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Status Updates posted by Kazooie

  1. cow is going around, editing RP posts to add image links to them, this level of power abuse cannot stand. it's rp now, but who knows what's next?


    1. LordCowCow



      let me into the system so i can use ms paint to add images to things

      do it

    2. UltimateIRS
    3. Ash


      You have the same access to the ACP as I do lmao

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  2. Rinea is now my +10 project in Heroes. I cannot wait for her to get added to the grail shop.

    1. Ash


      I have a +1 Festival Miciah :)))

    2. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      Was going to ask why reserve the resources until a non-alt Rinea is introduced, but right, this alt is a Grail unit so it ought to be easier to +10.

      Also I don't have any +10 unit yet, either xD
      Although I have feathers stockpiled so I should be able to get a Rank3~4 unit into +10 right away if I spend on it. Beruka is my unit to +10.

    3. Blake


      Ftr @A Crap Guide to CC, this isn’t an alt Rinea. This is actually regular Rinea being released now, oddly enough.

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  3. So Wargroove. Pretty fucking good so far! It's not perfect, but you can see the influence from both Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, and it's got so much personality. Overall I'm very pleased with it so far.

    1. Thar


      It's pretty great. Also loving the OST.

  4. I am so fucking excited for Wargroove.

    1. Thar


      >looks it up


    2. mido9


      dammit, I opened the site hoping to make a status about this + 2 others and you beat me to it by 20 minutes.


      Have fun, and also buy it.

    3. Thar


      Developed by Chucklefish, no less. They never seem to disappoint.

  5. ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GOT PLANT ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

    also greninja got nerfed lul

    1. reparoni


      better nerf greninja

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      can't they just leave my boy alone

    3. yui


      Imagine not being able to choose between photosyntheis and eating meat.

      This post was brought to you by the Plant gang.

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  6. I'm exhausted and energetic at the same time, this is my least favorite combination of feelings.

    1. Kazooie


      this is the power of the monado

    2. Spinny


      Agree, having the energy to do things but no will to do them is rough

    3. Thar



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