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About Crow

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 1089

  • Title: Formerly Jolta

  • Post Count: 39

  • Post Ratio: 0.03

  • Total Rep: 11

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 09/11/2020

  • Been With Us For: 1463 Days

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  1. If the whole "Fake Types vs Fake Type Rebellion" was still a thing, would we see people seethe and complain that "Rush Duel-only types aren't REAL types!!!!!" or would they just let them be because they've been officially acknowledged to some degree?

  2. I think the real unrealistic part of recent LNs is the idea that people are still making MMOs to the point of VR.

    I mean, who's making new MMOs anymore?

  3. Crow


    ah yes a weekends kids show
  4. To partake or not to partake... well I guess my schedule's empty as balls now. I'd ask some questions but I am unsure whether or not we're people with Digimon, without Digimon or if we're the Digimon themselves.
  5. The Sanrio X Yu-Gi-Oh! McDondal's collab but it's Modern Yu-Gi-Oh!.

    Who we got?

    1. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes, Dark Magician. lol

    2. Crow


      That is true, but...

    3. Kopushi


      BEWDs, and RE, and DM will always be Konami's love child and favorites they always get love from Konami in one way or another regardless if its new support, mrech, toys, collabs, customs, rae stuff, etc.

  6. Spaghetti Pingas Bagel

    What tasks are on the table

    1. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      The good ole days of pingas and pushy

  7. Everyone's on the table - playable characters, NPCs, characters not in the EN Server, mobs you clear by the dozens, the legion of doom, and even your mother. Not collab characters though, that's cheating. Also sure why not? Trendjumping aspect aside, this ought to be interesting.
  8. Feel like making Toon versions of fresh newgen Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, but some oldies are fine too.

    Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LordCowCow


      What's the newest monster that has officially been Toon'd?

    3. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Cyber Dragon is the newest monster to have a Toon version.

    4. LordCowCow


      would a Toon Synchro/XYZ make any sense?

  9. ... which reps would you want in the game? How would they play?
  10. No point gaslighting without an audience to witness it. Maybe they should've tried getting a bigger audience first, however that can be achieved.
  11. For my original the card game that I am making for no apparent reason that will never see the light of day unless I feel like it, should I go for an "all waifu/bishoujo" route like WIXOSS or Sword Rondo, or should I do that "little bit of everything" route like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Buddyfight, Vanguard and everything and their mom?

    1. LordCowCow


      little bit of everything sounds more fun

      I mean come on who doesn't want a card game that has stuff like this


    2. yui


      was gonna say "all waifus" but cow makes a very compelling point

  12. What's wrong with the currently troodon path?
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