, "well. Someone should um, probably tell him that we're going to be out...right?" Still feeling guilty the girl followed it by saying, "I'll uh...I'll go do that." And with that, she walked into the bar.
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