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Status Updates posted by radio414

  1. New blog post is up as we start the Black Rose arc of Revolutionary Girl Utena


  2. Gay_and_In_Love.jpg

    We've just wrapped up the Student Council Arc of Revolutionary Girl Utena. New blog post is up:

    also, happy summer

  3. Putting_Up_With_Your_Heterosexuality.png

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  4. New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  5. My_Plans.PNG

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  6. If_Utena_Was_Smart.jpg

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena, with bonus content because I talk about a video game as well.


  7. Utena_Syndrome.jpg

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  8. KvwFo1I.png

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  9. EUU7rvWWAAI838e.png

    New blog post is up for this week's Revolutionary Girl Utena.


    1. Sophia


      remember ur hesse and jung

  10. i've started listening to the playlists spotify puts together for me every week, and the fact that i've liked a majority of the songs they've recommended worries me. either it means an unthinking, unfeeling algorithm has collected enough data on unwitting little me to make confident predictions as to what i will like, or it means i have no taste and will like anything.

    1. yui


      throw the algorithm off by listening to nothing but pirate metal for a whole week

  11. tumblr_oj2jitMGLC1qirhlao1_500.jpg

    Blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  12. Octopus_in_the_Closes.PNG

    New blog post up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena


  13. Decided to listen to the Cats OBC Recording, and here's a hot take for you, if this were just a concept album and didn't have all the other stuff that makes the musical what it is, I think it would have a much better reputation. There are some pretty good songs in there.

    It also probably wouldn't have gotten a film adaptation, so that's two good things.

  14. second birthday status: the one with a plug (and more plugs in the comments)

    I decided to post an Interest Check for an RP I'd like to run! You can check it out here: 


    1. radio414


      I've also got a blog: 

      and an AMA: 

      you should read it/ask me questions. Honestly, you probably could do either in either of those links.


    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I can't say I'm particularly interested in giving a powerful monster to my opponent, even if it would end up banish-nuking their field.



    3. radio414


      ah, see, that one doesn't have umlauts so it's totally different

  15. giphy.gif

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I did not know today was my birthday. In fact, I was under the impression that today was nearly the exact opposite of my birthday.

    2. Thar


      This is basically how I feel about my birthday nowadays.

      Happy Birthday, btw!

  16. mium-bich-alt-bee-cup-it-is-well-known-t

    New blog post is up for Episode Three of Revolutionary Girl Utena


  17. thumb_fve-no-intention-of-fighting-these

    New blog post up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  18. ES23b07U0AAt-GB.png

    anyway i have a blog now:


  19. yeah sex is cool but have you ever listened to a song or even a whole album and just been like, "i have to listen to this infinity more times"

    1. yui
    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I had sex with a song or even a whole album that I listened. Afterwards, I had been like, "i have to have sex with this infinity more times"

  20. fact: "eleven plus two" and "twelve plus one" use the same letters and produce the same sum

  21. because of covid-19 all the restaurants are take-out only, and it's not like people are coming in anyway.

    because of capitalism, i'm obligated to be here in an empty restaurant.

    help me pass the time. ama i guess.


  22. it's π day, which means i want everyone to go to all the round things in their life and say, "you know, τ is actually a better fundamental circle constant snarkity snark snark."

    1. Sethera


      But this is a YGO forum, not a math class. ?

  23. don't be like me who forgot that daylight savings was last night

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow
    2. DragonSage


      But hey! One hour closer to New Horizons.

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