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Status Updates posted by UltimateIRS

  1. if i had a nickel

    1. Nico


      You would have one nickel. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened just once.

  2. I still can't believe 2019 was ten years ago.

    1. Thar


      Ten years ago was SO last year.

  3. eating cheese rn to own the vegans

    1. Thar


      tofu is basically bean cheese

  4. fellas is it gay to have bones inside you

  5. the average western anime fan has never watched an anime from before 2019

    1. Thar


      feels good to be above average, innit?

  6. who here remembers the fighting polygon team

    1. yui


      the greatest crime is that they were never unlockable

  7. are you even wearing sunglasses right now

    1. Thar


      how can we see if our eyes aren't real? how can we look cool if no one can see us wearing sunglasses?

  8. the prince of stonks shall rise again

    1. KaitoTenjo1989


      Sure you will lol 

  9. you don't have to be wrong to be stupid

    1. LordCowCow


      well you're not wrong...

  10. You are referring to yourself in the second person.

    1. Thar


      This is the second post.

  11. i still have the best reps to content ratio and i intend to keep it that way

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Is DIVIDE BY 0 ERROR really a good ratio?

  12. Reminder that bananas are really good and you should eat them.

  13. Streaming for a bit, gonna create some high quality content! https://www.twitch.tv/ultimateirs/

  14. Philosophical question: What is the mac on a Big Mac?

    1. Thar


      "Mac" stands for "son" in Gaelic origins, so I like to think of it as the "big son" in the line of menu items.

  15. ben sekiro

    1. Thar


      his hips don't rie

  16. you'll never make me say the m word

    1. Thar


      I'm gonna do it

      I'm going to say the m word

  17. the real virus is yugioh sevens

  18. Only reply to this status if you're going to get Skyrim for PS5.

    I'm not going to do that, so I will not reply to this status.

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