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Showing most liked content on 11/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
    RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED, I absolutely don't want to live in this nation where our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP is getting ROBBED! This is absolutely the final straw, my KIDS ARE IN DANGER and I won't live in this nation another day! I'M MOVING TO ALASKA AND FINALLY LEAVING THE USA!!!
  2. 1 like
    As everyone huddled around there new transfer student, Kio could only shrug. What was the big deal, mutant-type quirks weren't that cool. So one note. Their substitute was doing a hell of a horrible job getting the class to settle back into their seats, so they could move forward with the day's lessons. At the thought, however, Dreadbolt began to speak up again. "Ahe-anywaaaaaaaaay…" A masterful segway. "At the end of this week, you all will be doing a team-based exam, it says." He paused, looking to his paper once again, "It says here that you all are going to be facing off in teams of four against staff of the school… that seems a bit excessive… But anyway! I'm gonna go ahead and list off the teams now, so that you all can get to know each other better ahead of time, and make plans for the end of the week!" "For real?" Another exam? And so soon? Kio had been pretty sore lately, working out extra hard after seeing that display from Anemonesan, so he wondered if it would hinder his performance. Well, it was time to listen for his name to be called with four others now. "Next in line is Kanda Takehiko, Sanada Ren, Akagi Kio, and Ukemei Ayane! You four will be facing off against your literature teacher, Page Master!" Takehiko: Chess, Ren: Qi, Ayane: Compose. A unique array of quirks to use at his disposal...and against Page Master. While he didn't know the extent of Page Master's quirk, he'd still like to get his hands on it! Kio kicked a foot up on his desk, putting his hands behind his head and smiling. "Nothing to it, but to do it. I expect nothing less than a challenge from a teacher at U.A.!" He exclaimed, with legitimate enthusiasm. He looked up to see students already starting to group up. "Does that mean we start making a game plan now?" He asked, not even waiting for an answer from the incompetent teacher to get up and stray over to Ayane's desk. "Looks like we'll be working together! Lucky me! You've got a great quirk." He placed a paper and pen in front of the girl, with a very serious look on his face. "Please...write down how it works...it's easier for me to make a memory card that way." His face pepped up a bit with a smile. "We could totally rock out together if I end up using it!"
  3. 1 like
    whelp time to never look at YCM again for another year
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