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Showing most liked content on 07/07/2022 in Posts

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    “[Remind the people] to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” -Titus 3:2 (NIV)“Not being invested” in a living, breathing thing right in front of everyone was a concept completely foreign to Melissa, but she didn’t say anything about it, partially because she was still blessing Fen’s quick wits and how she picked up what Melissa had meant in the first place, and partially because, well, of how she was. Besides, maybe Aduain just wasn’t a pet person/fish. Still, if the Slakoth was going to be a squad pet, it had to be a squad pet in both senses of the word. Everyone had to be responsible for it, and, well, it had to only be a pet, not whatever Morgan had just suggested. She took another bite of her rice ball and then got up and scooped some rice onto a plate she placed in front of the Slakoth, which reacted just the same way it had to everything else. The process gave her time to chew, both on her food and her words. “I’d rather, if we’re going to be choosing a leader based on how little they talk, that we choose me instead of this one,” she said. She didn’t want to be a leader, obviously, but she did want everyone to be taken seriously, especially by a press that she imagined would only ask more questions when presented with a “leader” like the Slakoth. Speaking of which, “But I would name it Bartleby if it were up to me. We can make some schedules for feeding and things like that later.” Melissa finished up her rice ball before continuing. “Team name -- or squad name -- doesn’t matter much to me as long as it’s something I’m comfortable saying,” she said. “I don’t know, that definitely seems like something for the press and nobody else. Maybe that will change over time.” Time. The word echoed in her head some. Salvo and Natasha seemed like friends -- actual friends, not just friendly teammates -- in the little she had seen of them. How long had that taken? She recalled her talk with Mauvache just the day before and mentally asked one of her questions again: How long were they expected to stay here? Not that she was about to turn her back on people who needed her help, but people surely needed help back home too. People she knew especially. The only consolation was that it gave her at least a suggestion for a name. Did the Israelites know how long they would be in the desert? “Squad Exodus, I guess, if I have to put something in. And once we all have a suggestion I guess we vote? Or is that just the team leader’s first decision?“ As the discussion went on, Melissa pushed some of the rice closer to the Slakoth, who finally opened its mouth to accept the offering and watched as it started to chew. “Berries, that’s right,” she said, finally remembering a Slakoth fact. “If you’re anything like the games, I know you’ll eat those. So that’s another thing to do today. Berries, computer… things, and, I don’t know, groceries besides? Plus exploring if I can stand being famous in public.” She looked up. “Do you all have plans for what you’re doing before training? We got separated last time, so I never got to know more than, you know, everyone’s fashion choices.”
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    With the skeleton grabbing her face defeated Estelle was quick to observe two more of the boney menaces heading straight for her. At least this time she had a bit more room to prepare and would not be as taken in by any other uninvited guests rising up from the floor. Furthermore she had Lana's assistance as her friend's timely arrival took one of the skeletons off of her hand. That left for the mage a skeleton wielding a sword directly approaching her. The sphere of light she had been firing small projectiles from was still in her hand and seeing the smaller attacks lessened effect she thought to end the fight with the monster swiftly. The sphere's shape lost clarity as it began to surround the mage's hand again rather than float above it. With only a touch of focus it was reshaped into a large blast which Estelle soon fired at the armed skeleton's head. The magic shattered most of the skull almost immediately but the mage was bit more than mildly concerned that it hadn't stopped moving in her direction despite this fact. "Surely you cannot need anothe-" Estelle started in disbelief as the sword was swung at her. It seemed to have only a general idea of where she was, perhaps shooting the head had helped her somewhat after all. But this particular skeleton was more skilled with the weapon it had been holding than the other armed skeletons in the room and shy of the grungy weapon it held being somehow magical, Estelle's mantle wasn't going to provide much protection from it. A mage almost never wanted to be in close quarters and Estelle found herself awkwardly dancing out of the way of the partially blind sword swings. She had little finesse for this sort of activity and several swings landed small nicks and gashes onto her arms and legs, each eliciting a wince. The mage had used up her immediately channeled attack to destroy the head and found herself needing space so she took to a quick enchantment. The magic increased the weight of the sword the skeleton held until the thing's hand snapped off its arm under the weight. Estelle could only blink at the sight. "A more pronounced effect than imagined, but a welcome one." She concluded as she channeled more magic and promptly blasted the spine of the monster several times. Eventually this skeleton like the others crumbled away but unlike the other times there were not immediately more upon her person. At last she could share her findings with the others. "Be on your guard everyone! There may be more lying on the floor, at least one had joined the battle already. Let us finish these then move swiftly through the room or we may be overwhelmed."
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    The others moved into action with Reinaan trying to clear a path for the boy. The draken for his part was trying to track the underside of the crab. But getting under it let alone staying under it was proving difficult while it was free to move. Damien was free at least but understandably not immediately in the fray. There was only so much Keres and Madelyn could offer with the lake disrupting their magic. Keres was able to draw its attention and Madelyn able to set up a wall for Ryia a bit further from the lake's edge. The draken was baffled to see the approach Ryia had taken to keep it in place but he couldn't complain about the results. He managed to get in under the crab right as Lindow began assaulting one of its remaining legs. The beast was shifting focus to its Thunder Chosen hitch hiker meaning Reinaan didn't have long to capitalize on Ryia's maneuver. "Please hit something important." Reinaan grunted as he found roughly the center of the beast's underside. With what force he could muster the boy thrusted the spear tip of his halberd upward in and through the thinner shell and into the crab's flesh. The effect was noticeable but clearly not enough to down it. The crab's legs began moving almost immediately to try and scurry away. It struggled to move at first with Reinaan keeping his halberd planted but ultimately it began inching forward, dragging the draken's feet over the dirt even as he tried to dig in further and drive the weapon further in. The effort was failing but he was at least keeping it from immediately retreating into the lake. There was room to argue that without both of its main pincers, simply letting it go might have been for the better. But at this point Lindow was still atop its leg and Reinaan really didn't want to lose the kill on something this big after the work they'd put in. Still he wasn't able to stop the beast alone as his still sliding feet clearly showed him. "Know magic's not working right but can you try giving it a shock?!" The boy shouted up to Lindow looking for anything to halt the crab's advance. In a bit of frustration over his inability to stop it the boy breathed a stream of fire onto the underside of the crab. Some of the wound from the spear tip was seared from it but mostly the shell simply distributed the heat evenly and made the move ineffective. "If this thing gets into the water it could just try taking stabs at us whenever" He called more generally this time inviting the others to provide whatever support they could to the effort of stopping the crab from taking a swim. If the others all wanted to let it go and move on he might oblige but until they were satisfied with their investigation of the area Reinaan didn't want to worry about low blows from a vengeful crab.
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    Penelope and Gunther The man peered up at Penelope and Gunther, chin as red as his nose. His eyes and lips trembled. "Th-that hu-uurt!" He answered the other questions with an "uh-huh, uh-huh." Accepting their help, his legs twisted like a pretzel as he almost fell over again, shoes slipping against the soft fabric of his too-long pants. Eventually, he was back to standing on his own two feet. "Thankee, youse two." The man coughed. "I-I mean, you two. My happy thanks." His tone shifted up at the end, as if he were asking a question. "But I'm right as roosters, see?" he brushed dust off of his vest and arms. "Now, what brings you all here?" He looked around. "Huh, did I miss the others? Oh no oh no oh no, that's no good!" The man pulled at his hair frantically. — Alois, Edrick, Link, and Citron The hall was almost a mirror reflection of the one Link had walked earlier. Wooden walls and floors covered with a thick red velvet carpet. Portraits, most of them of Pylauses, grinned and winked at the group while they walked by. A door to the left leaned slightly ajar. Through the opening, dark eyes and antlers peered out at the passing band. Further along, another door was completely closed, though its bottom glowed orange from the crack beneath. There were stairs around the corner. To the left, an enormous staircase descended to the first floor, each step widening the further it reached the bottom. It was as if it were melting into the floor. At its base, Penelope and Gunther stood conversing with the man who had tripped. Ahead, another staircase climbed up to a landing before turning left, sailing somewhere over their heads. Ascending the stairs would bring Alois, Edrick, and anybody else higher and higher, till they walked through the ceiling of the second floor and up to the floor of the third. There, they stood in another hallway, red-carpeted like the ones below, though the paintings showed horses instead of Pylauses. To their left stood a closed door, and ahead of them, another closed door. The hallway itself continued before turning left. — Tsetseg "Another wyvern?" The woman's shout lashed out like a whip. "That's no good. That could pose a danger if left unchecked." Phai jumped into a salute as well, hand trembling and askew. "Goodwife Gatti, t-the wyvern is of no threat. The rider seems friendly, and Timmy knows him personally." "In that case, I will rely on your word, but if any danger befalls the village, it'll be on your head, Phaidra." "M-Ma'am." "Wells, if'n young Phai says it, then I'm inclinin' to trust her word, Seuda." The man patted the woman on the shoulder, causing her to relax a fraction. He turned to Cora. "Cora, I won't argue 'gainst yer choice, but be careful." Phai puffed out her chest. "We will take good care of Cora, Goodman Posostro—I mean Gatti." She shrank back at Seuda's look. Posostro laughed indulgently. "What a brave 'un. In that case, we're countin' on ye." He winked at Cora. At his side, his wife shot him an unimpressed stare, then closed her eyes and sighed. "Take care." Phai, who had missed the subtle exchange, turned to Tsetseg and Cora. "N-Now, I think we should go find Acantha then! If you haven't met her before, you'll like her—I think." This was to Tsetseg in particular. "She's not as nice as Cora, but she's really cool!" The trip to Acantha's house took even less time than the trip to Cora's. This time, Phai looked more confident and less intense, having relaxed after talking with the Gatti family. Now, however, she tensed up once more. It soon became clear just why when two yellow blurs shot forward, clinging on to Cora like burrs. "Iz Cora!" a blur squeaked. Standing still, it was clearly a small girl wearing a red shawl tied over a yellow dress. Her brown hair was tied in a loose bun at the back. "Cora," the other blur echoed. She also was a girl, and plainly a twin to the first. Her own hair draped over her shoulders in two braids. "Come play wiv us!" "Play wiv us." The two hadn't noticed Phai or Tsetseg yet. OOC
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