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Showing most liked content on 02/01/2024 in Posts

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    Looking to Melissa, a little bashful at the praise that she had received on her win against the spike brother she said, "oh, well, I suppose that's true yes." After a bit of sorting things around, Fen smiled to everyone saying, "I hope everyone doesn't mind me using these immediately," she gestured to the fish in the boxes. Once she was given the okay to the girl got all of her equipment out and started prepping some of the fish for breakfast, while sectioning away some of the others and putting the refrigerator - a device of which she still had conflicting feelings on. Hearing Trevor's question the girl looked up and said, "oh, well, since we have no mission to take care of I figured I would, well, get to know the city better. It's only been a few days and this place is, well uh, bigger than anywhere else I've been so I suppose it makes sense I'm not all well acclimated with the area. But I figured I should know uh, more about the place I'm defending. So well, to that end I sent a watch letter to Kelsey to aid as a, um, guide." At this moment Fen paused as she had suddenly received a notification on her watch. Looking at it, she had seen two responses from the girl she had just been talking about. Ok first of all i have got to teach you how to talk through text lol So you're saying you want to hang out right? Fen stared at the pair of messages for a moment, wondering if she had done something wrong. Well, it was very evident that she had as Kelsey's, who was likely far more versed in this then she was, messages were far shorter and concise. It was clear that Fen had many things to learn still about this world, in all of its intricacies. However, having already blundered on her first message - though Kelsey seemed to still largely know what she was talking about - she was trying to figure out how best to word her next message. Having paused her activities entirely the girl thought hard about the next message she would send until finally she tried to make one with as few words as possible. Yes. Thank you. aight lol ttys Fen blinked at the response. She was fairly certain that Kelsey did in fact want to hang out for the day. She figured at first she just missed a letter or two in "alright," but the "lol" had come up a second time and the girl couldn't for the life of her figure out what "lol" was supposed to be. Was it some kind of dialect where the lol replaced a period? Though the second, equally arcane combination of "ttys" didn't include a "lol" next to it. As such, she could only really assume that the girl said "alright," and could not figure out any part of the message beyond that but simply hoped it didn't matter. After having made breakfast and served it to everyone, not too much longer had passed until a knock came at their front door. "Oh, I'll uh, I'll get that," the girl said to the others as she made her way over to the entrance. Opening the door to see Kelsey behind it, Fen smiled saying, "oh, welcome Kelsey." The girl gave a polite bow saying, "I'm glad you decided to meet up with me today. So uh, did you have anything in mind to check out? Oh, I also just finished with breakfast but you're welcome to anything as well."
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