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Ivan Ooze


Everything posted by Ivan Ooze

  1. Seems the event is over, practically. Sort of sad, but then again, my host should've paid more attention to working with me rather than attempting to finish and get a "Mecha Eli Chan"... Honestly, it's ridiculous! Regardless, don't think I'll be in my Hyperlock this time... I'll be around, watching from afar. Bye bye kiddies. Even though I wasn't on much, this event was totally more livelier than the one I debuted in. Maybe I'll see you next year... or not, who the hell knows!

  2. ...are we quite sure that the F=A and U=U things weren't some new fangled smiley... wait, emoji, that's the word you kids use these days!
  3. See? Quit worrying and just let things take it's course, my dear.
  4. Just gonna put this out there, Kurumi. I've seen the Evil Dead where the Necronomicon is from annnnnnd let's just say, the cucumber is in a real pickle. So much so that I'll even throw this out there: do we really want him to come back after reading that? My thoughts on it, good riddance to talking vegetables, let the dark powers of evil take him.
  5. Probably about the same amount that I've found at your mother's house. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Definitely not. My brand of ooze comes in a royal shade and color of purple, not this snot neon green. While I do find that this might be their way of imitating greatness, it's sadly not the same. A terrible joke, but you got moxie kid! Keep that up and possibly get better material, and you might actually get to being quite a comedian.
  6. Given the fact that I look nothing like them, plus the fact that I'm labeled as a morphological being, I highly doubt it.
  7. ECTO... MORPHICON!! Sheesh! It's not that hard to say! Endoplasmic... where hell would you ever get something as dumb as that?
  8. Would be on a lot more, if my host wasn't constantly dealing with an "FGO" or whatever he calls it. I swear, these new fangled machinery and their little applications.

  9. ...what's so hard to understand about total brainwashing of the adults, have them unearth my Ectomorphicon Titans, bring them back to life with my ooze, and wreak havoc?
  10. Well, didn't see this pop up until after the fact. Jars of ooze are pretty much free, since I was just giving them away.
  11. ...Pepsi Man, you have a foul little mind and I absolutely love it!
  12. Hmmm, now THAT is quite the thought. Ah but at the same time, THOSE teenagers wouldn't be able to be affected, especially if they have their precious little power and that cursed Morphin Grid. Not only this, but if Z's precious Power Rangers were under my control at that point, there would still be Rangers, namely in this case the Aquitar Rangers... better known as the "Alien" Rangers... Hmph, sort of racist to label it that in my honest opinion. I believe this here would be what you want to hear... You'd have to talk to Z for that... OH WAIT! You can't! Cause he's no longer around! But if you happen to seriously be wanting that, if ANYTHING, you can ask one of those veteran Power Brats walking around to point you in the right direction. Hell, if anyone could definitely point you in the right direction, it be that "Knight in Ivory Spandex", Tommy Oliver. That man is still kicking it as a Ranger, no matter how many times he's "retired".
  13. Well aren't you the sourest puss in the land.
  14. Never had the proper means and methods to test on someone of that age range, unfortunately.
  15. Ahhhh see, you get it! You'd be correct, lover of strange flat women... and people thought I was weird. But yes, Earth is the one to hate my guts, as the other worlds, well I haven't heard of any problems with me... possibly because they'd get outed if they did, but hey, who cares! Now even I had to stop and try to figure out what you just said. As for that specific question, well, let's be honest... if you start dealing with adult problems in the world, let's say a job or pay bills or even make a career for yourself, then it's a good chance that you'll be getting brainwashed. I mean after all, there was a good number of kids and teenagers partying while my Ectomorphicon Titans were rampaging the city along with that being about the time I told the parents of Angel Grove to leap to their doom... none of them seemed to have a care in the world. Now, if that fiery she-witch that Hades told me about last year, what was her name... Ember? Yes, yes that's it. Now you look at her one cohort, some small ghost kid, only kids can see him, while adults can't. Sort of the opposite works here. Adults are easier to influence once their kids get ahold of a new toy in the form of my patented ooze. Kids and teenagers rebel, but when they reach that general age of adult responsibility, which to me may actually be well into 19/20... After all, the time that the old kiddies of Zordon passed their powers down to that new generation, they had just finished high school. Then again... now that I think on it, graduating high school is basically the first step in becoming an adult. Hmmm... oh great, I've just been standing here rambling!!!
  16. Even to this day, that group of people scare me.
  17. Who to play me in a reboot? Hmmm, quite a thought. Between all the different possibilities, I would honestly think Jeremy Irons to work with this. He did a WONDERFUL job as everyone's favorite evil lion uncle, Scar. And he's quite the actor already, especially with villain roles. And if the campiness... and if you look at the previous Power Rangers movie reboot, I believe he'd be perfect for the role of moi!
  18. Did the Black Plague have a killer following? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  19. Zedd baby is that you? Wait no, you barely look all brainy and flesh like. Still, interesting to see that there's another skeleton roaming around here... quite Halloween like if I have to say.
  20. I don't pop in for a day or two and still nothing new? I must say, feel a tad bit insulted at this point.
  21. Seems like the amount of "Boss Monsters" they needed this year was a bit lacking. Aside from just that quite flamboyant robot and the literal flame head that is Hades. That said, they reached out to me and a few others to see if we couldn't... liven things up. And lemme tell ya, after what I was seeing going on last night with most of these new monsters, we're definitely the right ones to do the job.
  22. That my dear, is a question you shouldn't ask a morphological being like myself in public. But, if you must know, roughly about the right amount of ooze to take care of a city's adult populace.
  23. I do fancy myself enjoying 1997 SEGA Saturn game version of Resident Evil. Any excuse to cause mass violence to some pretty terrible designed zombies is always a good day for me.
  24. Thankfully this isn't an in-game scenario, now is it? But to answer your droll question, yes Ivan is my real name.
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