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Status Updates posted by radio414

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    1. radio414


      Was going to make a new status for birthday plugs but the bar's been slow today so I'll put it in replies instead.

      Obviously the first plug is the blag. I've been doing a post every week, with the focus so far being on Revolutionary Girl Utena, though the premise of the blag is open-ended enough that it'll move on to another anime eventually. Maybe you're sick of seeing it in the status bar every week, but there's some good stuff in there, I think.

      The other one is my AMA, which I don't normally bump, but it's a special occasion so here it is again.

      I'd plug my music thread too but that gets pushed to the top of Misc. like, every day, so I'll leave that for you do discover.

  2. not going to brag or anything but shout outs to me

    1. Thar


      those are the things i can do without, tbh

  3. wow_thanks_internet.jpg

    This is the final post of the year, the final Utena post (discounting the game which I still haven't ruled out doing a Let's Play of), involving both some rambling about what happened to me over these last forty weeks and discussion of the movie, Adolescence of Utena.


  4. me as a small child: "nice! i just learned how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis! i don't have a reason for this knowledge but it is very important to me.

    me now: "nice! i just learned how to spell asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar i don't ..."

    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      Sounds like me with onomatopoeia, I learned it for a spelling bee in grade school and ever since I'd randomly spell it for no reason 

  5. Decided to listen to the Cats OBC Recording, and here's a hot take for you, if this were just a concept album and didn't have all the other stuff that makes the musical what it is, I think it would have a much better reputation. There are some pretty good songs in there.

    It also probably wouldn't have gotten a film adaptation, so that's two good things.

  6. still_raw.png

    wow hot take click the link below for even more space-related hot takes


  7. help i'm stuck at work and nobody's coming in because they're all watching football

    ask me questions

  8. mz6xcg3wkak11.png

    new darkest dungeon blog post is up where we talk about how you fight someone who can see the future.


  9. lxj07iuu8vea1.png

    new darkest dungeon post is a bit short but something something overconfidence kills


  10. anyone involved with the us chess federation is medium-high int but took wis as a dump stat

  11. Octopus_in_the_Closes.PNG

    New blog post up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena


  12. Shadow_Girls.PNG

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena.


  13. At_Ease.jpg



    New blog post is up as we get into the less-romantic endings of this game. 


  14. Etqe8xMXMAAZfSE.jpg:largeEtqe88-XcAEVnY9.jpg:largeEtqe9ILWYAAE69b.jpg:large

    We continue our adventures in Ohtori Academy by doing all the things anyone would want to do when at a fantastic school like this: looking at clubs and shopping.


  15. 6db.jpg

    fun fact this post is the 69th reply to my blag. it's not my 69th post because of some old comments in there but i still hope you think this post is nice 


  16. It turns out the real cardmaker was inside us all along

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    While the anime op poll is going on, and I definitely should remind all interested to go vote on that, I also just finished my Planetes rewatch, so all interested should go read about that too.


  18. RDT_20220607_1222411901624566321081153.j

    new darkest dungeon post. go read it.


  19. If you want an audio drama to listen to, I would recommend "It Makes A Sound". It's a musical fiction story about a woman wrestling with a dying mother and a dying town. The first few episodes might be a little hard to get into unless you really like rambling, but over the course of two seasons it has a lot of heart and has made me smile and tear up in equal measure.

  20. A bit late to announce this but the next update to my Darkest Dungeon LP is going to have to be pushed back a day, so see you tomorrow for that.

  21. tc2clyh2bou31.jpg

    vvelcome to the darkest dungeon fight vvhere i overuse a gimmick to the point of vvild abandon


  22. i don't know why, in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty-two current year argument, i am still seeing people coughing or sneezing into their hands, but i'm not a fan

  23. I know people here probably don't care about The Oscars and there are numerous reasons why you shouldn't but Parasite just won Best Picture and that makes me happy.

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