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Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan


Status Updates posted by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

  1. *Sigh* nobody took a look at my Pokémon Wiki I left a thread up I put a lot of hard work into it.

    1. UltimateIRS


      there are several reasons why nobody is interested in your fakemons

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @UltimateIRS Do you always have to act like a prick why is it when you talk to me you have nothing positive to say if you have nothing good to say at all than keep your mouth shut!

  2. Windows Tier List Ranking:

    S Tier: Windows 7, Windows XP
    A Tier: Windows Vista
    B Tier: Windows 2000, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 LTSC, Windows 95
    C Tier: Windows 10 (Regular), Windows 98 SE
    D Tier: Windows 8, Windows ME, Windows 98
    F  Tier: Windows 11

    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      So who agrees with this rankings I will gladly take any debate about this with one exception is that you don't defend Windows 11.

  3. HOT TAKE: Yes Yes I know I know I'm just poking the hornets nest but I want to speak out against Discord! I think Discord is overrated that everybody my age and some older people especially "Gamers" like I hate that ewww well I have an video here:


    1. LordCowCow


      did this need both a thread and a status?

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      This video is not about the Data Scrapers on Discord its about other stuff about Discord but next time I will combined them into a thread.

  4. How y'all doing?

    1. LordCowCow


      is that a royal y'all?

  5. These People are ruining the Internet with their bullshit and outlandish mindset people like DMZ Dragon and Jakkapat just piss me off so much I had to take screenshots of the most [edited by a cow] shit they ever said and decided to highlight it and put those to post together in MS Paint they are going to destroy these last parts of the somewhat wonderful web we have left by polluting it with a bunch of fucking AI Generated Shit.

    [image also edited out by a cow]

    1. LordCowCow


      Don't do this kind of thing.


  6. Ah yes another boring day for me I guess...

  7. Have I been too aggressive lately? Also I'm I a Jerk?

    1. LordCowCow


      I don't think I can say it better than it already has been said elsewhere.

      The short answer is yes.

      If it helps put in perspective think of how often you've apologized for going too far. The problem is that it keeps happening. You seem to already know that you shouldn't be doing it. It's not something that can't be fixed but you have got to remember most people here are pretty chill so ranting for paragraphs upon paragraphs and using insulting words (especially directed at the person themselves) will just put them off.

    2. yui


      In a word, yes.

      When you cross lines, you cross them hard, and as Cow already noted, that you're apologizing for losing your cool means you know you shouldn't be engaging in this kind of behavior but do it anyway. Furthermore, you seem to have something of a tendency to make your problems everyone else's. See: Your insistence on asking why others don't use a certain OS or browser in a sort of "ohh that sounds nice buuuuuuuuuuuuut" way, extremely unnecessary and umprompted jabs at whatever pair of things have your general ire of late (Windows 11 & the other forum's admins seem to be it lately, and I seem to recall a phase where it was your fellow Gen Z-ers), and your recent one explosion each on both forums because the targets' takes on ultimately inconsequential things were opposite your own, which can seamlessly bring us back round to the primary issue.

      An issue which Cow already summed up pretty well, so I don't really have to. Self-moderation is not a skill that can be taught by others, so if this is a common occurrence, you'd do well to take some time to learn it.

      (full disclosure i wrote this reply in the full text editor and didn't realize it would be so tall in the status bar. whoops.)

    3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Yeah I'm always too much on the aggressive side, I need to control my anger it seems...

      Yeah I Should have never given an angry and aggressive responsive, yeah but doesn't mean I have to not despise Windows 11 and Google Chrome I see nothing special with them that the others couldn't already do also they lack features that others may have that might make them better compared to those 2 plus they are really privacy invasive af which I don't like at all plus many other people have really hated Windows 11 so far.. if it's not the system requirements than its them either removing features or making stupid changes to features nobody asked them to do or adding new garbage features that ends up pissing off people *cough* *cough* take for example Microsoft Copolit hate it and will never use it.

      Yeah I'm very explosive sometimes I may need to hold my tongue when reading stuff I don't agree with.

      That's cool using Notepad for replies but yeah I will try to be better...

  8. Windows 8.1 is the best actually its good that title of Best would have to go to Windows 7 but its still fine compared to Windows 10 and 11 which Windows 8.1 is the last decent version and if you hate it than Windows 10 I can't not take Windows 11 that OS is an abomination compared to Windows 10 sorry I'm not taking it back.


  9. Hello hi my name is Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan you can also call me "Zefra", "OS-Tan Master", or preferably "Zama" short for "Zamazenta". 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Why Thank You Mr. Hyde it makes me very happy to hear that. I was very unhappy at YCM I just felt it got worse over time my first year over there was great second year also good and 2023 felt kinda disaterous over there and 2024 is not a good year at YCM so yeah I made the right decision. 

    3. Mr. Hyde

      Mr. Hyde

      Agreed.  As A founding member, I can say I have had a blast over here.  YCM will always be a home of sorts.  I was very fond of it.  But NCM is where I put my metaphorical roots in the ground.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.  

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Thank You will do. I hope we can chat again soon.

  10. Hello Everyone today I will now be a part of the Neo-YCM Community some of you may know me from the Regular YCM which this is my page https://www.cardmaker.net/profile/944557-zamazenta-the-os-tan-fan/  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Crow Yes I made it to the Neo Side of things.

      @LordCowCow Yes I know to be kind and cool, also I wish we could talk and interact more often.

    3. LordCowCow


      Will put it here to not give Hyde too many notifications but yeah essentially just make sure

      If you have questions feel free to message someone, particularly a mod, about them but for the most part its best to just comment on relevant threads/statuses or make threads in the proper place and let people come to them themselves. Tagging can be good for some things but for the most part its better to let people respond or not without pressuring them with tagging.

      I know you mean well just wanting to make sure everything goes smoothly.

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Okay I'm very sorry I will keep that in mind.

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