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mido9 last won the day on April 16 2020

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About mido9

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 114

  • Title: Preeeeeeeeeeetty good member

  • Post Count: 19

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  • Total Rep: 51

  • Member Of The Days Won: 3

  • Joined: 01/11/2019

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  • Age: 28


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  1. So I'm playing no man's sky after X years and because internet historian's video made me think that it's probably ripened enough by now, and the content and stuff that's in it is so much and so overwhelming.

    Like, there's a social hub of players(the space anomaly), tons of new vehicles for both land and sea, space combat, huge amounts of base customization and features to build, lots of new elements to explore, a much bigger focus on homesteading since worlds are now recorded in the galactic atlas and it's not a one in a trillion chance to find someone, it feels like playing a subnatica that's been expanded extremely enormously.

    1. Kazooie


      The game will never truly recover from the reputation it had at launch, but from what I hear, it's not totally terrible anymore. Not my type of game, but it's actually worth the price tag now from what I understand.

    2. mido9


      I think if it had come out with its current features it wouldve probably been some big huge phenomena where people would try to map everything in it, post about it for years, and just generally view it as a revolutionary thing, especially coming down from its hype, now it's mostly just a neat thing, mostly.

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