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Azure last won the day on February 6

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About Azure

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 25

  • Rank: Senior Member

  • Post Count: 146

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  • Total Rep: 72

  • Member Of The Days Won: 16

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2028 Days

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  • Age: 25


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  1. Starting a Fire Emblem Engage run where I can only use 9 randomly selected units + Alear. The randomiser has given me: Alfred, Louis, Lapis, Citrinne, Pandero, Lindon, Saphir, Hortensia, and Madeline. Not going to bother with the restriction when getting Madeline, because that would be too much of a nuisance.

    1. LordCowCow


      I recently began an Engage run too though its only my second so no restrictions. Eventually wanting to do 3 so I can use every character.

    2. Azure


      This is only going to be my third run of the game. Decided to do a limited run where I don't actually choose the units myself cause otherwise I'm just going to go back to using Framme, Chloe, the Royals and probably Zelestia again. Which is also partially the reason I set the limit to 9 units besides Alear since the deploy limit is 12 for most maps, before rising to 14 for the last couple. Did spin Alfred, Hortensia and Lapis on the wheel, so I have some I've used before. But, after chapter 5, Louis was useful and I can see why he is used.

    3. LordCowCow


      Ah that makes sense. Yeah I used Louis first run and he was so helpful it was surprising how much so. Especially early on.

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