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(o ×)


Status Updates posted by (o ×)

  1. Vote now people!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      There better be votes when I wake up in the morning, sohelpme

    3. Blake


      I refuse.

      i know who made what

    4. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      That is a fair reason not to vote.

  2.  now taking particularly interesting questions about philosophy, interests, mtg, idk man just give me something to answer before work or on my break.

  3. Vote, even if you are ignorant to what any of it means.

  4.  C'mon fuckers.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Please, give me an opportunity to express my opinions so I can feel like they matter.

  5.  Please reply

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I will never get over the bug that makes it look like you posted other peoples' links. I can't believe (was bribed into shilling for CowCow's video game tournament)unknown.png

    2. (o ×)
  6. If any of you secretly play mtg now would be a good time to appear and help me out.

    1. Hina's Simp
    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Shut the fuck up dae this is 100% your kind of deck.


    1. Kazooie



      i do enough of that to myself already

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I'll be nice

  8. i would love to see replies to this. It might be intimidating with the long list of formats, but I don't care however little or much anyone has to say.

  9.  Hey suckers check it out

  10.  I actually already made a status for this, but... Doing it again. RP based on MHA, taking place at the school in an AU based on an RP from the old forum. It's okay if you never read the old one, since this is absolutely its own story. Anyone interested in MHA or just slice of life in general is welcome to check it out.

  11.  commander players, behold my enormous brain

  12. https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/forum/33-miscellaneous/

     I have been really enjoying this thread, would love to see more people in it

  13. Advanced RP has over 3000 posts in it, in barely a year. I was only responsible for about 3 of them, but I want to make it clear how immensely proud of the section I am.

    And no, I'm not back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thar


      why u teasin, bro

      but seriously, I'm happy for you for actually having a life, unlike us normies

    3. Sophia


      Bye Joseph.

    4. yui


      fine, don't be back ?

  14. Hey @Tormented wanna snag neocqrdmaker.com real quick because I keep typing it wrong


    1. Ash


      if u pay me the $13 a year cost yeah

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Fucking communist

  15. http://cardmaker.net

    I linked to here on ycm so I figured I'd do the reverse so that everything is fair and even.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yui


      i'll do it if torm doesn't. been wanting an excuse to make something as it so happens.

    3. (o ×)
    4. yui


      let's fucken go

  16. Ice BAD

    Fire GOOD

  17. IT'S JULY 19TH


    1. Blake


      hopefully it means a nintendo direct announcement

  18. Years ago, I made a status on another forum that many of you know of, giving real-time reactions as I watched Justice League.

    Thanks for the free content so I can make 2-3 people laugh tonight, mister Zack "in my movie I'd have batman get raped" Snyder. Here we fucking go.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. LordCowCow


      "super joseph man" is an odd choice but okay

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      It's a foreign name.

    4. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      An hour fifteen in now, so far... Honestly it's better that the original cut, merely because there is more explanation for everything going on. Scene with the flash was great, but that's kinda to be expected. Still annoyed by the forced """sexual tension""" between batman and wonder woman, it doesn't fucking work.

  19. Come one, come all, so I have enough people that I have an excuse to reject Yui after all his hard work.

  20. [glow=#34ebd2]Test.[/glow]

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ash


      Your description was fucking awful - I was under the impression you wanted everyone to have glowy names, NOT everyone to have the capacity of creating glow text in a post.

      SMH, also remember villain arc - this is all part of my scheme to make incredible piles of cash,

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      You punk ass bitch

    4. Ash


      Only donators can use glow text in posts 🙂🙂

  21. @cr47t what on earth is "the ghettoization of cartoons"

    1. cr47t


      didnt get to see this in a timely manner, so i put it in the thread as a reply to the reply. sry. what i meant by "ghettoization" was a specific type of stigma that puts the whole thing in a box. maybe pigeonhole would be better word?

  22. @Thar got picked up by the YouTube algorithm and dropped into my recommended feed, what the fuck

  23. https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/forum/33-miscellaneous/ I have been really enjoying this thread, would love to see more people in it

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