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Jack of All Trades

yui last won the day on April 25

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About yui

  • User Group: Jack of All Trades

  • Member ID: 15

  • Title: I am about to waddle doo something that can't be unwaddle done.

  • Post Count: 997

  • Post Ratio: 0.51

  • Total Rep: 576

  • Member Of The Days Won: 106

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1937 Days

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  • Currently: Viewing Forum: Out of Character Planning

  • Age: 30


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  1. Are we talking about Falling Pizza? Sweet I can get this off my chest. That post was laughably wrong, and Pizza going on about "we're better than them!" The whole situation is a fucking mess and YCM continues to be my favorite comedy show as of late.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nyx


      I miss the theme where we could put an image in the background. I liked seeing Dark Sun Gwyndolin in the background of the forum.

    3. yui


      Even if we just assume Pizza's drugged-out post is talking about the cardmakers themselves and not the forums

      No, Yemachu's can make pendulums and links, and has cool scripting tricks that make it easier to work with. Plus it can actually upload pictures for your card art properly.

      >most well designed
      No, see above. The templates on Yemachu's maker are just as good but in a higher resolution, not to mention there's more of them. The more in-depth options can be a tad intimidating at a passing glance, but only at a passing glance since it's pretty intuitive. Not to mention...

      Absolutely not. Yemachu's updates your card in realtime, while YCMaker's you have to hit generate every time and hope there's no more typos this time.

      They are equally responsive at best. However, as stated above, Yemachu's maker doesn't force you to hit generate every time you need a new card image, giving it the edge here too.

      >aesthetically pleasing
      Gonna have to go with another no here, chief. YCMaker's cardmaker is aesthetically pleasing in the same way that tofu tastes good. It doesn't, and is the single most bland and plain thing you can eat. Yemachu's on the other hand, looks rather nice and modern.

    4. Sleepy


      Hmm yeah, they added Xyzs at the end of their generation and never bothered with Pendulums, let alone Links and whatever else we'll be seeing at the end of this month. It decomposed all images from the cards that were already saved and stopped accepting new ones if upload pages didn't do the work for it. Even if Yemachu's card maker wasn't a thing, Magic Set Editor and Duelingbook's do it better. If anything it disputes the bottom spot.
      Falling Pizza hasn't been an active member in over 11 years. I swear its the first time I see the member active at all, and I remember members like Frunk which he talks about.

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