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Everything posted by Mako

  1. That's something I end up having to do to a lot of Dirt cards I create; if you don't tweak them just right, Dirt cards can accidentally buff spellboost. A zero-cost spell is a massive spellboost buff, through and through.
  2. I shall keep posting until my existence is acknowledged. Anyway, more Dirt cards! My only real fear with this set would be the first overlapping with what Rabbit Mage is supposed to do.
  3. why is everything so round. why can't things be sharp and crisp instead.

    1. yui


      did you try changing the site theme?

    2. Thar
  4. Was too lazy to find an image omegalul I like the idea of pairing Sigil generation to strong Dirt legendaries, kinda like Orichalcum Golem.
  5. not listening to much music rn or watching anime but i saw this show up recently and it's a jam
  6. Nonstop infinite Dirt support. Always. (In hindsight, should probably cost 5 or 6 instead)
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