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Uncle Death


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About Uncle Death

  • User Group: Banned

  • Member ID: 654

  • Title: LET IT DIE

  • Post Count: 22

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 8

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 10/21/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1649 Days

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  1. I don't even have that Anyways, my time has come for reals, as I can see the bars dropping.
  2. And the day is coming to its end. It's been a blast; you're all radical dudes! ... You know, I was going to do something awful here You see, I've been running out of... subjects, for Senpai to run around with in the Tower of Barbs. The actual one, not the Tower of Barbs 2: Origins And hey, I figured there were many bodies around, so... ... Well, I decided against it. You're all too radical to die! Especially @radio414 And everyone else that gave my silly little game a run. You might not have gotten any points, but you do have my undying respect for putting up with my shit! ... Honestly, I'd love to say that I will be coming back But I have no idea if I will or not! Hell, I don't even know how I got here I thought I was playing a game the whole time, but then it turned out I was just here. Whoops! But its ok, I found a way back home. And, wouldn't you know it, it's the same subway where I did that commercial with @Segata Sanshiro! How convenient! ... I've never been good with goodbyes. ... I think I have an hour on this phone thing before I lose all connection. But this is basically goodbye. Catch y'all on the flip side, bros!
  3. The final ours are near

    My ride should be coming here at any moment now...

  4. Wow, these are all good ideas! Unfortunately, I spent them all on the LET IT DIE Mobile Gacha Game trying to get a 5 star Senpai Whoops!
  5. So it seems like today's our last day

    Tomorrow is too late

    Let's say goodbye to yesterday

  6. Je m'appelle Uncle Death! ... That's about all I got in me. Oh wait I know how to say pencil! Crayon!
  7. You should pass that thing to me - I'll hold onto it for safe keeping! Who knows what that crazy things can do to you! I'm pretty sure that shit won't do anything to me.
  8. And that's the game! @radio414 with his very last second post has slip in with a 3rd post, sacrificing one of his two lives to secure the win! Congratulations Senpai! ... I do have a confession to make, though. I was going to use that weird cursed arcade machine that @LordCowCow gave me. Buuuut... Well How do I put this? You've done some good shit to get to this point! So I will, instead of torturing your soul with a hoax, do as I said and grant points! You have gained the Senpai amount of 5000 points! Don't think I forgot about you @Darj! While you didn't exactly win at the end, you did survive the gauntlet that was my mad game. After checking my calculations, you will be awarded 2000 points! Unfortunately, I did say I wasn't going to give any points to dead players I hope you enjoyed my little game! Points will be sent to everyone in just a moment - please be patient as I figure out how to work this stupid machine. And remember!
  9. And... TIME! I'll count the tally after posting this, give me a sec.
  10. The final moments are here!

    It's do or die!

    1. Post-Crisis Carlos

      Post-Crisis Carlos

      Aw man, finals?! I didn't study, though! Well... tbf I never do, HA!

      (...at last, the final days of my existence are here, shortly I can finally just drift away into nothingness...)

    2. mido9
  11. I considered British Soul's post as last because of my lack of properly being able to close out the day. I know its not neat, and I do apologize, but today has been hectic. Also penalties are back to being at 1 life.
  12. Poor wording on my part What I meant is It's two difference instances of a rule being broken Even if its the same rule
  13. Yeah... I do apologize! But hey, you're alive! As for your question, you would lose 2 lives since its 2 rules.
  14. Yes! I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier, I've been a tad busy.
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