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  1. 3 likes
    "What about you?" she asked in return. "Are either of these boys important to you?" What an interesting question. Beth pondered it for a second, either because she didn't know the answer or because Beth was extremely focused on the duel, her brain kicking into overdrive with every move made. She was trying to predict and create probabilities for the gameplay in real time, and as his scratched up- wait, is the hologram altered because of their collision a week or so ago? How strange. Alterations aside, she was hardly sure of his chances. But back to the question at hand: was Yushiro important to her? Was Hiraku? She admittedly didn't know Hiraku very well, and she could only assume the budding relationship betwixt Yushiro and herself meant they would be more frequently at daggers drawn than any sort of meaningful friendship or otherwise. So that was solved, but the question of Yushiro.... well that was a bit harder to answer. Relationships were so difficult to qualify at this stage of infancy; were they important to each other? Hard to say, although she did quite like having him around most of the time. He was rather off at the time of their meeting a few moments ago, but they had still shared a night under the stars fairly recently. "Important? I'm not sure. That's a pretty tough question to answer." she made a mental list of the people who are and who have been important to her. The obvious names popped up immediately: 1. Ashley 2. Todd 3. and 4. Her parents. 5. Hitomu That was about where the list petered out, except for her last serious relationship, and, despite her unwillingness to admit at the time and after it, her former love: Kyata. In a way it was unfair to compare the two; Kyata was hardheaded, competitive as anything, tall, strikingly muscular and likely on a fast track to the pro scene at some point in his life. After all, you don't become the captain of the Blue Yonder duel team and not find your way into the pro duel scene in at least some capacity. No amount of teenage drinking scandals and car wrecks was going to change that. Kyata was important to Elizabeth because he felt like the last link in a chain between her and the rest of an unstoppably strong duel team turned friends. Perhaps friends for life; that was until Kyata shattered the chain into pieces, of course. And really, if Elizabeth was being honest with herself, Yushiro wasn't any of that. But there was one thing that they had in common, and perhaps what had her attracted to him: his passion was undeniable. You could say what you like about Yushiro, but there was no argument to be made about whether or not he cared enough to put his heart into things. "Important? No, not quite. But I am curious to get to know Yushiro a bit more. He's been rather kind to me for my time in knowing him." Elizabeth felt a buzz on her hip: it was her cellphone ringing. Hey, this is Melissa. Can we talk? I don’t want to say it’s urgent but... I’m in the restroom. Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow in confusion at her phone. She had a few interactions with Melissa, enough to consider them friendly, but if it was constipation Melissa was struggling with, Beth thought it better to perhaps contact a school nurse at the even- I don’t know how many restrooms there are in this place, actually. Look for the crying girl one of the stalls. Ah. Right then. Elizabeth looked up at Yushiro's duel. He had just summoned Clear Wing, which was shocking to her, sure, but also signaled that this game would surely be entering its downswing to the finish. Well Beth? How important is he to you? she looked back down at her phone as Melissa made an additional plea for her attention. Liz began to squirm in place, running her fingers through her hair; how the hell was she supposed to make a decision like this?! She looked up one more time, then back to her phone, then up again. She found her brain searching her knowledge of the hall's layout, and where the lavatories would be located. "Bloody hell. I'm sorry Yushiro." she grabbed whatever things she may have left on the counter and made her way towards the one bathroom she could think of near the seats. She figured she would start there. If she was watching the duel that's where Melissa would be. After no more than 2 or 3 minutes, Beth tucked her head into the bathroom, gently smiling but showing urgency while passing through the crowd of people in the hall and near the stadium who had perhaps wanted to catch up with her as she passed by. She stood near the sinks for a moment, giving an inconspicuous peek under the doors with her eyes, looking for perhaps a clue that Melissa would be in one of the stalls. Beyond shoe color, it was the light, restrained whimper of a crying girl that gave Melissa away. Locating the stall by its sound, she approached Melissa's stall, or at least what she hoped to be Melissa's. Beth closed her eyes and took a deep breath in through her nose; she always hated this part. Beth lightly tapped on the stall door with her middle knuckle, "Melissa? I just got your message. Are you decent? Can I come in?" She supposed the answer to either of those questions weren't important, but she was unsure of what to say otherwise. She only hoped that perhaps Beth would get lucky enough to rally Melissa back to the duel in time to get to see the ending. Win or lose, she promised Yushiro she would be there.
  2. 2 likes
    I spent forever agonizing over whether I should make an application for another RP. And I know I shouldn't...but I did. :') Lad from the Loch
  3. 1 like
    World Legacy, Rose Dragon and Buster Blader Links. Crossrose Dragon Dark Dragon / Link / Effect Link-2 800 / L B 2 monsters with different Types You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each. (1) During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card and 1 Plant monster you control; Special Summon 1 “Rose” Synchro Monster or 1 Plant Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck (this is treated as a Synchro Summon). (2) If a monster(s) you control is destroyed by card effect while this card is in your GY: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 “Rose Dragon” monster from your GY. Seikenshi Rieve / World Keymaster Lib Light Cyberse / Link / Effect Link-2 2000 / L BL 2 monsters Cannot be Link Summoned, unless there is a “World Legacy” card in your GY. You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each. (1) During your Main Phase: You can Set 1 “World Legacy” Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to your field, but you cannot activate that card during this turn unless you have a “World Legacy” monster in your GY. (2) If this Link Summoned card is sent to the GY as a Link Material: You can shuffle 1 card on the field into the Deck. Hakai Kenshi no Shugo Banryuu / Companion Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman Light Dragon / Link / Effect Link-2 400 / BL BR 2 monsters You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can send 1 “Destruction Sword” card from your Deck to the GY, then you can Special Summon 1 “Buster Blader” monster from your hand. (2) At the end of your Battle Phase, if your opponent controls no monsters: You can target 1 of your “Buster Blader” monsters that did not declare an attack during this turn; inflict damage to your opponent equal to its ATK. Source: https://ygorganization.com/summoningworldlegacyworldcrowntoownthelibs/
  4. 1 like
    No longer unemployed, bois! Just got a job offer for designing custom pools. I'm so happy!
  5. 1 like
    Rubbing at her chin, Citron listened as the others left or prepared to leave down the trapdoor that they had found; talking amongst themselves quite audibly. She even heard Penelope, from a bit away, asking if anyone had found some sort of key; something she herself rather obviously hadn’t done. She hadn’t done much of anything, really, and so while she could have simply followed the others down their hole, and even felt like that was likely the best course of action… Well, she rather felt that she had been yet to pull her own weight, and didn’t see herself doing that by following a bunch of people who knew what they were doing. “...Alright,” she’d rub at her neck, turning on her heels. The hardest part was arguably, convincing herself that there was anything important to begin with. After all, so far this was just... A mayor's house. But everyone else seemed so determined that there were clues to be found, so the least she could do was go along with it. “Something important. Something, important…” She’d glance at the rest of the side of the room she was on, eyes moving past the array of hams to hone in on the lone crate in the corner of the room. “...That’s… Probably kinda suspicious, right?" She murmured to herself, rubbing her hands together. Approaching the crate, Citron kneeled down to nudge it, testing it’s weight. And in doing so, found that was… Quite light, actually. While it wouldn’t open, being bolted shut, she found it was light enough to pick up, rattling around a bit as she examined the strange crate. Putting her ear to it, she heard what sounded like a bunch of smaller, in comparison to the crate, items bouncing around subtly; with something else rattling around inside. “Without a doubt, mysterious…” She trailed off, fumbling around with the crate a bit. Grabbing at the top, she quickly re-found out that it was, very much locked tightly together. “C’mon, open… I’ve gotta do SOMETHING…” Furrowing her brow, she began to pace in circles as she continually tried to open the crate, tugging harder and harder… ...Until her foot caught on the stone flooring, and she instinctively found herself flinging her arms outward to stabilize herself as she stumbled forwards; hurling the crate against the ground in the process. Wincing, Citron watched in what felt like slow-motion as it smashed into the ground, a resounding crash of metal on metal from the lid echoing out… And two bolts came flying out from the mechanism keeping the lid shut. Kneeling down, she slowly raised the lid, only to feel her heart come crashing back down. Not only had she caused more property damage, the lid now opening without any locks stopping her… But it hadn’t even been for anything worthwhile. No, inside, there were a few extra empty bottles of wine; with insulation having been the only reason they hadn’t shattered with the bolts. “No, no, no…” She trailed off, grabbing one of the bottles. “That… Can’t be right. Why would it have been locked if it was just for some-- Some stupid bottles?” She wondered aloud, shaking the first bottle, only to hear nothing. With empty dark glass, and a lack of a cork, it was easy to see that they were empty, but… “There’s gotta be something…” She trailed off, setting the first bottle aside as she scanned it for any sort of details, an engraving that seemed out of place, a label, something… before moving onto the next. It wasn’t until she was at the bottom of the crate, that her heart skipped a beat. Buried beneath the others, wrapped in insulation, was one last bottle. She wouldn’t have even thought to check it, if she hadn’t accidentally unraveled it; causing the bottle to fall against the bottom of the crate. Yet even as it unraveled, and fell into the crate, a quiet, yet ultimately substantial ‘tink’ of metal on glass grabbed her attention, bringing a smile to her face. “...Yes, yes, yes-” she grabbed at the bottle, her smile turning to a grin. “I, I did it, I found something! I think, at least,” she found herself quickly getting up, peering inside the bottle as if she herself was surprised. Looking inside the glass, she found what appeared to be some sort of… Metal, silver object. “Is-- Miss Penelope, are you still over there? Because I think I found something small and metal that, may or may not be a key? I’m not sure yet,” she explained, rattling the bottle around as she tried to orient whatever was in there correctly so that it would fall out into her hand. It was always so difficult to get something simultaneously small yet long out of a narrow bottle...
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