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Wind Rider


Wind Rider last won the day on April 29 2020

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About Wind Rider

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 68

  • Rank: Advanced Member

  • Post Count: 95

  • Post Ratio: 0.05

  • Total Rep: 10

  • Member Of The Days Won: 1

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2027 Days

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  1. Ironic given the site. Sucks man. Hope you get something started.
  2. If you do end up getting this going, I think I’ll use a Rose Dragon/Plant deck. Been using Akiza a lot recently in Duel Links and I honestly love their designs.
  3. How “meta” should our decks be for this? And are custom cards allowed at all?
  4. Getting Arc-V vibes from the different summoning mechanics for each academy. Consider me interested.
  5. I’m torn right now and I need your opinions. I can’t decide between Brigadramon and Darkdramon for my digimon’s mega. On one hand, I like Brigadramon’s design more despite it being essentially Wargreymon/Assault Mode. But Darkdramon is also cool and has the potential to become an ultra. What do y’all think?
  6. “A” sounds good to me too. Also, I saw a meme on your digimon literally just the other day. A shoe that turns into little red riding hood with a molotov xD. Only in digimon folks lol.
  7. Is any Rookie from across the series ok? I was thinking of going with Commandramon.
  8. I honestly never played Survive so I know nothing about Digimon being spiritual. Can’t hurt to learn though.
  9. Been a while since I joined an rp. I’ll give this one a shot. Quick question, are we going off of actual Duel Skills? Or can we have custom ones?
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