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The Warden

Yugioh: The Millennium Star Tournament [INTEREST CHECK]

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Countless years ago a great meteor fell from the sky, striking the world with enough force to create a monstrous crater and boundless destruction in its wake. Then, over a thousand years ago, humans gathered around this great scar on their world, and the mysterious meteor that lay dormant in its crib. Over time these humans settled as tribes around the meteor, now referred to as "The Millennium Star". Throughout history the Millennium Star has been with us, offerring strange and mysterious elements and boundless power that, now into the distant future, humanity has thrived beyond measure.

What had been a history of mystery, evolution, war, despair, and finally, unity has given birth to the futuristic mega city Sol Corona, the shining crown that rests upon the brow of the Millennium Star. Sol Corona is so vast it is the size of a small country, with a population in the millions all living together. And thanks to the seemingly endless minerals and power harvested from the Millennium Star, many past times came to the forefront as Matter Synthesis has pushed Sol Corona into a post-scarcity society. With that, many past times have practically become their own mainstream sports, with Duel Monsters especially taking the forefront as the game makes use of both hard light technology and Matter Synthesis to truly bring the game to life.

But despite this post-scarcity system, the world turns and the city ever grows, and thus now it turns to the newer generations to keep the wheels turning. And that is where the Four Academies come on. Each one angled in a cardinal direction from the Millennium Star, they are colourfully called North Academy, East Academy, South Academy, and West Academy. There was really no need for any real naming scheme to be honest. These four prestiges academies (well, really three as East Academy is basically the equivalent of public school for the normal kids) are duty-bound to ensure the next generation is prepared to lift Sol Corona further into the heavens.

This is where the story begins as students from the other three Academies are making their way to East Academy, who is the host of this year's Millennium Star Tournament. A tournament dedicated to unity and entertainment as students duel to see which Academy will stand victorious. And with this year being the 1000th annual Millennium Star Tournament, it aims to be a doozy. So duelist, prepare to Get Your Game On!




This RP is set in the enormous futuristic city of Sol Corona, and will involve your characters as students of the Academies spending time together leading up the Millennium Star Tournament, wherein you will go head to head to see which Academy is victorious. Expect fun and friendship and hopefully a little bloodshed in this merry jaunt.


Academy Information


Each Academy is special in their own right, and in fact possess their own specialties in regards to what they teach, and what kinds of monsters they use.

.:North Academy:.
North Academy is an engineering school, and it produces most of Sol Corona's most talented and venerated engineers, inventors, mathematicians, and many other maths and engineering-based positions. Students of North Academy have a tendency towards Synchro and Link Monsters, as well as dueling using homemade Duel Runners or any other Duel Vehicles they construct as part of their training at North Academy. North Academy also holds acclaim as the second Academy constructed.
Headmaster: Grand Master Tiberius Andre (Cyber Ogre)

.:West Academy:.
West Academy specializes in the arts and entertainment, with many famous actors, singers, writers, poets, and various other vocations graduating from its hallowed halls. Students of West Academy tend to utilize Xyz and Pendulum monsters for their flash and penache. Many students there are quite involved with and very adept at Action Duels, showing off their physical and dramatic finesse. West Academy was the third of the Academies to be constructed.
Headmistress: Five Times Golden Kuriboh Award Winner Lizabeth Bouquet (née Bucket) (Gimmick Puppet)

.:South Academy:.
Venerable South Academy is the oldest of the Academies, and is a high end school for Sol Corana's elite. Students here are taught various skills mostly in English, Maths, and the Sciences, with countless electives allowing the students to chart their own course to greatness. As such this Academy tends to produce the elites of society, such as politicians and high-ranking officials. Students of South Academy are encouraged to favour "The Old Way", so their strategies typically involve Main Deck Monster strategy, as well as Ritual and Fusion. This Academy is as-stated the oldest, and in fact pre-dates North Academy by a hundred years.
Headmistress: Former President Roqueford Rogers (Dark Magician)

.:East Academy:.
Youngest of the Academies, East Academy exists to welcome all students who may not know their own path in life, or their parentage may not be elite-enough for the other Academies. Regardless all are welcome behind its nubile doors, and unlike the other Academies, students of East Academy favour any strategy they like, making them a wild card for the Millennium Star Tournament. And while East Academy is fifty years younger than West Academy, it still proves itself to be equal with the other Academies where it really counts.
Headmistress: "Old Hag" Uria Bellford (Sacred Beast)


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Getting Arc-V vibes from the different summoning mechanics for each academy. Consider me interested.

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:41 AM, Wind Rider said:

Getting Arc-V vibes from the different summoning mechanics for each academy. Consider me interested.

Your interest is noted

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16 hours ago, Wind Rider said:

How “meta” should our decks be for this? And are custom cards allowed at all?

Try to avoid being overtly meta (think more anime), and customs will be allowed

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If you do end up getting this going, I think I’ll use a Rose Dragon/Plant deck. Been using Akiza a lot recently in Duel Links and I honestly love their designs.

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Sure that'll be fine, but interest seems limp so probably won't going to happen

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On 6/25/2024 at 12:51 AM, FourEyesIsAFish said:

I know I'm not around much, but I'm also interested if this is still happening!

Yeah probably not. Guess people are a bit done with Yugioh RPs these days

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7 hours ago, The Warden said:

Yeah probably not. Guess people are a bit done with Yugioh RPs these days

Ironic given the site. Sucks man. Hope you get something started.

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