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1 minute ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

That's cool but could you also tell me what specs you have also what are you going to do when Windows 10 support ends I wouldn't recommend upgrading hrr I mean downgrading to Shitdows 11 mostly because of the negativity that surrounds that garbage operating system they even tried to put ads in the File Explorer now its even worse with Al they might use it to control your computer they can already see what you have stored locally on the computer and can see everything that your doing on the screen which is evil aren't you just so tired of Microsoft's bullshit?

Now in October 14th, of 2025 which is the last Patch Tuesday Update which you can learn more about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_Tuesday which means no more security updates which are important for nasty vulnerabilities or Zero-Days in the software but you have 2 options which I'II list now:

  • Windows 10 LTSC which gets updates till January 2032 (which would be your best bet) here is the official link from Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/download-windows-10-enterprise this version of Windows 10 no bloatware or ads on this version which is way better than shitty regular standard version of Windows 10 Home/Professional.
  • Linux is the other option if you don't want to have to deal wish Microsoft's bullshit in the future I will leave a YouTube video down below the and you can watch that video when you have the time but I will say this  Steam, Discord, and Spotify all work flawlessly on Linux if you have any questions you would like to ask me I will answer them.


PC specs aren't great, I got it probably nearing 11 years ago for like £400 prebuilt. 8 gigs of RAM, 2 2TB Hard Drive, and an Intel Core i5 Processor 4440. 

Never used Windows 11, barely hear anything about it, and my current thought are to just wait and see if it actually means anything to me. Like there was this fuss when Windows 8 came out and I made fun of Windows 8 at the time, but it was fine. Barely even memorable for me. I know it was starkly different to 7 in terms of the UI and somewhat different from 10, but for the life of me I could not tell you a thing about it. PC operating systems for me, just need to work with as few hope as possible.

Regarding Linux, sure Steam, Discord, and Spotify would all work on it, but I currently only really use Steam for MtG Arena and more recently Hololive fangames, the last Discord message I've sent was probably a year or two ago, and Spotify certainly exists on my PC, but I basically never use it. I use Windows because most programmes I would use are made for Windows, and sure there are probably work arounds for Linux, but I am a fundamentally lazy person so why go through the extra effort.

If they can see what is on my screen, good for them. Clearly they have nothing better to do than look at what generic Windows user 37,302,348 is doing. Oh look they watch anime clips on YouTube, oh now they've opened 2 instances of a Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator and playing against themselves with somewhat accurate anime decks before closing after two games. I do nothing on my PC that Microsoft would care for at all, so good for them.

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10 hours ago, Azure said:

PC specs aren't great, I got it probably nearing 11 years ago for like £400 prebuilt. 8 gigs of RAM, 2 2TB Hard Drive, and an Intel Core i5 Processor 4440. 

Never used Windows 11, barely hear anything about it, and my current thought are to just wait and see if it actually means anything to me. Like there was this fuss when Windows 8 came out and I made fun of Windows 8 at the time, but it was fine. Barely even memorable for me. I know it was starkly different to 7 in terms of the UI and somewhat different from 10, but for the life of me I could not tell you a thing about it. PC operating systems for me, just need to work with as few hope as possible.

Regarding Linux, sure Steam, Discord, and Spotify would all work on it, but I currently only really use Steam for MtG Arena and more recently Hololive fangames, the last Discord message I've sent was probably a year or two ago, and Spotify certainly exists on my PC, but I basically never use it. I use Windows because most programmes I would use are made for Windows, and sure there are probably work arounds for Linux, but I am a fundamentally lazy person so why go through the extra effort.

If they can see what is on my screen, good for them. Clearly they have nothing better to do than look at what generic Windows user 37,302,348 is doing. Oh look they watch anime clips on YouTube, oh now they've opened 2 instances of a Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator and playing against themselves with somewhat accurate anime decks before closing after two games. I do nothing on my PC that Microsoft would care for at all, so good for them.

Hmmm Interesting specs.

Well I used Windows 11 for over 5 months I got sick of it cause I hated using that OS it was the worst I've used Windows 8.1 occasionally and I think even that's better but I still do miss Windows 7 and prefer it over Windows 10 I miss Aero Glass well most Windows Games 90% of them work on Linux thanks to Valve's Proton which you can read more about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton_(software) havve you ever heard of the Steam Deck https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck its a great device best of all it runs Linux they are the biggest company pushing Linux to gamers world wide. I'm pretty sure that MtG Arena and Hololive fangames will run on Linux with no issues thanks to Proton and for games outside of Steam there's Wine https://www.winehq.org/ and Lutris https://lutris.net/ those are hassle free for lazy people they can be found on the app stores that come with your chosen Linux Distro. Windows is getting worse do you excuses it Windows 15 years ago was so much better this back in a time where I didn't even know what a Linux was I was too young at the time to know what that was.

What Windows Programs do you use that aren't games? Do you use Adobe Products or Microsoft Office or other professional software? All browsers, Web Apps like Discord and Spotify will work with no problems I do want to know what you use that makes the switch so impossible lol.

Have you ever tried Linux before if so what distros? You should try Pop!_OS https://pop.system76.com/ try it in a Virtual Machine first and install wine and run some of your programs to see what works and what doesn't I know your computer is too old to support Windows 11 says Microsoft lol.

NO This is where I'm going to say your wrong! Privacy is a human right and should never be violated you may not care but its the people like you and your kind of mind set where is what leds us into certain consequences of those actions this is not a personal attack I would like you to watch the video down below and watch it don't skim though it as it has important details that you will see why I pointed out Microsoft being able to look into your pc with copilot in Windows 11 is a bad thing I want to ask you this:

  • Would you happily give up your rights and freedom to the government if they said you have to?
  • Would you leave the door to your home unlocked?
  • Would you share your passwords, browser history, sin, bank cards, etc?
  • Would you your darkest secrets or any secrets for that matter?

Oh before you come up with that I have nothing to hide bullshit which that is a myth of course you have something to hide it I'm not taking about criminal stuff I'm just taking about general stuff you don't want anyone knowing about you something that you may not share with your family but I really do need you to watch the video to get a better picture of what I'm talking about most people after they watch this video they normally get a better understanding of what I'm talking about and become less naive of why I have a certain mind set.

Just ignore the word Linux in the title just watch the video this will give you a better understanding why privacy matters this is the video I always refer them to first otherwise it's the other video you see down below please watch one of these 2 videos the first is my favorite.


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Hmmm Interesting specs.

Well I used Windows 11 for over 5 months I got sick of it cause I hated using that OS it was the worst I've used Windows 8.1 occasionally and I think even that's better but I still do miss Windows 7 and prefer it over Windows 10 I miss Aero Glass well most Windows Games 90% of them work on Linux thanks to Valve's Proton which you can read more about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton_(software) havve you ever heard of the Steam Deck https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck its a great device best of all it runs Linux they are the biggest company pushing Linux to gamers world wide. I'm pretty sure that MtG Arena and Hololive fangames will run on Linux with no issues thanks to Proton and for games outside of Steam there's Wine https://www.winehq.org/ and Lutris https://lutris.net/ those are hassle free for lazy people they can be found on the app stores that come with your chosen Linux Distro. Windows is getting worse do you excuses it Windows 15 years ago was so much better this back in a time where I didn't even know what a Linux was I was too young at the time to know what that was.

What Windows Programs do you use that aren't games? Do you use Adobe Products or Microsoft Office or other professional software? All browsers, Web Apps like Discord and Spotify will work with no problems I do want to know what you use that makes the switch so impossible lol.

Have you ever tried Linux before if so what distros? You should try Pop!_OS https://pop.system76.com/ try it in a Virtual Machine first and install wine and run some of your programs to see what works and what doesn't I know your computer is too old to support Windows 11 says Microsoft lol.

Yes, I've heard of the Steam Deck. I'm never going to buy one.

Yes I have used Linux before, years ago, Didn't really care that much about it. It existed. Sure, if I actually went through with the switch to Linux would I be able to get stuff to work, probably I can pick things up fairly well if I care to. But I'm not going to because:

  1. I'm lazy. I'm not going to go through the effort of getting a Virtual Machine to run Linux, then go and install the stuff to see if it works, then go replace my operating system, then reinstall everything and make sure it works again. I know it works on Windows and thus less effort. Plus most games I play are on usually on console (primarily Switch, occasionally Xbox 360), so Windows is fine.
  2. I don't care about operating systems enough. Windows works and is what I am familiar with due to personal use, as well as from school and employment, so that is good enough.
3 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

NO This is where I'm going to say your wrong! Privacy is a human right and should never be violated you may not care but its the people like you and your kind of mind set where is what led us into certain consequences of those actions this is not a personal attack I would like you to watch the video down below and watch it don't skim though it as it has important details that you will see why I pointed out Microsoft being able to look into your pc with co-pilot in Windows 11 is a bad thing I want to ask you this:

  • Would you happily give up your rights and freedom to the government if they said you have to?
  • Would you leave the door to your home unlocked?
  • Would you share your passwords, browser history, sin, bank cards, etc?
  • Would you your darkest secrets or any secrets for that matter?

Oh before you come up with that I have nothing to hide bullshit which that is a myth of course you have something to hide it I'm not taking about criminal stuff I'm just taking about general stuff you don't want anyone knowing about you something that you may not share with your family but I really do need you to watch the video to get a better picture of what I'm talking about most people after they watch this video they normally get a better understanding of what I'm talking about and become less naive of why I have a certain mind set.

Okay, yes privacy is a human right, but I, personally, have other things more important to worry about, so it isn't at the top of my list. So, lets address your points:

  1. Regarding them taking control of my PC. Sure they could do it, but why? Microsoft gets nothing from that. There is no really benefit from remotely accessing my PC. They'd look at it and see nothing of value.
  2. Of course I wouldn't give up my rights to a government. But like I said early, I have other things to worry about. So rather than worrying about whether or not Microsoft may take control of my PC, I just don't and worry about more immediate things.
  3. Would I leave my home unlocked, no. That also isn't really the same thing. It just stops "Let's give it a go" break ins. It would be more like someone has scoped out your house for a while and has brought either lockpicking tools or just a good brick. They could get in regardless of whether or not the door is locked.
  4. No, I wouldn't share my passwords. What you do on an internet browser isn't private, the company behind it, your ISP, your local network, they can already see what you've accessed. Don't have a social security number since I'm not American, but if they can access my computer they can access any computer used by the government who would also have it. Same for my bank details, plus Microsoft already has access to the bank details they care about from whenever I brought stuff off them. Plus if they freely use those that could fairly easily open them up to a bunch of legal problems, so why bother.
  5. Microsoft does not give a damn about my personal life, so the faceless corporation is surprisingly a good secret keeper. Actual people who you can put a face to are less so.

I know you're not talking about actual criminal stuff, neither was I. There are somethings I enjoy or personal stuff in write down on my computer that I just don't want my family to see. If other people find out, sure fine. But I don't live with those people and they are much easy to ignore. Family you live with is much harder. As in the list of stuff, I do not believe Microsoft cares enough to do anything regarding that. The man power regard to remotely access and control each computer running Windows is something Microsoft just doesn't have, so I personally don't view it as a problem. Could I be proven wrong? Absolutely. I'm also not going to be watching the videos because I just don't see the point for me. Sure, call me a part of the reason why this happened but as I mentioned before I have other things to worry about. Accept that not everyone cares, and are just fine with how things currently are. Opinions can change. If I get proven wrong, then I get proven wrong. I'll accept that. So let's just agree to disagree and move on with other stuff.

Edited by Azure

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14 hours ago, Azure said:

Yes, I've heard of the Steam Deck. I'm never going to buy one.

Yes I have used Linux before, years ago, Didn't really care that much about it. It existed. Sure, if I actually went through with the switch to Linux would I be able to get stuff to work, probably I can pick things up fairly well if I care to. But I'm not going to because:

  1. I'm lazy. I'm not going to go through the ef fort of getting a Virtual Machine to run Linux, then go and install the stuff to see if it works, then go replace my operating system, then reinstall everything and make sure it works again. I know it works on Windows and thus less effort. Plus most games I play are on usually on console (primarily Switch, occasionally Xbox 360), so Windows is fine.
  2. I don't care about operating systems enough. Windows works and is what I am familiar with due to personal use, as well as from school and employment, so that is good enough.

Both of your points are bad laziness is one of the most stupid and retarded that is just some dumb fucking excuse I've ever heard the normie thing ever I'm a pretty lazy person myself but all of these things are not hard to do. All you need to do is 5 clicks and you're done that's how much effort I put into my Virtual Machines I use the easy installer of VMware and boom you're done within 5 seconds that is really fucking easy and effortless man laziness is just retarded this is not a personal attack this is me being harsh but honest.

Microsoft is planning to make Windows in the near future a Subscription based service like Microsoft Office and you bet that shit won't be cheap they will change you monthly just to use your own computer that you bought with your own personal money and you own the device not Microsoft with their bullshit way of thinking they own your stuff just because your using their OS its going to be alot like those shitty locked down mobile OSes I despise so much looking at you Apple.

You may not care, but I think this video from Asmangold says it all recently Blizzard and stupid Roku changed their BS TOS you have to agree to or else for Roku they will brick your Roku TV and you can't use it and for Blizzard they will log out of your account but you need to log into your account in order to cancel the service and get refunded but you can't you would have to agree to their new BS TOS which Asmangold disagrees and says is not right and just plain scummy behavior of companies screwing over the customer because they so retarded and uneducated and too passive because they don't care and they are fucking retarded and deserves to be screwed over by these companies since they act so retarded and don't wanna fight the company or just say NO to them that would make a little difference instead of being lazy and uncaring which is just retarded.

Its like they say "You'll own nothing and be happy!" there is an agenda by the Government, World Economic Forums, and Companies to take advantage of people like you since they know you won't fight back even if you decide to its already too late they have so much power over you and all other sheepish people that it would be impossible to fight back against when they strip you away of everything you love, say, think, do, have such has your house, food, possessions, money, rights, freedom, etc they start small than work their way up into something big but seems small because they already striped you away of other stuff so you won't care as much until you feel it but by than it's already too late its like a snowball effect.

Death by a thousand cuts don't be one of those people I find that behavior retarded you may not care but in the end it hurts everyone first those that don't want to live like the normies, than the middle group, than the normies it won't hurt they rich and elites though since they are the ones that want to restrict and hurt us the non-rich and elites and the working class the rich and elites are retarded and selfish and only think about themselves and no one else while the working class has to pick up the mess and contribute something meaningful to the country and its people while these rich and elites fucks just jerk off to their wealth, status, and power they try to avoid paying taxes while we only can dream of doing that the rich and elites don't even get thrown into a jail cell if they don't pay unlike the working class.

Watch Asmangold's video down below it gets to the point of what I'm saying:


15 hours ago, Azure said:

Okay, yes privacy is a human right, but I, personally, have other things more important to worry about

  1. Microsoft does not give a damn about my personal life, so the faceless corporation is surprisingly a good secret keeper. Actual people who you can put a face to are less so.

I know you're not talking about actual criminal stuff, neither was I. There are somethings I enjoy or personal stuff in write down on my computer that I just don't want my family to see. If other people find out, sure fine. But I don't live with those people and they are much easy to ignore. Family you live with is much harder. As in the list of stuff, I do not believe Microsoft cares enough to do anything regarding that. The man power regard to remotely access and control each computer running Windows is something Microsoft just doesn't have, so I personally don't view it as a problem. Could I be proven wrong? Absolutely. I'm also not going to be watching the videos because I just don't see the point for me. Sure, call me a part of the reason why this happened but as I mentioned before I have other things to worry about. Accept that not everyone cares, and are just fine with how things currently are. Opinions can change. If I get proven wrong, then I get proven wrong. I'll accept that. So let's just agree to disagree and move on with other stuff.

Oh really you say good secret keepers? Nope I think not Microsoft the people in charge sell your data to make alot of money off you they just got sued by the EU because they broke the GDPR it was revealed that they sold your personal data to 723 hundred 3rd party companies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Corp._v._Commission and just look at this https://www.security.org/resources/data-tech-companies-have/ good secret keepers you say I don't believe you I always have this kind of information on hand. Just look at Scotland becoming authoritarian just a look at how much of a mess Canada and the United States of America how they are trying to become authoritarian trying to stripe away people's freedom of experience thoughts and speech and these contraries criticize china for their bullshit politics but yet they are doing the same here by doing censorship and locking people up for saying stuff the government doesn't like its not even violent, offensive, or criminal speech but they threw a guy in jail because he was a threat to their political views and how they wanna run the world and shit like that and are always passing bills to throw people in jail for their political views and what they do online and I mean posting a meme that the government doesn't like and they throw your ass behind bars and the stuff I talked about ain't even considered criminal stuff I'm talking about general stuff the government didn't give a shit about but now and especially during election years if you cause a certain political party to lose because of a meme, shit post, You taking shit about their party you could be thrown in jail for that or you make a post that hurts someone's feelings that is so fucking absurd.



Here watch this video please yes I went on a rant I still think you should put little more effort into caring this decides if we get a dystopian future or not look the world is already not in a good place right now I just need people to put just a little bit and that can be a huge difference in life.


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32 minutes ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Both of your points are bad laziness is one of the most stupid and retarded that is just some dumb fucking excuse I've ever heard the normie thing ever I'm a pretty lazy person myself but all of these things are not hard to do


Never do this again. This is the one verbal warning I will give you for this. Flaming is not acceptable here and neither is that kind of language. Next time it'll be warning points.

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Posted (edited)

if i minimize everything my double-screen setup looks like this. it almost looks like a before & after of if i added all the shortcuts lmao


Edited by yui

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1 hour ago, LordCowCow said:

Never do this again. This is the one verbal warning I will give you for this. Flaming is not acceptable here and neither is that kind of language. Next time it'll be warning points.

I'm sorry I just lost my cool.

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On 3/30/2024 at 1:03 AM, yui said:

if i minimize everything my double-screen setup looks like this. it almost looks like a before & after of if i added all the shortcuts lmao


Looks amazing.

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31 minutes ago, radio414 said:


I really like your wallpaper its clean, I see you have Firefox and Steam too amazing pieces of software that I also like hmmm Windows 11 the usual but yeah good job mate I see your part of the Firefox Gang I use Firefox as a Default and as my primary browser but for some sites I use Brave for Extra Fingerprinting and Browser Partitioning Protections I even use Virtual Machines to go to sites I would never do on bare metal like to search Amazon but I don't shop there and I really go to that site I was just using it as an exmaple.

But Yeah I really like your Wallpaper and you have good tastes when it comes to browsers and programs. 

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I'm a degenerate who has been playing a bunch of LoL recently so I have rotating dynamic wallpapers of a few champs that I play lmao.

Dark Cosmic Jhin, Base Hwei and Mythmaker Irelia are the 3 on rotation currently. I like to keep my desktop clean.

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13 hours ago, Smear said:



I'm a degenerate who has been playing a bunch of LoL recently so I have rotating dynamic wallpapers of a few champs that I play lmao.

Dark Cosmic Jhin, Base Hwei and Mythmaker Irelia are the 3 on rotation currently. I like to keep my desktop clean.

Cool love how your Desktop looks why not just turn off all Desktop Icons and just pin the Recycling Bin to the File Explorer and maybe Start Menu and just turn off icons entirely on the Desktop that's what I do now a days.

Hey are you from the Original YCM that has left because of YCMaker?

One more thing I would like to say I may have made Dark Cosmic Jhin and the Cosmic Dragon guy from LoL into Yugioh cards in the past I don't remember anymore... but I may have created them as cards.

Anyways nice desktop and also I see your a sane person that loves to have the Taskbar Icons on the Left like how god intended it to be and not how this idiot who is the CEO of a company wants you to have it this idiot is named Satya Nedalla I have alot of beef with this guy and his ideas he shouldn't even be Microsoft's CEO I much prefer Steve Ballmer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satya_Nadella I'm sorry you had to hear me rant atleast once Satya Nadella and Modern Windows just pisses me off its not what it once was when I was a kid using Windows 7 also I'm part of Gen Z I prefer Desktops over Smart Phones that's because I despise Smart Phones also I left a Picture of this guy that I was talking about but yes you have a nice desktop for the most part.



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Posted (edited)

Okay looks it has been a while since someone has lasted posted here and the last time there has been active was over a month ago... Enjoy them also I changed back to my standard Nanami Madobe Wallpaper and Blue System Accent Color. 

EDIT: Oh yes one more things the first screenshot is me peaking at my Desktop by moving my cusor to the show Desktop Button on the right side of the Taskbar it was such a great feature this is another reason why I F***ing DEPEISE Windows 11 it unnecessarily took away another feature people where not asking to be removed but yet they have the audacity to put more ads in the Operating System we paid for with our hard earned money yeah real greedy Microsoft!



Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

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On 3/11/2024 at 6:30 PM, yui said:

not shown: second monitor on the left which is pretty much reserved exclusively for Firefox & Discord


i'm even sourcing the art cos it and the artist deserve attention

Hey How come the image doesn't show anymore...? Is it Link rot because is the link to the image now dead?

Anyways its been way too long that there hasn't been any kind of activity here which makes me feel very sad 😞 I slaped an Ubuntu Wallpaper this site feels like it has an wallpaper from an older version of Ubuntu...

I wish there was more activity...














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54 minutes ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Hey How come the image doesn't show anymore...? Is it Link rot because is the link to the image now dead?

discord a fuck

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2 hours ago, yui said:

discord a fuck

I think they said they where gonna start changing there policy because people where abusing there storage as an image host or something this was a while back do you have another Screenshot the current one is broken.

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Posted (edited)

Hey Guys its been a while since there was last activity here for some reason 😞

I've also decided that it was time to change out that Wallpaper Nanami Madobe and swap it for AI and Yuu Madobe I also decided to swap my accent color I also decided to add some flare~ to Firefox Dev but yeah its super sad and lonely here and if anyone wants to post here that would make me extremely happy if you guys did that its been months since we had anyone else post here 😞



























Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

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On 3/30/2024 at 1:03 AM, yui said:

if i minimize everything my double-screen setup looks like this. it almost looks like a before & after of if i added all the shortcuts lmao


Why is this image broken? The link to it has became broken it no longer works for me.

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2 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Why is this image broken? The link to it has became broken it no longer works for me.

you asked this same question a month ago and the answer remains unchanged


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14 minutes ago, yui said:

you asked this same question a month ago and the answer remains unchanged


I know but know I can no longer see the image I should have archived it why are you getting mad at me!? Maybe I should have just achieved this on the wayback Machine oh well I guess no more image.

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I'm currently using Ubuntu and logged into this site using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS










Heck Ubuntu looks even more consistent than Windows 10 and 11 unlike those two fucktard of idiots Ubuntu has full Dark Mode Support and it's not half-assed unlike Windows 10 and 11!



Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

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Yeah I spent all day getting updates and software installing on a fresh copy of Windows 7









I customized Firefox cause I really fucking hate the default UI and its even worse on WIndows 7 since it can't properly render Aero unlike older versions of Firefox which didn't have fucking proton theme that is the one that comes with current versions of Firefox.

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