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Nathanael D. Striker


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27 Valued

About Nathanael D. Striker

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 26

  • Title: Just another day.

  • Post Count: 59

  • Post Ratio: 0.03

  • Total Rep: 27

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2076 Days

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  • Age: 29


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  1. Good question. After some thought, I'd have to go with a childhood favorite: The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure for the PS1. I remember playing that game repeatedly as a kid, and I wish I still had it now. Honestly, a good movie-based video game to me
  2. I bring a gift. Will it fit in your collection?
  3. Out of the three classes in Destiny (Hunter, Warlock, or Titan), which one would you choose and why?
    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      The Joker 2: The Joker asks someone else if they want to know how he got those scars. But they aren't interested and walk on by.

  4. Whelp, NASA released a video game.

  5. I work as a statistician for a company that works as a contractor for the Feds. Basically, I help with the sampling and weighting for surveys.
  6. Well, I recently started buying retro consoles and games. Got a SNES with some Mario games, a 3DS (not technically retro, but yea), and Wii (GameCube compatible version) for me and an NES with Mario/Duck Hunt for my Mom. Aside from that, mostly enjoying the work from home life. XD
  7. How dare I? What do you mean? Also, I can't find the username history button anymore. >>
  8. Not sure what to expect out of this, so let's see where this goes.
  9. Is there a story behind choosing Blake instead of another name? Like, what drew you to the name Blake?
  10. Jotunn has a catalyst now. Great...

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