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Status Updates posted by Shradow

  1. I feel like I can't go a few days without seeing another story about Fallout 76 and Bethesda showing their incompetence.

  2. Activision's stock after the Bungie split, get fucked: https://i.imgur.com/XHiCJUH.png

  3. Anyone wanna join a clan in RS3?

  4. I think my Smash Ultimate mains will be Ike and Dark Samus for now. I hate to say it but I don't think I can make Isabelle work beyond just casually messing around (my friends hate her fishing rod, it's so funny).

    1. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      The Animal Crossing characters are two of the harder ones for my to grasp. I'd say I'm a bit better with best dog, but even then she is pretty low on my "characters I'm good with" list.

    2. Shradow


      My main issue with her is a lack of reliable kill options.

  5. Bungie is splitting with Activition and taking over the Destiny IP, woohoo! https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47569

    1. mido9


      I was going to post this since you were a big destiny fan and I didn't see you mention it, so good thing you noticed.

      I have pretty high hopes, since Activision is known for adding a ton of MTXes and is generally disliked

    2. Shradow


      There's been tension between them since before even the first Destiny launched, unsurprisingly. And I remember after the Forsaken launch Activision stated their disappointment at not reaching expected sales and mentioned working on new monetization options, while Bungie later said they weren't disappointed with it and wanted to focus on making Destiny that players love.

      Apparently during the team meeting where everyone learned the news, employees were cheering and popping champagne. XD

    3. mido9


      Below expectations is mostly a myth anyway, it gets ALWAYS said even when a game gets tons of profit just to justify MTX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F96FOn3R7w


  6. Got 99 Smithing in RS3, my second ever 99 after Runecrafting. Yay.

  7. So this is a thing. Hello ppl.

    1. Spinny


      wait you werent aware... huh thought we were missing a weeb

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