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  1. Didn't consider Argothian Enchantress when I was first building the deck as I was trying to keep it below £100. I am currently happy with the overall card draw, which is why I'm thinking of Mirri's Guile, but more testing against a larger variety of decks may change that. Overall, though a card which allows either scrying or surveiling would work and be cheaper. I have been thinking of Estrid's Invocation and if I got a copy from the MH3 bundle I brought, would've swapped something out for it. Similarly for Court of Vantress, I had the a version deck built before Wilds of Eldraine was spoiled and afterwards I more focused on the Green/White stuff more than the blue. I do have a couple of copies of Court of Garenbrig, but I don't want to have to deal with keeping track of a bunch of dice for counters, and another bunch of dice for number of tokens. I have a mismash deck of Cadira for that, with my second copy in an kinda, maybe, upgraded Ixhel precon. I'm not that bothered by the Universes Beyond card arts, since I mainly shop for the cheaper copies, though I may grab the Tricky Terrain Precon since I've got ~£32 loyalty points which are being discontinued at the end of the month to use up. As for the land base, it possibly could get cut down a bit, but like the card draw probably requires more testing against decks I'm not already familiar with. As for Stony Silence, while it doesn't contribute to the Enchantment synergies I do own a copy of Karn, the Great Creator. Which in exchange for not being as synergistic will still give me access to my Swiftfoot Boots, and to a less degree outside of the early game, Sol Ring and Chromatic Lantern.
  2. Yeah, It That Betrays doesn't do much, so will probably be cut at some point. It's the combo I want to get off once to relive All is Dusting with it out when playing a 4-player game on DotP 2014. Of the cards I own. I'll probably just replace it with Copy Enchantment or Blind Obedience until I get the spare money for Mirri's Guile for deck manipulation or Calix, Gudied by Fate for more degenerate token stuff.
  3. https://archidekt.com/decks/4696863/amareth Well, the MTG section has been dead for a while, so lets do a thing. First EDH/Commander deck I built when getting into Commander. Hasn't had many opportunities to be used, but playtesting it against my other decks has been fun. Face of the deck is of course, "Amareth, the Lustrous". 6/6 for 6 is par for the course, and provides fairly consistent card advantage. Only is a problem when an Instant or Sorcery shows on top. The land base is kinda bad, kinda good. Bad because I don't want spend money on the actual good fetchlands, so the bad ones have to do, good because 24 (11 non-basic/13 basic) are fetchable by Karametra and the slow fetches (Krosan Verge/Flood Plain/Grassland). So, mana base can use some tweaking, but is serviceable. Next category is all my card draw. The deck is technically part blue so lets draw lots of cards. Lots of fun stuff, card draw is the most powerful mechanic so the quicker you accidentally deck yourself the more fun you have.. Then we move to the "No Touchy". These are the cards which help get me out of bad spots or just make it harder for my opponent to touch me or my stuff. Leyline fo Sanctity to prevent me being targeted, Teferi to ensure my turn is my turn, and Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety to make it so I don't get hit unless my opponent is playing infinite mana. Next is short, "Pump" is just I want my stuff to be bigger. As such it is small. Potentially lots of dice. "Cost Reduction" is self-explanatory. I don't want to pay full price for my stuff. Heliod can make all my stuff be a cheap End Step surprise, and Tamiyo is the "eh, lets rob the shop" discount. "Ramp" is all my non-land mana and land acceleration. Karametra gets a Plains or a Forest per cast creature, Smothering Tithe poses the annoying question "Do you pay the 2?", Mirai's Wake and Zendikar Resurgent generally "double" my mana and give an additional bonus, Spelunking makes my tap lands, not be tapped. Sol Ring is Sol Ring, And Sanctum Weaver is ideally "add mana equal to your permanents". Next it the ever fun looping. Get out these three cards and play something that isn't and artifact and loop however many triggers on Boon of the Spirit Realm, or Setessan Champion you want. "Recursion" is another self-explanatory title. You don't want your stuff in the bin, you want it ready to beat face. So if it goes in the bin you want a way to get it out of the bin. Now the fun bit. The two cards which don't really help the whole enchantment theme, but is there to meme once or twice then never again. It is maybe missing a piece depending on how mean I really want to be in Fractured Sanity. But Get out It that Betrays and the -4 The Eternal Wanderer and take all but one of your opponents things. The Fractured Sanity tech would allow giving each opponent a Starfield of Nyx, which when combined with Enchanted Evening would let me get all the stuff (exculding lands, unless they have an anthem effect). The "Token Makers" section is something you can pry from my cold Selesnya fingers. They are my tokens, I will make them and I will make a lot of them. The Wilds of Eldraine gave me Yenna, so I will ignore the fact that Commander is suppose to be a singleton format and play with 3 or more copies of Doubling Season and ideally no-one will stop me. Sure, does this backfire after I realise that maybe making 8 tokens gives me 8 times the number of ETB triggers? Yes, but I'll do it anyway, because going wide is fun. Going wide while effectively giving all your creatures an additional +64/+64 per instance of Token creature is better. Doubling Season was a mistake of a card. Then we have the "Voltron" stuff. Just things to help Amareth kill better, Spirit Mantle for Creature immunity, Swiftfoot Boots for opponent targeting immunity, All that Glitters to be real big, Celestial Mantle because big life number funny. And finally "Insurance". The only card aside from Amareth do have it's own dedicated section (ignore Mist of Lórien, it's 2am at time of writing and I can't be bothered assigning it somewhere else), Faith Healer exists entirely to give an on command exit after I accidently got myself stuck in an infinite loop of Enchanted Evening + Ajani's Chosen. The cats enter and see that they are enchantments, and so trigger their own ability, making a Cat Token that is now also and enchantment, thus causing another trigger. Also there top give a quick way to get Setessan Champion of the board so I don't deck myself. Does the deck immediately die to mass enchantment removal? Yes. Does Enchanted Evening exist to make Farewell an everybody is losing everything card? Also yes. Have I though of putting in instant speed mass enchantment removal so I can Flare of Fortitude/Galadriel's Dismissal my stuff before I commit war crimes? Once again yes. Should I run more blue for counter spells? Probably. Do I need to get Concordant Crossroads so The Eternal Wanderer + it That Betrays can be an actual wincon? Yes.
  4. Playing through the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, and still only hearing Liara from Mass Effect whenever Lightning speaks.

  5. Playing through Mass Effect again, and doing the Pinnacle Station missions and manage to get Shepard stuck in a hole. So now I need to wait until I get downed since it is a survival mission. Downside being, my team is Wrex and Ashley, the two tankiest members. Doesn't help the AI is only targeting them, so I'm only getting damaged by the splash from explosions.

    1. Azure



      Took half an hour standing in a hole, but Ashley and Wrex finally went down.

  6. Two more +10s done. Camilla I was just waiting for her Resplendent, and Mauvier I was waiting on having the Grails to instantly +10. Now I just need a better B-skill for Mauvier as the Spd part of Spd/Def Trace is kinda meaningless, and either Incite or Alarm fodder (or Atk Smoke 4) for the C-Skill so he reaches three non-stat bonuses alone.
  7. I do own one, I just don't use it that much. I mainly cook stuff on the hob/stove top or if needed in the oven ass I'll be putting on more than will fit in the air fryer.
  8. 2nd limited run of Engage is finished, and Hard did add a nice challenge. When doing the wheel for my 3rd run, I realised that I didn't have Jean or Anna on it, so I could've had 10 units + Alear for all of the runs. Though my 3rd run is going to be hard. Only got Alear until chapter 8 where I get Diamant and Amber, or starting chapter 7 + clearing the DLC for Nel and Gregory. Run 4 will be nice having access to Vander and Framme from the start.

  9. In terms of playing, probably Fire Emblem Heroes, which I've been playing nearly daily since probably March/April 2017. In terms of generally following it probably Love Live SIF and such, starting probably in 2015 and playing on and off till end of service.
  10. Fire Emblem Engage limited run is finished. Alear was MVP overall and pretty much my early game healer with Micaiah's ring, but early game Louis and Alfred both having good defence was useful, and then from the mid-game Citrinne put in a lot of work paired with Lyn and Camilla. Easiest map, would've been Corrin's trial map. Camilla/Alear Griffon for one health bar and Lyn!Citrinne Astra Storm with +4 Radiant Bow for the second one. Was Sniper Citrinne the best choice, probably not, but it is fun.

    1. LordCowCow



      so fast

    2. Azure


      Took about 30 hours. Was only on Normal which made it quicker. Have started a new playthrough with similar restrictions for my first Hard playthrough and my options are much worse for the early game. Finishing chapter 6 and I have 4 units. Alear, Eite, Celine, and Yunaka. I don't get anymore until chapter 11 where I do get 2 in Kagetsu and Zelkov. Then chapter 12, 13 and 15 all get me a unit in Fogado, Timerra, and Rosado. Then it is 6 chapter break for my final unit Mauvier. Just need to get the Master Seal from then Anna mission then I can promote Alear so I can at least have an easier time getting the Tiki Emblem for Starsphere.

    3. LordCowCow


      Gonna have to dodge tank a lot I see

  11. Starting a Fire Emblem Engage run where I can only use 9 randomly selected units + Alear. The randomiser has given me: Alfred, Louis, Lapis, Citrinne, Pandero, Lindon, Saphir, Hortensia, and Madeline. Not going to bother with the restriction when getting Madeline, because that would be too much of a nuisance.

    1. LordCowCow


      I recently began an Engage run too though its only my second so no restrictions. Eventually wanting to do 3 so I can use every character.

    2. Azure


      This is only going to be my third run of the game. Decided to do a limited run where I don't actually choose the units myself cause otherwise I'm just going to go back to using Framme, Chloe, the Royals and probably Zelestia again. Which is also partially the reason I set the limit to 9 units besides Alear since the deploy limit is 12 for most maps, before rising to 14 for the last couple. Did spin Alfred, Hortensia and Lapis on the wheel, so I have some I've used before. But, after chapter 5, Louis was useful and I can see why he is used.

    3. LordCowCow


      Ah that makes sense. Yeah I used Louis first run and he was so helpful it was surprising how much so. Especially early on.

  12. Yes, I've heard of the Steam Deck. I'm never going to buy one. Yes I have used Linux before, years ago, Didn't really care that much about it. It existed. Sure, if I actually went through with the switch to Linux would I be able to get stuff to work, probably I can pick things up fairly well if I care to. But I'm not going to because: I'm lazy. I'm not going to go through the effort of getting a Virtual Machine to run Linux, then go and install the stuff to see if it works, then go replace my operating system, then reinstall everything and make sure it works again. I know it works on Windows and thus less effort. Plus most games I play are on usually on console (primarily Switch, occasionally Xbox 360), so Windows is fine. I don't care about operating systems enough. Windows works and is what I am familiar with due to personal use, as well as from school and employment, so that is good enough. Okay, yes privacy is a human right, but I, personally, have other things more important to worry about, so it isn't at the top of my list. So, lets address your points: Regarding them taking control of my PC. Sure they could do it, but why? Microsoft gets nothing from that. There is no really benefit from remotely accessing my PC. They'd look at it and see nothing of value. Of course I wouldn't give up my rights to a government. But like I said early, I have other things to worry about. So rather than worrying about whether or not Microsoft may take control of my PC, I just don't and worry about more immediate things. Would I leave my home unlocked, no. That also isn't really the same thing. It just stops "Let's give it a go" break ins. It would be more like someone has scoped out your house for a while and has brought either lockpicking tools or just a good brick. They could get in regardless of whether or not the door is locked. No, I wouldn't share my passwords. What you do on an internet browser isn't private, the company behind it, your ISP, your local network, they can already see what you've accessed. Don't have a social security number since I'm not American, but if they can access my computer they can access any computer used by the government who would also have it. Same for my bank details, plus Microsoft already has access to the bank details they care about from whenever I brought stuff off them. Plus if they freely use those that could fairly easily open them up to a bunch of legal problems, so why bother. Microsoft does not give a damn about my personal life, so the faceless corporation is surprisingly a good secret keeper. Actual people who you can put a face to are less so. I know you're not talking about actual criminal stuff, neither was I. There are somethings I enjoy or personal stuff in write down on my computer that I just don't want my family to see. If other people find out, sure fine. But I don't live with those people and they are much easy to ignore. Family you live with is much harder. As in the list of stuff, I do not believe Microsoft cares enough to do anything regarding that. The man power regard to remotely access and control each computer running Windows is something Microsoft just doesn't have, so I personally don't view it as a problem. Could I be proven wrong? Absolutely. I'm also not going to be watching the videos because I just don't see the point for me. Sure, call me a part of the reason why this happened but as I mentioned before I have other things to worry about. Accept that not everyone cares, and are just fine with how things currently are. Opinions can change. If I get proven wrong, then I get proven wrong. I'll accept that. So let's just agree to disagree and move on with other stuff.
  13. PC specs aren't great, I got it probably nearing 11 years ago for like £400 prebuilt. 8 gigs of RAM, 2 2TB Hard Drive, and an Intel Core i5 Processor 4440. Never used Windows 11, barely hear anything about it, and my current thought are to just wait and see if it actually means anything to me. Like there was this fuss when Windows 8 came out and I made fun of Windows 8 at the time, but it was fine. Barely even memorable for me. I know it was starkly different to 7 in terms of the UI and somewhat different from 10, but for the life of me I could not tell you a thing about it. PC operating systems for me, just need to work with as few hope as possible. Regarding Linux, sure Steam, Discord, and Spotify would all work on it, but I currently only really use Steam for MtG Arena and more recently Hololive fangames, the last Discord message I've sent was probably a year or two ago, and Spotify certainly exists on my PC, but I basically never use it. I use Windows because most programmes I would use are made for Windows, and sure there are probably work arounds for Linux, but I am a fundamentally lazy person so why go through the extra effort. If they can see what is on my screen, good for them. Clearly they have nothing better to do than look at what generic Windows user 37,302,348 is doing. Oh look they watch anime clips on YouTube, oh now they've opened 2 instances of a Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator and playing against themselves with somewhat accurate anime decks before closing after two games. I do nothing on my PC that Microsoft would care for at all, so good for them.
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