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Mr Spaz


Status Updates posted by Mr Spaz

  1. Those first 2 people who saw Superman and thought he was a bird or a plane. Why were they so excited?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thar


      or planebird?

    3. radio414


      no planebirds are universally boring and nobody likes them

    4. yui


      what about birdplanes?

  2. Beauty is skin deep. This means that skeletons are ugly.

    1. Thar


      they're spooky

    2. Cibryll


      Not that scary though.

    3. UltimateIRS


      what are ghosts but boneless skeletons?

  3. "All the king's horses and all the king's men, they couldn't put Humpty together again"

    The fuck were the horses gonna do?

  4. In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, one of the Pokemon you can be transformed into is a Cubone. Whose skull are you wearing?

    1. radio414
    2. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      So my human mother got transformed into a Cubone too, but died so I could wear her skull?

  5. It was a solid 5 days. Here's to 2022

    1. UltimateIRS
    2. Thar


      20202 is the zip code for DC. How fitting.

  6. Purely out of curiosity and asking for a friend, is it okay for me to fake my death as an April fools joke? 

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      That's kinda strong. Death does horrible things to people and you don't want something like a heart-attack or something else to happen to your loved ones because of it. Amongst close friends, that's still not advised.

      Faking an accident on the other hand isn't nearly as traumatic and can be funny as hell.

    2. LordCowCow


      I'd say very much not. As the duck said though, more minor is fun, like the old "Oh no I cut off my finger" trick.

  7. In the Battle City tournament, the winner takes the loser's rarest card. What card did Marik take from Joey?

    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      Red Eyes Black Dragon was listed as Joey's rarest card during Battle City

    2. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Yeah, but that guy with the Exodia deck won it from Joey and then Yugi won the Red Eyes off of him. And Yugi still had it in the duel against Kaiba.

  8. I put mac and cheese in the microwave without putting water in it. And that is you you fill your room with smoke.

    1. Thar


      I guess that's one way to make smoked mac-n-cheese

  9. How come I never get Shinies in my regular playthroughs, but the Psyduck I just caught is my 7th Nuzlocke Shiny (counting the Shiny Starly that appeared before I could get Poke Balls)?

    1. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Hell, my Ultra Sun Nuzlocke gave me 2 Shinies. Not from Wormhole

  10. https://i.imgur.com/1heWjUC.jpg

    Immediately after this, I went and used my free pull on Claude. I’d pulled an Edelgard before this. 

    Lysithea is +def -hp. Dimitri is +hp -res. The Edelgards are +res and +spd, both -def

    Who should I grab for my 40th pull? Should I fodder or merge the Edelgards? Which of them should I keep? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z

  11. Is it wrong of me to have a Kadabra that's named after Uri Geller in my Psychic Monolocke of Platinum?

    1. UltimateIRS


      be ready to receive documents

  12. Question: Is Heavy Slam a good coverage option for Flapple?

    1. LordCowCow


      It weighs 2 pounds, so no.

  13. If a centipede hisses at you, count its legs. If it doesn't have any, it might be a snake.

    1. Chiri Bedhead

      Chiri Bedhead

      My flabber is completely gasted right now.

  14. https://strawpoll.com/kbdz5jx6x

    Decide the next type I Monolocke Platinum with.

    1. MetalSonic


      Poison so you can be extra toxic.

  15. Since changing the time on your system pauses all daily events in BDSP, does that also prevent the Feebas tiles from changing for the day?

  16. Was anyone else expecting to hear the phrase "So long, gay Bowser" in the Super Mario Bros movie?

  17. "What keeps you up at night?"

    The fact that my sleep schedule is fucked beyond belief.

  18. Would Slaking or Regigigas be any better if they swapped abilities?

  19. The military will be the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer. The vaccine was developed in Russia and has gone through 6 different stages of testing.

    I received my first dose this morning at 0600 hours, and I wanted to let you all know that so far I feel ok. I was told there should be иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι я чувю себя немного стрно и я думю, что вытл осные уши. чувству себя немго страо.

  20. Doing a Flying Monolocke of Platinum

    The good: I found a Shiny Starly right at the beginning of the game...

    The bad: ...Before I got any Pokeballs

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