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(o ×)


Status Replies posted by (o ×)

  1. imagine running toxapex without choice band

  2. I do think it's neat how in the ongoing Pandemic Arc, a lot of the character designs were mixed up, giving them shaggy hair and pajama pants.

  3. Just made probably the easiest anime food I could realize. Doesn't mean it wasn't delish. No pics, but I referenced a blog that does: https://realanimefood.tumblr.com/post/49953271099/kokona-and-aois-french-toast

  4. really random stretch of a question but does anyone know any pixel artists that I could ask a couple of questions too or if you have experience with pixel art even better.

    Trying to make it so animations aren't jittering about with micro difference using a set frame format, but making micro adjustments on every single frame each time doesn't seem like the smart way to do it?

  5. Winter what the fuck is your name on Discord I'm trinna pm u

  6. Winter what the fuck is your name on Discord I'm trinna pm u

  7. an important part of PROVING LOVE is proving love TO YOURSELF AS WELL even if it is simple as looking in the mirror and keeping shoulders straight or saying "hey i am going to have a good day today" there are as many ways to prove love as there are timelines (INFINITE) and these are two of them

  8. Monsters are free to be monsters until the end of Halloween. No host. No gimmicks. Just monsters having fun and trying to make a better year for everyone, if only by a bit.

    Message me on discord if you want to be one. The failure isn’t on Yui. This is entirely my attempt to solve the problem that I created, based on one person’s actions inspiring me.

  9. Monsters are free to be monsters until the end of Halloween. No host. No gimmicks. Just monsters having fun and trying to make a better year for everyone, if only by a bit.

    Message me on discord if you want to be one. The failure isn’t on Yui. This is entirely my attempt to solve the problem that I created, based on one person’s actions inspiring me.

  10. Does anyone read any of the newer Jump manga?

    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though there was a thread for that, I haven't seen half the posters in a while.
    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though, judging by the fact that there even was a thread for that, if I'm dedicated enough, it might work again. Especially with recent happenings.
    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though, judging by the fact that there even was a thread for that, if I'm dedicated enough, it might work again. Especially with recent happenings.I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results),

    There are no spoilers, I'm just not a concise person & don't want a huge status.

  11. yearly fuck snow status

  12. yearly fuck snow status

  13. yearly fuck snow status

  14. It sucks when you want to ask for advice, but you already know what people will say, and you already know they are right, but you don't want to listen.

  15. It sucks when you want to ask for advice, but you already know what people will say, and you already know they are right, but you don't want to listen.

  16. last call for monsters. y'all have about 23 hours until the signup deadline.

  17.  C'mon fuckers.

  18. Even between YCM and NCM, we only get about 15 active people at a time


    Shit just makes me really sad

  19. Who remembers Eisbahn

  20. Even between YCM and NCM, we only get about 15 active people at a time


    Shit just makes me really sad

  21. Even between YCM and NCM, we only get about 15 active people at a time


    Shit just makes me really sad

  22. Slowpoke and Slowbro are lowkey some of the best designs imo

    Also apparently Slowpoke is based on salamanders which I feel I should've known.

  23. Slowpoke and Slowbro are lowkey some of the best designs imo

    Also apparently Slowpoke is based on salamanders which I feel I should've known.

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