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Status Updates posted by Ultimagamer

  1. You are now manually breathing

    1. DragonSage


      Thanks I hate it

    2. Thar


      You are now reading this comment

    3. Zaziuma


      That isn't how it works.

  2. "Man, I can't wait to get a review to one of my sets so I can reply to it and make edits!" 

    *holds reply* 

    Day 1: 

    Day 2: 

    Day 12456789: 

  3. Some Ice Barrier support. Trying out that pendulum summon idea I had. 


  4. Idea for legacy pendulum support for non-pendulum archetypes: "You cannot Pendulum Summon face-up Monsters from your Extra Deck, also you can Pendulum Summon *archetype* Monsters from your hand or GY. You cannot Pendulum Summon Monsters, except *archetype* Monsters"

    1. yui


      *laughs in Infernity*

  5. Seeing Sunlight Wolves being sold for 30 dollars a playset makes me glad I bought mine early for just 6 dollars for the playset. 

  6. Toast 

    Bottom Text

  7. What's a guy gotta do to get his sets reviewed around here???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yui


      pick a god and pray

    3. Unlisted Member

      Unlisted Member

      At the rate things are going on here... No idea. I almost feel as if Discord is all where it is at now. And even then... The community seems even more apathetic about reviewing than it did before. Maybe there is just too much of a lack of incentive for them to even partake anymore, maybe the community's priorities are much more different, or maybe it is a bystander effect amidst. But, whatever the reason... I think it is about time to move on and try something new.

    4. Ultimagamer
  8. Been workin on this one for quite a while. Inspired from Disney's The Three Musketeers. 


  9. Seeing "Nut Counter" on a card makes me want to create an archetype of monsters based around Nut counters with a counter trap called "Deez Nuts"

  10. Finally organized all of my bookmarks. Feels good. 

  11. Just re-watched The Great Mouse Detective today. Such a great classic movie. 

  12. Had a lot of fun at my locals today. There wasn't a tournament going on, but I still got to play some duels. I Played Noble Knights. I edited my decklist down to 40 cards ( previously 45 ). Won 2 matches against a trickstar player ( 2-1 and 2-0 ) and against one of my friends who was playing a rose dragon deck ( 2-0 ). Pellinore was a good addition to the deck. 

  13. Ain't nobody gon be takin away my hot chocolate!

    1. yui


      Martin Mull wants to know your location.

  14. Is there a way I could apply to work at Konami? Referring to the card gaming section here. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ultimagamer


      One of the things I like doing most is playing Yugioh and creating custom cards, might as well make a job out of it. 

    3. LordCowCow


      Do note that it takes a lot more than knowing the game and card design. If you're serious about it there's a ton you'll have to do.

    4. Ultimagamer


      True that. Probably should just stick to my original college plan then. 

  15. Homework: Done 

    Sleep: None

    1. Ultimagamer


      Finally no longer in that weird sleepy state where you keep wanting to go cross-eyed. Gonna try to be sleeping before 10 tonight. 

  16. Is it excessive if I bring 9 different mats and 11 different decks to every locals I go to? 

  17. So, I've seen some people talking about "Cyber Stein FTK", is that an actual thing people should be worried about? Even though Road Warrior specials it from the deck, I don't know if it's a real threat or not. 

  18. I had this weird dream last night. I was in this weird flat rectangular room where a giant rectangle whole was cut out in the middle leading to nothing. A loud announcer voice shouts "Thanos is coming!" twice, and this guy comes at me with a comically large hammer while I try to rocket jump away from him with a tf2 rocket launcher, and firing rockets at him while he shoots sonic waves at me with his hammer. He's literally invincible to rockets, and I get down to 25 health, and I'm just doing small hops around this rectangle while still being chased. I wake up weirdly after that. 

    1. Ultimagamer


      The guy chasing me doesn't look like Thanos at all, but I do remember seeing Thanos somewhere in my dream. 

  19. I like the bump feature. Gets rid of the necessity of having to reply to your own topic with "bump". Looks a lot better that way. 

  20. A playset of Rank 5 Artorigus I ordered still haven't arrived at my house, even though I ordered them on tcg player on december 31. USPS still has it and everything, and they know where it is, but it sure is taking it's sweet time to get to my house, especially when you consider the fact that literally all other 132 cards I ordered alongside it have arrived over a week ago. 

    1. Ultimagamer


      *112 cards, not 132 

    2. Ultimagamer


      Finally getting those Artorigus sometime today. January 18th is kinda late, given that I bought them on December 31st, but better late than never. 

  21. According to YGO-organization, Cherubini is confirmed for Dark Neostorm TCG. 

    I'm still waiting for the Superheavy Samurai cards Konami. That and Double Header Anger Knuckle. 

  22. Any chance we could get a new Advanced Multiples Review thread? @Dova

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultimagamer
    3. Dova


      I do plan to set up a Sets/Singles review thread in a few days; just busy at the moment.

    4. Ultimagamer


      Awesome! I've always enjoyed your reviews 

  23. Alright, all Neptunia themed once again! 

  24. Seems like I'll be starting a new profile over here now, let's see how this new site is. Hopefully it's as good as the old one, and even better. 

    1. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Everyone had to start over, so it should be interesting to see how things go.

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