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Summer Damian


Everything posted by Summer Damian

  1. I have one question. How much of your SOUL Stack do you need to lose for you Champion to leave the field?
  2. Oh, that's cool! In my opinion, watching the anime and reading the manga are basically the same except for the filler. I'm gonna be honest, though, I'm enjoying the filler arcs so far. It's interesting to learn more about this fantastical recreation of feudal Japan, and the arcs aren't really that bad. So far, anyway. I'm only up to the big race in the Land of Tea. Anyway, who would you have said was your favorite character by the time you got to where I am? (No spoilers for me!)
  3. Who's the girl in your signature, what anime/game is she from, and would you recommend it?
  4. Returning user getting his profile messed with by mods before he has a chance to write it? Sign me up! Edit: Stopping back here to say nothing explicitly or implicitly sexual/romantic.
  5. Frosmoth kinda looks like an Eeveelution. If only...
  6. That is... the best post ever. I like how you wrote from the perspective of someone who doesn't care about the things that the world emphasizes about battles. It reminds me of gamers who, say, play Pokémon to win the Pokémon contests. The irony of the protagonist not getting the Pokémon he thought he deserved, but rather the starter that everyone liked, really helped enhance this contrast between Tommy and the rest of the Pokémon world.
  7. Mori, mori, mori, mori... Hello, YCM! I'm Damian Thorne. I'm actually a returning user from Ye Olden Days of YCM being active under a different name. I'd rather not say who I was, but I can give my old handle if asked. Some things about me: – My current favorite things to watch are JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, and EmpLemon's YouTube analyses. – I like writing and would like to write some high-quality fanfiction. I've been told I have talent, but also that my stuff needs work. – I'm a nobody with delusions of grandeur. – WHADDAYA MEAN, THE OLD CARD MAKER CAN'T SAVE SETS ANYMORE?! WAS ALL MY HARD WORK JUST- Anyway, I hope that explains me well enough for you.
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