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Status Updates posted by Kazooie

  1. It's weird, I wanna post an interest check so I can see how an idea might be received, but I know I won't be able to start the project nearly as soon as I would like after posting it.

    But I don't wanna work on it if it turns out no one is interested, so do I just wait on continuing to work on it until the interest check is viable to post?

    1. Blake


      i'd say post interest check with an asterisk

    2. LordCowCow


      No harm in it, though just keep in mind some might have their situations change later

  2. Man, I just found the old binder I had full of my AP US history classwork from high school. It's weird to look at it, cause that particular class had a huge part in getting me to examine things, it was one of the few classes that I felt really engaged in and cared about back then. It's weird, I can see at the start where I kinda half-assed things, and as I flipped through it, I saw my work getting more filled out and detailed. 

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      That's really exciting. I think it is amazing when people manage to really connect with the things they are learning about.

    2. Kazooie


      It's funny cause one of the first assignments we had was marked with "You need to include more detail." and it was really rare to get that kinda comment from most teachers in my high school.

  3. merry christmas nerds

  4. Rinea is now my +10 project in Heroes. I cannot wait for her to get added to the grail shop.

    1. Ash


      I have a +1 Festival Miciah :)))

    2. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      Was going to ask why reserve the resources until a non-alt Rinea is introduced, but right, this alt is a Grail unit so it ought to be easier to +10.

      Also I don't have any +10 unit yet, either xD
      Although I have feathers stockpiled so I should be able to get a Rank3~4 unit into +10 right away if I spend on it. Beruka is my unit to +10.

    3. Blake


      Ftr @A Crap Guide to CC, this isn’t an alt Rinea. This is actually regular Rinea being released now, oddly enough.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. So Wargroove. Pretty fucking good so far! It's not perfect, but you can see the influence from both Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, and it's got so much personality. Overall I'm very pleased with it so far.

    1. Thar


      It's pretty great. Also loving the OST.

  6. The Legend of Zelda Dawn and Dusk Disk Drive expansion project for Ocarina of Time is so neat! I haven't gotten far into it yet, just past the first mini-Dungeon type area, but this is so great, it feels like an official game so far.

  7. well, just finished episode six of BNA. I can say it gave me a gut reaction that I haven't quite felt since I watched Madoka for the first time.

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