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Showing most liked content on 03/16/2020 in Posts

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    As controversial as it may sound, IMO this can be better. I know floodgate-ish decks get a lot of heat, but at the same time they don't really dominate metas, and Thunder floodgate stun decks besides Thunder Dragon Colossus aren't doing any noise. Personally, while I don't support nor endorse highly oppressive floodgates such as Mystic Mine, I'm all for floodgates such as Dragon's Bind, Amano Iwato, or 2-card combos like Fossil Dyna + Moon Mirror Shield. Also, as you point out, these kind of Level 4 Thunder stunners barely stand any chance when going second. Thus, IMO this can get away with more flexibility, possibly to assist when going second. For instance, make the effect trigger on any kind of Summon, and remove the Summon lock that comes with the effect so you can follow up with an ED Summon. Furthermore, the protection it provides to other Thunders can be improved, for instance something like Majespespecter protection to fellow Thunders would be more amusing. Alternatively give it a float effect to preserve card advantage, or its own mild floodgate effect to combine with the other Thunder stunners. For instance, if it could float into Thunderclap Skywolf, that would be amusing too.
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    "I'm fine with that...rock...paper...scissors." One boy muttered, shaking his fist in the middle to which he immediately began to flip the other three off. Keika gave a slight grin, before shaking his head. "...oops, sorry about that. Guess my hand has a mind of it's own." Juryo couldn't help but crack a smile. If this guy were to be his roommate, he'd remember that. "Very well." With the last one seemingly in agreement, they all put their hands in a big pile. "We throw out on 3, got it?" Juryo ordered. With a nod of all 4 heads, Juryo smiled. "Alright then...1...." Their hands rocked into the air, and back down to meet each other. "....2...." The completed the motion again. "............3!" As the air settled, Juryo saw the aftermath. One scissors, and three rocks. "Looks like we found a first loser!" Juryo laughed. "The rest of you ain't so bad. Great minds think alike, right?" He said before putting on a more serious look. "Again! 1....2....3!" With another fierce flurry of fists, two rocks and a scissor remained. "Well...looks like we have our results." Juryo looked to Keika, and slugged him in the shoulder. "Why'd you go and copy my strat like that, eh?!" Juryo groaned, slugging the boy once more. "That should be enough time. Take your seats." Looking just as pale as before he had left, Mr. Arai walked back into the room with another large figure in tow. The man stood at a staggering 7 feet, and wore a sleek business suit. He walked with a cane, as his right leg seemed stiff and staggering. Fluffy ears protruded from his white hair, as he looked over the classroom with a sharp glance. He and Mr. Arai took to the front of the classroom. "This is Hairo Academies largest benefactor. Without him, this school wouldn't be here, and you would all have likely ended up in prison." Mr. Arai stepped back from his desk to give the floor to the man, who gladly accepted it. Before introducing himself, he bowed. "Good day, Students of Hairo. My name is Zwart Bakker." Loosening the tie around his neck, he smiled. "I was once in your shoes, unable to become a hero because of my past, and who my parents were. However, I changed my course for the better, and now I help the world in different ways. My path has now led to the creation of this school. To give you all a second chance...because I know how desperately you all need that. This world needs Heroes who have backgrounds of all kinds...your views on the world are more important to me than any random hero on the street." He looked to his wrist, uncovering a rather cheap looking watch. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off. It was a pleasure to lay eyes on the ones who will be the first to Graduate Hairo. I hope to see you soon." With a nod to Mr. Arai, the man slowly walked out of the room. Mr. Arai walked back up to his desk, and placed both hands on it. "Now, you've all studied Hero History 101, correct. Let's begin our first lesson then shall we." Mr. Arai flipped open a thick textbook in one hand, and started writing on the chalkboard in the other. "It all started when a baby was born shining with a mysterious light." A couple hours of prattling later. "Tomorrow we'll talk more in depth about the Starkiller City incident. But that'll be all for today. Your stuff has been moved here from your places of residence, and outside of your dorms. Take the rest of the day to move your belongings into your new roomsooms, and get to know your roommate. You'll be spending a lot of time with them." Walking out the door, the teacher flashed a salute. "Don't cause trouble. Later!" With class finally over, Miyu bolted straight from her chair to the door. She turned her head back towards Toshiko, and waved. "Hey! I'll make the room pretty before you come up! See you soon Toshi!" Miyu booked it towards the gate, where to the side of the school she saw a rickety looking building. It almost looked like a janky hikikomori's apartment complex. Miyu shivered but she was excited. Just as Mr. Arai had said, Miyu's belongings had been placed in a neat little pile outside of the rooms. She decided to claim the closest room to the school as possible, and started shoveling all of her junk into the cramped space. The walls were a dry grey color, and the beds looked terribly uncomfortable. However, that could be remedied soon. She placed her black sheets onto the bed, and straightened out nice and smooth. She placed a ton of cheesy romance movies across the wall of her bed, and started hanging up strings of red lights. There were two desks in the room, one placed against the room's walls adjacent to their bunk beds. On them, she started to put little plushies that resembled a cartoonish portrayal of a demon on it. Right in the middle of her desk, she set up a slick laptop, adorned with stickers and bedazzle jewels. "It's perfect!" She squealed, as she waited for Toshiko to arrive.
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    After meeting up with everyone, Jun looked over to Kyouko as Melissa pointed out that she had a bat. "Oh, did we have a bat in our room? None of us are really baseball players though, but..." Jun tried to remember if they had any such thing in their room. Shrugging, the girl simply smiled and gave a sleeve covered thumbs up towards her roommate. "Well, where she got it doesn't really matter. What matters is, that it suits you perfectly! Good choice of weapon Koko!" It was then that Gabby made her suggestion about what to do. Jun took a moment to process what it was Gabby was saying. It wasn't as though it was hard to understand. In fact, the girl couldn't have been more clear. However, it took Jun a moment to realize there was no eccentricities in the way Gabby spoke to decipher through that it more tripped her up then anything else. However, as a moment of silence and thinking on the plan they had, the girl had a wide smile grow on her face as she started to burst out laughing. "That's a pretty risky plan you've got there, Princess." She seemed to crack herself up even further before settling saying, "well, it's not like we have anything better to try right? And maybe they can even help tell us what's going on if, like bones can talk or something. So sure, let's show these monsters your imperial charisma or something or other, Gabby! Koko!" She looked to her roommate saying, "we need to get there first, so be sure to take the lead! You're the one with the attack points right now." The girl pointed to Kyouko's bat, before cracking up at her own bad joke.
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    Jun stared humorlessly at her phone as she got the reply from Hitomu. Not only did he not understand the severity of the situation, but the message showed her something far worse than she could've imagined. There were two of him. The girl figured it would be best not to message Hitomu any further until the situation blew over, but she couldn't help but briefly wonder if she could push her responsibilities onto whatever impostor was with him. All the same, Jun had a task to get done and a monster to defeat. Putting her hands to the side, the girl seemed to fiddle around with something before saying, "well, fine! I guess you can keep it." The watapon, looked at her confused for a moment. Looking back to the monster she said, "sure. You, look good with it on. Besides, I've got a much cooler hat back at my apartment anyway." Now even more intrigued the watapon inched closer. "Oh, do you wanna come see them?" The watapon nodded. "Well, I guess I can lead the way. But first..." The girl seemed to be a bit pensive. Then, all at once she let out a, "hiyah!" and whipped her arm towards the monster, her deck box having been hidden in her sleeve came flying right out. Nailing the hat dead on, the girl then bounded over the watapon, landing rather ungracefully as she stumbled and flailed her arms to the side. However, with the monster stunned by the whole exchange it didn't move much as Jun did this. Picking up her things, putting her deck box back and her hat on she said, "there are no hats cooler than this one! Hahaha!" Waking away, the girl noticed the watapon was now quite annoyed, but instead of paying it mind the girl just waved her arm saying, "you're a duel monster right? Go find some magical hats or something." Proudly, Jun walked away and looked at her phone to see Gabby had also sent a message to the duel team group. Replying to it as well, she gave her warning saying, "puffballs are also nasty scoundrels." Scrolling her phone, the girl noticed that she also had an unread message from Melissa. To: Mute-issa I'm A-Okay and my hat is secured. I didn't see any explosion, but I ran into a couple of annoying creatures. Where are you? Want to meet up? I bet class is cancelled.
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