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Everything posted by agloup

  1. Part 2! (of a lot...) I'm back and doing two more chunks Grail monsters -grail homunculous Lv4 : nice search, small Np effect but understandable considering the card. As for the upgrade I would loosen the conditions as being destroyed ans not going anywhere other than the grave is pretty rare nowadays, thanks power-creep. -Lv6 : strait upgrade to illya although there is no need to use illya since iris (or is it justeaze?) gets no advantages from that, maybe tighten the condition on illya and make iris able to do both effects at once? The draw effect seems kinda underwhelming, there probably aren't enough servant monsters to make it that powerful but it seems decent to me. Also boost it's attack by 300 points, I've seen lv3 with higher ATK -Ardent: It's Illiya but worse... and there's no space in the deck for that though my freelancer remark probably applies. maybe make him get a servant (though Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre-prep probs does that) - Just SS Fleeting, problem solved! the start of the non regular servant summonings (that the shows tell us are rare but they're there all the time) -Mediator is the type of card that's either OP or useless depending on how many times you can get grail contract into your hand again. it probobly enables some deranged loop which is always insufferable (and no comment shall be made on the fact that it holds Kotomine's artwork) - overseer is good, giving your servants some protection, though Im not sure they need it, although you may want to extend the protection to itself an boost some ATK or it's getting removed rather easily. -Patriarch: the life point gain is useless, if you want to make some life gaining symbolism make it draw a card instead, though that might be too broken so Im not sure. Finally I would make it have some effect on the opponent to kill it (weakening monsters or destroying spells or poping a monster) so it costs something to remove it and also add some ref to the worm near sakura's heart. additionally maybe have him have some synergy with the blood wrms (they are the same after all) -HGM might be a bit broken allowing for instant and near permanent butterfly shadow (the only way to get rid of it is to banish it correct?) with only a monster on board Im not sure how to fix it, on its own it's okay but BS's brokenness bleeds into this card. Although I like how it gives an advantage itf you don't immediatly sacrifice it for BF granting some versatility. Grail spells - Contract is basic and while the recovery is good rituals are an inherent minus so maybe grant some advantage for using the card and going the correct route (Additional NPs, protection, draws, could be anything...) -Chalice seems pretty underwhelming, get recovery for playing the set sure but for the lesser grail it seems pretty... I dunno bland? -recovery be recovery and recovery be cool nuff said. -memeory works with chalice and gets more recovery (really sensing a theme here...) though I don't know why servants would be banished, YET! (also EMIYA's has no memory you filfy casuol) -CGG is a good field spell with only one caveat, I would give it protection (innate or outside) seeing that destruction effect kinda like the dark magicians "eternal soul", as annoying as that thing is. maybe give an NP for each servant to the card instead of distributing them but that's jusst a possibility. -Calamity is a great nuke with nice refs but maybe destroy the hand too? might be overkill Two more batches done! Also shrou is only able to project NPs cause he spent years, decades as archer, perfecting what everyone else sees as a shhitty magecraft he's the only one so skilled with it it's why he beats GIL no one else would study projection and no one else would get shirou's results cause they wouldn't have origin plus element plus future self plus death at any moment plus large quantities of NPs
  2. well this is impressive and you are correct in your assumption that I ain't doing them all at once. though i'll say a few things before I start - I'm doing the first three chunks without having read any of the servant chunks so I apologize if I miss anything there. -I'm deep enough into the nasuverse to know i'll never reach the bottom of the nasuverse so there may be mistakes in the lore. now that's out of the way, lets get started Magus cards -freelance enforcer is shitty, the ATK is too low to reliably defeat things and the counter generation is either too low or too slow, in essence it's useless in the set though considering the amount of cards there are going to have to be cards like that. Personally I'd boost her stats to 1900 or more and made her put two NPs anywhere on the field (as it's my understanding that servants use NPs from their own cards) this would make her able to use her effect on somethings and allow for versatility in counter placement. - puppetry magus is a good card with a nice sp condition and a built in search for any of 4 cards (more on that later) it allows for ritual fodder through the tokens (I'm pretty sure you can use tokens for rituals), though the OPT may be a bit much? this depends on whether you want to allow insane loops with the set. All in All a solid card and an instant 10 or lower servant -necromancy magus could be a staple of the deck as it both banishes (and i have vague memories of later support cards needing banished servants) and generates counters wherever on the field the other two effects are also good; however the OPT cripples the card, though I agree that not putting a limit would be broken, maybe make it twice or thrice per turn as 3 seems to be a normal cost for NPs? gotta say though I like the idea that general magi have nothing to do with the grail war or servants it sticks with the lore well. Searcher cards -they're all E-calls for their part of the archetype, don't mess with a working formula. although maybe add one for mystic eyes (who are only related to one magus card) or make one with a cost with a larger area if effect (like anything that has NP counters?). And I would like to point out that projecting a NP is impossible if your name isn't shirou emiya, so there. Mystic eyes -enchantment, good base and follows the canon effect but maybe negate the monster too? -distortion is just set specific negation and those are allays good (although is the exclusion of spells deliberate or not?) -reversion might just be a little too good as the only life point that matters is your last one and putting something to the bottom of the deck is an even more surefire way of removing it than banishment (unless you're playing against exodia or madolches) -Binding is little underwhelming for me, I would either increase the NP gain from the use or, more in line with canon use, neagte the effect of the monster it's used on.
  3. I gotta say I agree with you on the whole self-search issue. it's a symbol of things going too far in power-creep. that said this card was originally an "achievement unlocked" card for me, a way to say "yeah i made infinity in shiranui wat u gonna do about it?". And in creating this card my memories from years an undetermined amount of time trying to summon infinity in that deck may have resurfaced. I removed the protection from the card and changed the search from a self search to a self search (it now searches more of itself).
  4. When playing infinity in ancient gears is too mainstream for you: If this card is in your graveyard and you have two level five monsters on the field you can add a copy of it to your hand to your hand. Turn all level five monsters on the field into LIGHT machine-type monsters, you can only summon machine-type monsters this turn.
  5. As an alien player i hate the field spell so here's a good one During your Standby Phase: Place 1 A-Counter on every face-up monster. You can remove A-Counters from anywhere on the field to activate 1 of these effects. • 2: Target 1 monster you control; that monster cannot be removed from the field until the End Phase (quick effect). • 4: Special Summon 1 "Alien" monster from your hand or GY. • 6: Add 1 "Alien" monster or 1 card that includes "A-Counter" in its text from your Deck to your hand. • 8: Banish 1 card on the field. You can only use each effect of Alien world once per turn. Edit: corrected the errors and changed the 6 counter effect to be a more reliable searcher. Changed the 2 counter effect, it really was too op especially with the alien boss monster capable of shutting down all attacks forever. now it's changed to the target being unable to be moved which allows things like fiendish and prevents special summoning using the monster, the quick effect part is really up for debate personally i thought that protection only on your turn might be a little useless. Added a OPT clause.
  6. Okay, time for the last roast, get it cause it's a burn deck. Industria: great summoning tool, helps you get the bigger arch-lords on the field and the big effect ones as well, normally I'd call the standby phase summoning slow but with the ATK change it makes it acceptable. And because I need to be a dick I'll point out the two problems I have with this card, firstly, can you use it if you have nothing on board? It may just be me but I feel that the wording only allows you to trigger it as a change, as in you need the required tributes already on the board. secondly I feel that it's a bit strange for a monster card, it's effects seem like more of a spell card, you don't want to summon this thing to the field and I feel that for a monster that's a problem. (Maxx C? I have no idea what you're talking about.) you could remedy this by allowing it to tribute archlords in the hand instead of on the field when it is on the field. Iofiel: Good cost and not too wordy, also I just realized this now but maybe you would want to make one effect for it's tribute and one for it's battle (maybe one brings spells and the other traps?).but that's just me. Patien Shya: burn, attack manipulation, recovery and special summoning all into one card without it being broken, that's a pretty amazing feat if it was just me I would switch the ATK and DEF changes to combo better with it's second effect as it requires you to have not tributed or sacrificed this monster before the battle phase and summoned an extra deck monster. And this change would prevent it from being used as a monster to summon and then go into a huge beatstick. though it would also limit it's usefulness against links so both choices work I suppose, that said how would the second effect work for links? 2300 burn damage? Vach: the new first effect is great gets it on the field, then the second effect gets it removed and it float, an all around great card. though I imagine the summoning restriction only works during your opponent's turn and not yours as well though even in that scenario I suppose this deck norml summons from the hand so it's okay. Humility: Oh so that's how that effect works! thanks for the clarification apart from that no problems with this except the reveal, it's going on the field or in the graveyard the opponent is going to see it anyway. Archlord Quetzalcoal: I don't think you changed this so my previous points stand (easier banishing (most of your archlords get banished so you can only summon iofiel and industria), and faster revival) awilix: yea no this is great, summons itself without using that many ressources, does it faster if your losing, plus one, burn and amazing removal don't touch a hair on her head. shrine no changes that I can see so I won't chanfe anything. light of the lords: really good search card and sets up counters with the many monster quick effects you have only slight problem with this is that it only searches monsters and not even all of them (vach for example doesn't meet the requirments) I would either extend it to all cards with "the sanctuary in the sky" as text or all archlord monsters. otherwise a great addition that helps boost consistency Convergence in the Sky: you know I was going to talk about this. firstly, if it's the center of the deck (which it seems to be cause fusion deck and all) make it searchable (right now you got shrine and that's it) Ad for the love of god remove that stupid ATK point requirement, do I have to bend over backwards that much to summon anything? ot even the worst of ritual spell have that kind of addition (this is pretty close that so I feel that the comparison is warranted) I already have two monsters including one on the field, with highly specific levels to use this thing don't force me to run watapon just to do anything! also any other suggestions I have made apply. Divine Judgment: the text is wierd, which are the effects activated by this card and which are the effects that must be activated to use this card? also why is it a trap, it activates of of your spell and traps so just make it a normal spell card, you know you're allowed to have those right? omen: no changes so same comment as last time Marie: Alright see, you would need to run a level one fairy in the grave and iofiel to summon this! That said if you do manage to get it out on the field it controls the board or burns the opponent (not sure which is better in this archetype) and then you have some recovery and it combos with itself (summon marie, burn, die, summon another one, control, summon back first marie, control, and set up for the next turn) the hard once per turn clause also prevents any obnoxious loops so that's a plus. only problem with it is that I feel it should either only tribute itself or only another monster but not both cause in that case you're barely breaking even. wingweaver: you removed the tokens, but replaced them with something better so i'm not complaining and the new effect really lends itself to the protecting the innocent theme also the finam effect finally has a use and helps set up your 'marie's. the floating is nice and the fact that it activates only on effects is a nice plus so your opponent is rewarded if he can brute strength the problem. only little problem is that most removals nowadays bounce or return to the deck or banish so it may not be that usefull uriel: either I have a shit memory or you changed the token name for some reason otherwise I don't see any changes sso old remarks apply Dawnbringer: DAMN! (get it?) That is one nasty boss monster, so lets unpack: search of industria, iofiel petien or vach (and maybe some of the original two), HUGE ATK boost making watapon a viable beatstick. No targeting, no FUCKING TURTLES to ruin your day. and ap retty subpar quick effect, yeah this might have been better if it was something else like: -a summoning tool - a more efficient burn effect (maybe using those banished monsters) -a recovery option (with at the minimum 6 monsters banished you need some royal fireguards level shit) -a destruction option - a negate effect the quick effect is kinda subpar when compared to the rest of the card and the cost is asinine: I am not going -2 for some burn damage that is probably under 1000 at this point aor some mediocre heal. Conclusion all in all a great archetype, maybe not perfect (looking at you convergence and judgement) but a nice burn deck that I really like with a great twist on an old archetype though I wonder if anyone would play zefra in this archetype. See you next time agloup
  7. Oh, it's a burn deck, dealing tons of damage in exchange for no battle phase, okay. New iofel: I don't remember what the effect of old iofel was so I'll have to examine this card as a standalone. Summoning condition is great, and guarantees easy plays and I see what you were doing with the ATK manipulation effects though I question their usefulness if you aren't supposed to have a battle phase. only minor problem is the ATK cost on the second effect, it takes 2 turns to make up for it and most duels are very fast waiting that long is impossible, maybe make it lose 1000 ATK or even 1500 ATK. Vach: It's a bit weird, All the effects are powerful and extremely useful but they don't fit together: one of them banishes the card, another one makes you gain field presence and the third is only useful if it's sent to the graveyard. While the last two fit together in a way, forcing the opponent to remove it but sending a last "fuck you" if he does however the first effect actively works against the other two and makes it seem like two cards crammed into one. I can understand why you don't make a discard effect, (same effect but on discarding the card from your hand instead of banishing it) but maybe just shuffle it back into the deck? Or maybe simply remove your battle phase? It goes in line with the deck a bit more and doesn't make you forced to choose which card you want. Of course most of this is rendered moot if fairies have a very useful way to get back banished monsters. New humility Again, why with the reveal it going to be summoned anyway? My praise on the summoning was meant to be just that, unless I missed something last time I'm pretty sure you added the whole "if you control no monsters" which makes the card much less usefull as you generally want something of a full board. Again, little language error, you can't negate an effect that has already been resolved, change it to "is activated". other than that great card. Quetzalcoatl: Okay ,seems great, only two small problems. Number one is the banishing effect, most archlords you would want to summon seem to have levels around 8 or 9 so you would need that many fairies in the grave a deck generally runs about 20 monsters, so for this card to reach adequate power you would need half of your monsters in the grave, maybe change it a different requirement as I understand the need to prevent the arrival of huge monsters immediately. Connected to that is the revival effect, I find it a bit slow, the opponent will kill your Quetzalcoatl during his turn rendering it useless, I would just summon it immediately but if you really want there to be a waiting room for the revival put the revival during the end phase of your turn, so you still can't do anything with him but you are certain to actually get the damn thing. The second problem is the burn damage, it seems awkward at 1400 damage like this generally tends to be in multiples of 500 so this might leave the opponent with 100 LP remaining which is not something you want, although if I understand you want this to combo with awilix to deal 2000 (1400 + 2x300) damage but just add the extra 100 as it makes no difference. Awilix: just change the burn damage to 500 per fairy and it's good, but not broken seeing as it requires you to control fairies to do anything useful. The shrine in the sky, new: Still suggesting a level cap but it's your choice. Also maybe make the secondary effect twice per turn as fairies get tributed and discarded all the time. also let monsters get baished or add another effect i'll talk about in my conlusion. Convergence: I'm not letting this one go. now that I've had time ti think about it I see that it's a fusion ritual quick-play, which is an amazing concept. However it's still a ritual and a fusion card both of those summoning mechanics are inherently -2 so you don't need to nerf the card, if anything you should boost it. it comes out of the gates with a huge disadvantage and you're just piling on restrictions. I have 2 changes to propose; firstly remove the ATK requirement, it serves no purpose and only makes the card more complicated you're always using iofiel with this card so this just forces that to be in the grav. secondly remove the restriction on either the monsters or the spell that makes them nessesary to each other, te monsters are only useful in an archlord deck where you would summon them with this and the card's summoning pool is so small that it does'nt really matter, as of now it can summon level 12, 11, 8, 7 fusion monsters and nothing else at the cost of banishing two monsters. Fix those two things and it's a great card. Omen: I got nuttin, two effects, clearly defined, combos with itself, floats with some non targeting destruction, no it's a great card. change nothing. altough since I got to be a critic maybe turn the first effect into a continuous spell card since it doesn't really feel like a trap. Wingweaver: change the second effect and we're good, maybe some burn damage, deal 2000 LP instead of gaining that amount. Uriel: great card, all three effects are good and work well in the deck BUT the last one seems kind of wierd, just change it to two effects one on 5 monsters in your grave and the other when you have 6+. Conclusion: great continuation from the beginning and I hope that it keeps going this way. now that I have a clearer idea of the type of archetype you want here's some advice. -add some more low level monsters, right now ioifiel is the only level 4 or lower monster in the archetype (apart from warrior of zefra but we don't count him) -add a spell tat does things when a monster is normal summoned you have to do it anyway due to the draw card so why not make it a strength? -add some more burn cards, right now you only have Uriel awilix and Quetzalcoatl make sure the opponent is always on his last points of life. -make the ATK reduction more integral to the archetype like add some variant of "all non fairy type monsters lose 500 ATK" to most of your cards and add cards that do things when a monster reaches 0 ATK. Keep going this way.
  8. Iofel: Seems like a nice effect but I would try to find another cost/bonus than ATK points as manipulation of those is near useless in modern yugioh, especially for a main deck monster. Maybe discarding/Adding to your hand a fairy ? The deck seems to benefit from that. Finally, watch out for TCG translations, there might be completely unrelated spell cards that have "the sky" in their names, you might want to add "except ..." to those effects, but I'm not sure. Humility: Great summoning ability, this thing will always hit the field, but do you really need to reveal it if you summon it, I'm not sure it matters at that point. I'm not sure about why the tokens are here, I imagine superbia has a similar effect but yugioh has changed a lot since the time that was released, you might want to do something different, although i suppose your archetype does benefit from tributing fairy monsters so this would help, Also, maybe turn it into a floating effect, something like: "when this card is banished or sent to the graveyard...". final little problem with the card is a small language error: if an effect is "resolved" it's already happened, you should probably change it to "activated". Awilix: I'm not to sure about this one: I can't understand it's summoning ability, it seems to have two? but for the rest of the effect I can tell you that unless in a deck made specifically for this type of thing it's virtually useless, maybe change it to some protection for your monsters to go with the theme of angels? I think something like the ability to take damage to prevennt an effect seems nice, goes with the theme of "turn the other cheek" The Shrine in the Sky: Great card only two minor complaints: -maybe put a cap on the level of the monsters you can summon as most archlords have high levels and you can just pop them out with this card -to counterbalance, maybe give it the ability to banish all cards on the field, not just set ones, don't leave monsters out of the fun! Convergence in the Sky: WHAT!? It seems to be some sort of polymeriazatiion, with a very strict level requirement, in a deck where most monsters are level 8-10? with some sort of Atk point condition to make things more complex? is it a ritual card? cause it seems like one but it's a fusion? it's a quick play though so that's cool. Okay, first of all, polymerizatioon is a bad card, don't try to make it worse, there's a reason every archetype focused on fusion either has their own card or doesn't need one at all. second, streamline the conditions, make something clear and precise, not this mess, if I understand correctly you would need to send humility and have iofel to the graveyard to summon the extra deck monster? it's to specific, as a said streamline the condition, i'd give you advice on how but I have no idea what you were trying to do. Finally the protection is a nice plus but maybe do something like: "negate two of your opponent's cards until your next standby phase" similar result doesn't shoot you in the foot by negating one of your cards and is more versatile. Archlord Wingweaver: OH, okay, your supposed to use two iofels to summon this, which explains the ATK effects on both iofel and convergence you should still remove both of them. for the card itself, I like the idea of the tokens powering it up and making opposing monsters run into it and lose the fight cause of a last minute power-up, gives a nice, protecting the innocents idea to the card. my only problem is that the 2000 LP effect is useless, no one would ever choose that over the other one, remember, the only life point that matters is your last one, everything else is useless. Finally I think that you should use special summon instead of normal summon as the latter just seems weird, it might just be me but I think that in this case it would be special summon. All in all, a great start and I hope to see more of these next week. I apologize if I seemed a bit to harsh but I really like where this is going and I wanted to do it justice.
  9. This archetype has been on my mind since I first played zombies so I decided to finally give it into form. The idea is that the graveyard is more of a hand than your actual hand and that you prefer things being in there than anything else. The extra deck monsters are made so that the synchros are more magical, the xyz are more battle oriented and the fusions are beat-sticks. And now with the added feature of the cards actually saying the same thing as the text underneath.
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