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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2021 in Posts

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    So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)Again, Melissa felt the need to defend herself on behalf of Ambrosia. “It’s not magic,” she said, “or, um, it wasn’t magic on my world, I don’t know what it is here, though it looks the same. If it is the same, the oven and stove are gas-powered, I think? I probably won’t be able to explain it that well -- when I was picking my room with Masaru I was doing a pretty bad job of explaining these watches, so…” She held up her wrist to indicate what she was talking about, but couldn’t keep it up for too long, the butter was starting to melt in the pan and she still had a bit more prep to do with her bread. Like, it was pretty simple, she just had to cut slightly-larger-than-communion-cup-sized holes in the middle of each slice (her father said “shot glass” but of course she chose something else), but it still required her focus for a moment, and that meant that when she heard a different voice than the Fen’s she’d been expecting, she yelped, dropped her (thankfully, butter) knife, and probably jumped a foot and a half. “Sorry, um. Sorry, I think… I was…” She wasn’t sure what she was apologizing for, but she did feel like she had to be apologizing for something. Fortunately, she did have the presence of mind to get the bread, including the nubs she’d punched out, into the pan before she turned around. “Oh, it’s, uh, Morgan, right?” Melissa liked to think she was pretty good at names, but even besides that, it was difficult to imagine forgetting someone with Morgan’s… complexion? That was probably a weird word, and she made a note to ask about something better later, but the point was, despite having only heard her name while fleeing to a restroom, she did remember it. “My name is Melissa,” she said. “Make yourself at home. You know what everything is here?” A stupid question in hindsight; Morgan had been living here for who knew how much longer than they had, so of course she was going to recognize something (also going zero for two on sentences regarding her didn’t feel great), and Morgan answered even more definitively by going confidently over to the toaster and popping in a few more slices of bread. “The toaster makes bread better. Hotter, and a little crispy. Be careful not to burn your bread,” she said. “Oh, I’m toasting bread too, actually,” Melissa said, turning back to her pan. “I’m just, uh, this is a little more involved.” Only a little, of course. She cracked the two eggs, one into each bread-hole, and dropped the heat down to low. “This way, if I’ve done this right, the bread should help contain the yolk, and the butter to keep the egg from sticking should also soak in a little.” She spent a minute or two digging around for a spatula and waited a bit longer than that to make sure she could flip everything without it all falling apart -- that was the bit “even if I mess it up” issue she’d experienced in the past -- and let the two bread/egg combinations cook a few seconds longer before transferring them over to a plate. It looked pretty good actually, though the eggs were probably closer to over medium than over easy. Melissa presented the plate to Morgan and Fen for their approval. “The pan’s still hot, did you want some too? It’s probably not as good as anything you’ve made recently, Fen, but…”
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