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That One Dude

Status Updates posted by Thar

  1. Shame the sonic shades didn't last long. I liked them.

  2. Looks like I completely missed the season 3 drop of Westworld, but Aaron Paul is a nice touch.

  3. Earworm of the day


  4. SxHXsm.jpg

    25 years later, I've finally completed Crash 1.

  5. Wkgost.jpg

    Give me strength.

  6. Now I am become addict of death, collector of runes

  7. Progressive car insurance. Buy it or I will fall over.

    1. radio414


      progressives claim to hate big business and yet the third-largest insurance brand in america is progressive


    2. Thar


      if they're so progressive then how aren't they the largest


  8. Nothing like free coffee at work to get away from the power flickering at home.

  9. Happy New Year from the east coast! Here's to hopefully a better year than the last two.

  10. Question: Does anyone here say "heighth" instead of "height"?

  11. Second wave of Round 2 is now up for the HW Tournament! Votes end Friday at 9 PM EST.

  12. What would the best use of Vantablack be?

  13. First round of polls for Round 2 of the Hot Wheels tournament are up, for those who are interested.

  14. Hello and welcome to NCM, the place where you

  15. Starkid Productions progress: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, A Very Harry Musical, and The Trail to Oregon. Not bad for a weekend.

  16. Happy Birthday, Ashmin!

    (posted from Microsoft Edge)

  17. Contribute or be tribute


  18. Anyone ever seen Twisted by Starkid Productions? It's a lot like Wicked, but instead it's about Ja'far from Aladdin. A lot smaller budget, written more for mature audiences (by college kids for college kids), and much more contemporary with a bunch of forth-wall breaking and topical references... but goddamn, was it enjoyable! I gotta check out more stuff from these guys.

    1. LordCowCow


      consider this

      Twissssted, origin story where turns out he was actually literally a snake before

  19. Happy Birthday, monster account

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic


  20. at age six I was born without a face

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