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About mido9

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 114

  • Title: Preeeeeeeeeeetty good member

  • Post Count: 19

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  • Joined: 01/11/2019

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  1. I drew this for a drawthread request on /v/:



    It's nice to be decent at drawing but it takes way too long, especially since in that specific drawing I was basically learning each part of coloring(face/thighs/body/clothes/shadow/etcetc) as I went, from scratch, hoping I can learn it and do fast now.

    1. LordCowCow


      Ohey you're improving ?

    2. mido9



      Ive gotten way way better than before, basically went from making rubbish like this to clearer stuff like the spoiler or this

  2. Just finished watching terminator 1 and 2 because I dont like to be more than three decades behind on the times, and they are AWESOME. Like, I've seen them ripped off or rehashed or referenced or done badly so often so often without seeing the originals in their total awesomeness and extremely tense, good set pieces that escalate every time you think they're done it felt like going back to seinfield and going "man, they really got the punchlines right in this".

    1. mido9


      Next I might watch say, the die hard series.

  3. I feel like Tako Otoko from yume 2kki would be super extremely popular if he came out in any modern or less obscure game, like undertale or something.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mido9
    3. LordCowCow


      Hey so just for the future avoid linking to Danbooru please.

    4. DragonSage


      *cries in everlasting problems trying to get it to work*


    College is out for the whole week because of the virus, and was out last week too. Big speculaiton that it might get cancelled for a whole month because of T-virus.

    Also, black survival eternal return's 5th alpha started, which is awesome, and one step from eden, a roguelike mmbn clone with like 10 classes and 400 chips, is coming out in two days, so im pretty excited.

  5. man, fire emblem three houses is still going and getting a ton of artwork every day, I love it 42f.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mido9
    3. mido9
    4. Thar


      Blows my mind the amount of incredible talent we see from artists nowadays, even if some of it's a bunch of niche degeneracy.

  6. This place is boring, it's basically all polls and and RPs which I dont really care about and seeing one or two statuses every day which half the time are for things I dont care about is lame, it's like 90% thar, yui, and blake that I care about or are interested in, sometimes saiko/cow

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LordCowCow


      tbh you pretty much nailed it with "saying everyone else should do stuff for my amusement"

      there's been several other threads but it's not like anyone here can guess what other people will want to talk about

      you could try putting some stuff out there and see at least

    3. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      I do have the Fakemon blog going on, IDK if you check it out or if you are into Pokemon in the first place.
      I used to comment on some of the manga threads but I haven't lately. And I did intent to bring Dorohedoro up because it got an anime this season and that's really huge for me. Dorohedoro is easily my top favorite manga, it was just finished near the end of last year and never expected it would get an anime this soon, if at all. Now I wait for an anime of Franken Fran.

    4. Just MACHISMO

      Just MACHISMO

      but...every couple months i say hi to cowcow ?

  7. A Samurai Jack game in the style of ninja gaiden/team platinum is coming out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmYX0D6Sunk

  8. By the way, if any of y'all want to try granblue or have an interest in it at all, today is the best time to join, until the end of march. Basically, for 1 month and 8 days all quests are half off, give double rewards, and more exp. Also, every day you get a free draw, and from 10th of march every day you roll a roulette to get from 10 to 200 free rolls, then play rock paper scissors to double it if you win. Also it gives so many Half Elixirs(Stamina restore item like FGO apples or AL Oil) that you can basically play for maybe half a year without running out of stamina, and that's if you don't get more half elixirs in that half year. It's really good!


  9. I drew beatrix and jannu from GBF sleeping because I didnt feel like playing the event in GBF:




  10. 1465431749878.png

    I dont know if it's maid dragon or kemono friends or what started the trend, but there's so many awesome novelty or comedy anime out now, like interspecies reviewers, murenase, bofuri, slime isekai, and more, and I love it.

    1. LordCowCow


      Ayy Dungeon Meshi is my favorite manga.

    2. mido9


      You said that before and I remembered it, so I posted it with that

  11. This was the original thread in YCM, pretty interesting how little change there was: https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/345074-16-personalities-test/page/2/ The time before that: https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/329310-16-personalities-test/ I got INTJ last time results now:
  12. I love this so much: 


  13. So, platinum games set up a kickstarter to make wonderful 101 remastered for switch, if they reach their 50k funding target, for PC if they get 250k, and for ps4 if they get 500k, campaign goes from 3rd of february(today) to 3rd of march. 

    It hit 400k within two hours of being up.


    1. mido9


      Also one of the backer rewards is getting a tweet directed at you, then blocked by Hideki Kamiya. Got'em

    2. mido9


      also also they reached the steam version funding within 50 minutes of release

  14. man, there's so many good artists and artstyles it's almost hard to choose what I'd want to be like. I like persona, and hideo minaba, and fire emblem, and puzzle and dragons, and mistover, and mazeran, and riyo, and countless random internet guys, and I know im basically going "something tells me I can easily beat those trained professionals with a 10-man art team who do it for a living", but still it's hard not to get inspired

    1. Thar


      I always looked at it as if you should stick with whatever process or technique you're most comfortable with/enjoy the most and let any breaking point be a perk more than a goal, cause if you don't enjoy doing what you previously envisioned yourself doing like these other successful artists did, then really what was the point?

    2. mido9


      Yeah, for me I mostly just make my drawings out of rough assemblages of other artworks, just take a pose/shape from one drawing, add the hands from another, add the clothes from a different one, etc etc to make something overall good.

    3. Thar


      I'm kinda the same way. Most of my original work that I spent the most time on usually came from a photo I took and then used a grid to transfer it to a larger canvas to mimic in pastel. I've been meaning to get more into pure scratch drawings where I don't rely on references to create, I just need to get the feel for certain things before it starts to feel natural.

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