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Summer Darj


Everything posted by Summer Darj

  1. Heh, the effect reminded me of Mystical Knight of Jackal, which I remember being played casually for the semi-loop it could enable if the opponent kept defending with a beatable monster. This is quite different though, it needs Flip set-up and you would have to top-spin a card you know is useless for the opponent to effectively make it skip its Draw Phase. Or just return a valuable card of yours to your top of deck. WIND/Zombie typing is cool, but IDK where the WIND is coming from. Stats look decent, too. Overall looks like a casual card to me, but could be decent pick in topdeck strategies.
  2. This can get really strong when going first with Destrudo, AHL and anything that pays half LP for a big boost of 4k ATK, although you would need a monster on the board to make the card live. There is Instant Fusion, too I can think of a handful of cards and decks that can make this more or less consistently live, such as Qliphort Scout, Evil Eyes and maybe Vampires, but IDK if the card is still too casual. You are going -1 in card advantage just to preserve LP and get a potentially big ATK boost, but it is situational at that, and the deck space could be used on more reliable cards such as combo pieces, board-breakers, disruption, etc.
  3. This looks fun. It's like a reverse Honest of sorts in that the opponent may be wary of attacking if it has no clue of what kind of monsters you have on your hand. It feels a bit too casual and yet... it can allow for easy OTKs if you run enough big monsters to search or draw into. Maybe you can get away without requiring to be NSed to apply the effect? IDK. Then again, the effect is not even soft OPT so the opponent cannot bait it and defeat it in a follow-up battle. That makes it harder to take down.
  4. I was surprised to get a 10/10 from you for one of my candidates.
  5. I also like Koloktok's concept, as well as the theme of its dungeon Ancient Cistern, but I don't find it cool enough to place it in my top 5 boss/mini boss ranking. I was impressed by Snowpeak Ruins too. I remember in my playthrough, when I reached the mansion at first thought it as a mini dungeon and was wondering how long it would take to reach the area's dungeon... then after a few dungeon keys I realized I was in the dungeon already xD Anyway, I have an idea of my favorite Zelda characters, dungeons, and regular enemies, but have never thought on a top 5 boss/mini-boss ranking. Took me a while but here are mine, although it's subject to change as I remember other bosses/mini bosses. Note that I have not played all Zelda titles yet, so naturally I'm limited to the monsters from the games I'm familiar with, which are A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, unfinished Minish Cap, parts of A Link Between Worlds, and watched a bit of Skyward Sword gameplay.
  6. Another tough match for me. Micaiah is a character I know due to playing RD, and I find her nice overall, but, although I haven't played 3H, I like Sothis' appearance, from Heroes I can tell she is strong, and green hair is a notable plus for me. Deciding for Sothis.
  7. This one is tough for me. IDK 3H but Hilda fills a couple of checks, like pink hair and twintails, but Sharena is so wholesome, and her Easter attire makes her look so much more appealing than with her regular clothes. I will go for Sharena mainly because I know more of her than Hilda, due to playing Heroes.
  8. As controversial as it may sound, IMO this can be better. I know floodgate-ish decks get a lot of heat, but at the same time they don't really dominate metas, and Thunder floodgate stun decks besides Thunder Dragon Colossus aren't doing any noise. Personally, while I don't support nor endorse highly oppressive floodgates such as Mystic Mine, I'm all for floodgates such as Dragon's Bind, Amano Iwato, or 2-card combos like Fossil Dyna + Moon Mirror Shield. Also, as you point out, these kind of Level 4 Thunder stunners barely stand any chance when going second. Thus, IMO this can get away with more flexibility, possibly to assist when going second. For instance, make the effect trigger on any kind of Summon, and remove the Summon lock that comes with the effect so you can follow up with an ED Summon. Furthermore, the protection it provides to other Thunders can be improved, for instance something like Majespespecter protection to fellow Thunders would be more amusing. Alternatively give it a float effect to preserve card advantage, or its own mild floodgate effect to combine with the other Thunder stunners. For instance, if it could float into Thunderclap Skywolf, that would be amusing too.
  9. Vote for Sanaki. She is someone to respect, IMO. Carrying the weight of an Empress at such early age, plus dealing with the schemes from the senate while having her hands tied, so to speak, that shows impressive strength and determination. Not to mention her cute side that sometimes shows up, in Heroes at least.
  10. A bit of a tough call. Haar is cool, but I find Tana cute, as well as sexy in her Summer attire from Heroes, despite having vague memories of SS. I choose to root for the gal in this match.
  11. @LordCowCow Mind the RD spoilers :v Voting for Zelgius. As stated before, IMO he deserves more recognition as the Begnion General that he is, not only for his alternate identity.
  12. Vote for Anette. I'm biased and going for appearances this time, admittedly. I know about Marisa, including her personality, whereas I barely know about Anette beyond her FE wikia entry and fanarts here and there. And yet, she is a petite cute gal, and with a hammer in Heroes that amusingly doesn't match her appearance at all IMO but to me makes her look cuter... I just can't resist dropping her my vote. I like her name too, but I also like the name Marisa so it's not advantage in this match.
  13. Voting for Jill, sadly mainly because I barely know anything about Vanessa. I would if she was in Heroes, although I have not played the game devotedly for a while now, either.
  14. Voting for Hector. Badass and wholesome lord and dad, admirable.
  15. 2 Trobadours against each other, heh. Got to vote for Maribelle on this one.
  16. Thought it was average at first but still decent for comboing with monsters you control that benefit from getting back into hour hand. Then I realized it actually is a Cont. Trap... and then that it has not even a soft OPT or twice-per-turn. IDK if this is a fair way to make battle Traps relevant in the meta, it seems overpowering to me despite the weaknesses of a Cont. Trap. The only card I can think of ATM that is similar to this is Ordeal of a Traveler, which I haven't seen outside of a Sacred Beast feat. new support build that I stumbled upon, IIRC by Lithium2300.
  17. Yeah, I can shorten the text. It was a leftover from my rushed text draft and was too lazy to polish it. I didn't even format it as I usually do. IMO I can slightly improve it and make it negate Spell effects as well, just for the handful of relevant Spell effects in the GY or from Cont. Spells already on the field. Will also throw in a banishing removal to disrupt the Spells negated in the GY. The buffs shouldn't break anything. As for the idea of banishing a card already on field or GY... well, sounds like it's better left for a different card altogether.
  18. Spellstrike Quick-Play Spell If a Spell Card or effect is activated: Banish 1 Spell from your GY; negate the activation, and if you do, banish it. You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Spell Striker" from your Deck or GY. You can only use this effect of "Spellstrike" once per turn. Made this almost on the spot, but with the intent of making it serious. "Spell Striker" is card often in my mind because a certain someone likes to play around and tinker with it (e.g. making Spells with effects that trigger when banished from the GY, like by Spell Striker), so randomly thought on making support for it. Then I realized that there aren't as many non-Counter Trap Spell negators that you can activate on your turn, which would come in handy to counter-respond to negation Spells such as Called By the Grave and Crossout Designator, as well as other board-breaking spells such as Ruler No More and Raigeki Storm. That's where the idea of an SS2 Spell negator came in. also inspired by "My Body as a Shield". However, I added the condition and cost of another Spell in GY to not make it ready-to-use as well as to further tie it to Spell Striker from a flavor standpoint. Likewise, the GY effect simulates Spell Striker's summoning condition, but from a flavor standpoint, it reflects Spell Striker summoning itself directly from the Deck. Note that you don't need Spell Striker at all to play this for its first effect, but it would be a welcomed bonus if you do. Plus the effect picks it from both Deck and GY so a single copy should suffice. Thoughts?
  19. In that case it's tricky because you can use a wording like Atlanteans for costs (to activate a "Core" or "Koa'ki Meiru" card) while for effects is easier (by the effect of a "Core" or "Koa'ki Meiru" card), but then I get stuck when it comes to maintenance costs, since technically they are neither effects nor ordinary costs. Ideally you should be able to write a PSCT for it since it's not as intuitive and has no precedence IIRC, otherwise realistically you would have to issue a ruling on what "sent to the GY by a X card" includes along the card. Anyway, another funny thing about this card is that you can also discard it for "Dark Core" and trigger the pop, despite the Spell not being related to the archetype xD There ought to be other non-KM "Core" cards that can interact with this card in a similar way. Thus, to stay in-archetype you may want to narrow it to "Core" cards, or any cards even, that include "Koa'Ki Meiru" in their card text.
  20. With "send to the GY by a KM card...", do you mean it will trigger if it's sent either by effect, (maintenance) cost or an unclassified effect? It's important to clarify because then it may or may not need a better wording or PSCT. That aside, damn this card seems to do a lot. It provides both removal and draw power for the archetype, plus said removal can potentially be stunnish if you find ways to get it in the GY by a KM during the opponent's turn. The draw effect should be hard OPT at least, IMO, otherwise the draw can lead into drawing a copy of itself, if not the same card itself since it was shuffled into the deck before drawing, and loop for massive card draws. Even with that, IDK if the card is unfair, but damn sure looks fun, and KMs deserve some love and support IMO, even if it turns out overpowering. BTW, Koa'ki Meiru Ice can also discard it during your MP for the pop effect and assist in board-breaking.
  21. My first thought was an a pseudo-counter to Kaijus, yeah, but as Sleepy pointed out, it wouldn't work for nomis and monsters not Summoned properly. I appreciate the typing, EARTH/Fish are rare. At first I thought it was a Salvage target, but it's not actually WATER. However, it is still a Surface target, and I find that a bit funny. The Surface support makes me think you can get away with giving it some ATK, plus allowing the effect to trigger on board as well, which would also let it work better with the aforementioned Coelacanth, since the latter would be able to SS it from the Deck... for whatever that's worth xD
  22. The intended trade-off of the Skill/Soul Drain effect is that it also affects your side, so unless you are playing a deck that benefits from, or at least isn't affected by, Skill and/or Soul Drain, you more often than not will end up holding your ground with the Trap and your biggest Kaiju. Even in a Kaiju deck you wouldn't be able to swarm with other Kaijus.
  23. Vote for Clarine. IIRC she was a Trobadour that appeared relatively early in Binding Blade and I find them really helpful at that stage, plus they get enough chapters and potential exp to rank up into Valkyries later on.
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