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Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan


Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan last won the day on July 2

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About Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 3199

  • Title: The Master of OS-Tans

  • Post Count: 41

  • Post Ratio: 0.30

  • Total Rep: 6

  • Member Of The Days Won: 2

  • Joined: 03/10/2024

  • Been With Us For: 138 Days

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  • Currently: Viewing Forums Index

  • Age: 23


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  1. Currently logged into Windows 7 you can see the images here just look at the Taskbar and Titlebar!
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8.x (Windows 8.1)
    • Windows 10
    • Ubuntu

    I've done these 4 OSes already, check it out I'm currently logged into Windows 7 Ultimate edition! Windows 7 Rules and Fucking Windows 10 Drolls and Windows 11 is shit! Windows 8.1 is pretty solid I like it more than Windows 10! Like I already said you can look at more image on the Post your Desktop Thread I may do more OSes in the future I cannot do Mac OS since I don't own a Mac.


  2. Me currently logged in with Windows 8.1, enjoy! Using Firefox 115 ESR with the Austrails theme from Firefox versions 29-56
  3. Look guys I'm on Windows 8.1, with Firefox 115 ESR with the Austrails theme from Firefox versions 29-56, ah the good ol' days this is all thanks to the Firefox Echelon Project. You can see more Screenshots on the post your Desktop Thread. This is so much better than Fucking Windows 10 and Winshit 11 just slap Open Shell on here and boom you have a Start menu Windows 10 and 11 are garbage!

    So yeah I logged into this site on Windows 8.1 with my account don't worry I'll change the password later, I still have Windows 7 Ultimate I want to try to log into and post something onto my account from Windows 7 and 8.1 that will make 4 OSes that I used on this account Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and for non-Windowses OSes Ubuntu that I logged my account into.


  4. Bring back the "better Internet" Echelon is an old Mozilla Firefox theme for Mozilla Firefox 115ESR. Echelon is a complete and feature-packed theme for Firefox 115ESR that brings back the UI and functionality from Strata & Australis. I've been working this for the past month and I'm very proud with how the theme turned out. ephemeralViolette and aubymori are also developers, which have been a MASSIVE help in improving this theme and making it more faithful to the source material. DOWNLOAD PREVIEWS Firefox 4 Style on Windows 7 Australis on Windows 7 (Classic Theme) Firefox 14-28 Style on Windows 10 (Windows XP Luna Visual Style) Also it is highly recommended that you download the Firefox Native Controls as it will help with the theming of Firefox, plus it is important. It can be downloaded here: https://github.com/kawapure/firefox-native-controls The Original Threads that this was from. https://winclassic.net/thread/2061/echelon-firefox-29-theme-115esr https://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=3119281 Give travis a big thanks and shout out, since he is the main Dev of this wonderful project, as you could guess I'm already using it on Windows 7 with the Strata theme and Windows 8.1 with the Australis theme.
  5. Yeah your pretty much right about that I do have anger issues, I may need to take anger management... Yeah I'm pretty much in your group, but I do have alot of stress and anger, but yeah I guess I have no excuses well I have no other words and I know that saying "I'm sorry" for anyone isn't gonna cut it now a days, because apparently apologizes are now considered "FAKE" now a when a famous person or company does something wrong I won;t get into that. But to try to be better. Yeah I went off on an rampage I'm Anti-AI Art your pretty much right about everything. Anger issues, Toxic, and doesn't think when he speaks, out if people called me out rightfully so I think I need to change as a person and not let my anger get the best of me.
  6. Yuck McDonalds there food taste like shit! What's WORSE is now you can't say its Cheap in price but it is cheap in quality and can poison you because they are fucking god awful there food is expensive now there is much better places like Five Guys even Burger King taste way better at least their food is not poison and taste way better than McShits. Anyways what is your favourite book?
  7. Why hello I see you have finally came over to the Dark Side lol? Where the Grass is greener than YCM's.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Its Source code is not available to our eyes, only to YCMaker's meaning its not Open Source making it Proprietary Software.

    3. warlic
    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Exactly! If it where Open Source if YCMaker didn't have the time to fix it up other software Devs that are interested would have fixed that Card Maker's bug within 2 Weeks that is the sad reality of YCMaker and why I despise him.

  8. Yeah I spent all day getting updates and software installing on a fresh copy of Windows 7 I customized Firefox cause I really fucking hate the default UI and its even worse on WIndows 7 since it can't properly render Aero unlike older versions of Firefox which didn't have fucking proton theme that is the one that comes with current versions of Firefox.
  9. Hey guess what I did all day yesterday? I installed Windows 7 this OS is not only way better than Windows 10 but way cooler too, Windows 10 is just a shittier version of Windows 7 plus it looks ugly too! If you wanna see more images I will post them in the thread https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/topic/11347-post-your-desktop/J72hOSo.jpeg

    Also today is my Birthday!

  10. YCM is now overran by BOTS hoary I'm being super sarcastic about the hoary btw winkie face god I really fucking hate both YCM and YCMaker!

    1. yui


      That is YCM's problem, not NCM's.

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @yui Yes Ik that but again, now this is why people don't go on YCM anymore... it's over filled with P*rn Bots, Ritual & Dark Magic Bots, Scam Bots, etc...

  11. Yeah I really wanted to make something interesting I locked the condition of the burn behind Spell Speed 2 cards and effects so it wouldn't be OP. Yeah I basically intended for this to be a BOSS monster being Level 12 and all of that. Yeah I hate NIb alot they are creating a New Maxx C they haven't learnt from last time. Maybe this card could be a problem in the future? Maybe not who knows I wonder if Tepi Dragons could play this? Yeah this card belongs in Synchro Era/Type Decks I wonder what a Rekindling Decklist would look like with this card in it?
  12. It seems very cool. I want more interesting things like that.
  13. I'm currently using Ubuntu and logged into this site using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Heck Ubuntu looks even more consistent than Windows 10 and 11 unlike those two fucktard of idiots Ubuntu has full Dark Mode Support and it's not half-assed unlike Windows 10 and 11!
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