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nfet Neo Fire Emblem Tournament [Nominations Closed]

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That's right! Bringing this back for its first round on NCM! Starting from 1 but I WILL still keep the past winners thing going because most of the people voting here voted there too. Keeps it fresh. Figured now would be a good time to do it, before Three Houses comes out, as a bit of a celebration.



1. Each person may nominate up to 8 characters. You must include the name, and which game they are from. (If there's a remake count it as that)
1a. This number may change. Especially with the smaller turnout for Polls lately
2. You may not nominate more than 4 characters from the same game, unless you have only played one.
2a. As of now all the Fates games count as the same game.
3. In the case that the character you nominate is in two games (Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn for instance) that character will count as from the FIRST game they came from. For instance. You could nominate Ike and he would count as one character from Path of Radiance.
3a. Some cases may be different. For instance Hector appears in 6 but is mainly active in 7 so they should count as 7.
3b. Joshua, Anna, and Cynthia, and Ephraim, winners of the YCM tournaments, are not allowed to be nominated again.
4. Only one nomination is needed for a character to be in. The goal is at least 64 but wanting up to 128
5. Don't spam constantly. A little short post to cheer on a nomination is okay but overuse is a no no.
6. No flaming, debating is fine but keep it civil. Keep in mind everyone is allowed an opinion.
7. Please no alt accounts or getting people to vote for a character when they otherwise wouldn't. That's not cool and if I find out it happened the character could be disqualified.
7a. Advertising matches is okay but it's not okay to specify who you want people to vote for at the same time.
8. Matches will all be 1 v 1 and randomized. No ties will be allowed. There will be a time limit but I will try and get at least 10 votes per match.

Nominations (128/128)


Arvis (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Ayra (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Danann (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Deimne (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Lewyn (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Scipio (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Sigurd (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Silvia (Genealogy of the Holy War)

Olwen (Thracia 776)
Reinhardt (Thracia 776)

Cath (Binding Blade)
Cecilia (Binding Blade)
Clarine (Binding Blade)
Echidna (Binding Blade)
Karel (Binding Blade)
Lilina (Binding Blade)
Roy (Binding Blade)

Eliwood (Blazing Blade)
Florina (Blazing Blade)
Harken (Blazing Blade)
Hawkeye (Blazing Blade)
Hector (Blazing Blade)
Louise (Blazing Blade)
Lyn (Blazing Blade)
Nino (Blazing Blade)
Pent (Blazing Blade)
Rebecca (Blazing Blade)
Serra (Blazing Blade)

Artur (Sacred Stones)
Duessel (Sacred Stones)
Eirika (Sacred Stones)
Forde (Sacred Stones)
Franz (Sacred Stones)
Knoll (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Myrrh (Sacred Stones)
Natasha (Sacred Stones)
Saleh (Sacred Stones)
Tana (Sacred Stones)
Vanessa (Sacred Stones) 

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Greil (Path of Radiance)
Haar (Path of Radiance)
Ike (Path of Radiance)
Ilyana (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Mia (Path of Radiance)
Mordecai (Path of Radiance)
Muarim (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Oliver (Path of Radiance)
Oscar (Path of Radiance)
Sephiran (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance) 
Stefan (Path of Radiance)
Tibarn (Path of Radiance) 
Titania (Path of Radiance)

Edward (Radiant Dawn)
Heather (Radiant Dawn)
Micaiah (Radiant Dawn)
Nailah (Radiant Dawn) 
Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)
Maria (Shadow Dragon)
Minerva (Shadow Dragon)

Frost (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Kris Female (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Yuliya (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Frederick (Awakening)
Gaius (Awakening)
Gregor (Awakening)
Grima Female (Awakening)
Grima Male (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Lucina (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan Female (Awakening)
Nah (Awakening)
Olivia (Awakening) 
Owain (Awakening)
Robin Female (Awakening)
Say'ri (Awakening) 
Severa (Awakening)
Tiki (Awakening)

Camilla (Fates)
Elise (Fates)
Hinoka (Fates)
Mitama (Fates)
Nina (Fates)
Peri (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)
Subaki (Fates)
Shiro (Fates)

Clair (Shadows of Valentia)
Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Genny (Shadows of Valentia) 
Halcyon (Shadows of Valentia)
Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)
Mae (Shadows of Valentia)
Mycen (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Silque (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)

Alfonse (Heroes)
Feh (Heroes)
Fjorm (Heroes)
Gunnthra (Heroes)
Gustav (Heroes)
Helbindi (Heroes)
Laegjarn (Heroes)
Laevatein (Heroes)
Sharena (Heroes)
Sutr (Heroes)
Veronica (Heroes)

Edelgard (Three Houses)
Dimitri (Three Houses)
Claude (Three Houses)

Round 2


Olwen (Thracia)

Lewyn (Genealogy of the Holy War)

Cath (Binding Blade)
Clarine (Binding Blade)

Hector (Blazing Blade)
Louise (Blazing Blade)
Nino (Blazing Blade)

Duessel (Sacred Stones)
Eirika (Sacred Stones)
Knoll (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)
Forde (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Myrrh (Sacred Stones)
Tana (Sacred Stones)
Vanessa (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Greil (Path of Radiance)
Haar (Path of Radiance)
Ilyana (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Mia (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Sephiran (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Stefan (Path of Radiance)
Tibarn (Path of Radiance)

Edward (Radiant Dawn)
Nailah (Radiant Dawn)
Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)
Minverva (Shadow Dragon)

Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Frederick (Awakening)
Gaius (Awakening)
Grima, Male (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Lucina (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Nah (Awakening)
Olivia (Awakening)
Owain (Awakening)
Robin, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Clair (Fates)
Genny (Fates)
Nina (Fates)
Peri (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)
Shiro (Fates)

Mae (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)

Helbindi (Heroes)
Laevatein (Heroes)
Sharena (Heroes)
Veronica (Heroes)

Round 3


Cath (Binding Blade)

Nino (Blazing Blade)

Forde (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)
Myrrh (Sacred Stones)

Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Greil (Path of Radiance)
Haar (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Mia (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Stefan (Path of Radiance)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)
Minerva (Shadow Dragon)

Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Frederick (Awakening)
Grima, Male (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Nah (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Peri (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)

Clair (Shadows of Valentia)

Laevatein (Heroes)

Round 4


Cath (Binding Blade)

Forde (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)

Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Haar (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)

Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Frederick (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Peri (Fates)



Lute (Sacred Stones)

Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)

Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)



Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)

Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)



1st: Lethe (Path of Radiance)
2nd: Morgan, Female (Awakening)

3rd: Marcia (Path of Radiance)
4th: Severa (Awakening)


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Delthea (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Clarine (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)

Marcia (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

Ilyana (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

Oscar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

Female Kris (Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem)

Yuliya (Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem)

Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates)

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I'm here to nominate my boy and some other FEs I know about. It's only seven nominations, but hopefully it gets you going.

Roy (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)

Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Tiki (Fire Emblem: Awakening (I think? I don't play these and am relying on wiki))

Nina (Fire Emblem Fates)

Nino (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)

Female Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Anna (basically every game in the series from what I'm seeing)

Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses (I'm nominating him anyway idc if you said not to being  at 7/8 frustrates me))

Edited by Yui

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6 minutes ago, Yui said:

I'm here to nominate my boy and some other FEs I know about. It's only seven nominations, but hopefully it gets you going.

Roy (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)

Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Tiki (Fire Emblem: Awakening (I think? I don't play these and am relying on wiki))

Nina (Fire Emblem Fates)

Nino (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)

Female Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Anna (basically every game in the series from what I'm seeing)

Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses (I'm nominating him anyway idc if you said not to being  at 7/8 frustrates me))

Anna is also not allowed as she has already won one tournament so you're actually at 6/8 >:D

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Ike (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Sanaki (Path of Radiance)
Lissa (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Male Grima (Awakening)
Veronica (Heroes)

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Still, haven't gotten Legendary Roy on the banner and I've dumped well over 200 gems fml.

Black Knight (PoR)
Hector (FE7)
Frederick (Awakening) Only because "PICK A GOD AND PRAY"
Owain (Awakening)
Stefan (PoR) Most obscure unlock in FE goes to
Sephiran (PoR)
Echidna (FE6)
Karel (FE6)




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1. Female Morgan (Awakening)
2. Franz (Sacred Stones)
3. Laegjarn (Heroes)
4. Eirika (Sacred Stones)
5. Myrrh (Sacred Stones)
6. Arvis (Genealogy of the Holy War)
7. Catria (Shadow Dragon)
8. Sigurd (Genealogy of the Holy War)

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  1. Shinon (Path of Radiance) 
  2. Tibarn (Path of Radiance) 
  3. Forde (Sacred Stones)
  4. Vanessa (Sacred Stones) 
  5. Say'ri (Awakening) 
  6. Olivia (Awakening) 
  7. Genny (Shadows of Valentia) 
  8. Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)

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We're almost halfway there so I'll drop my nominations.

Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Mia (Path of Radiance)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)
Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Mae (Shadows of Valentia)
Mitama (Fates)
Laevatein (Heroes)

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Artur (Sacred Stones)

Tana (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lethe (Path of Radiance)

Maurim (Path of Radiance)

Jill (Path of Radiance)

Haar (Path of Radiance)

Nailah (Radiant Dawn)

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1. Gregor (Awakening)

2. Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)

3. Sharena (Heroes)

4. Owain (Awakening)

My remaining 4 nominations will go to the bottom of the last CYL.

5. Frost (New Mystery of the Emblem)

6. Danann (Genealogy of the Holy War)

7. Halcyon (Gaiden)

8. Scipio (Genealogy of the Holy War)

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1 hour ago, Mr Spaz said:

1. Gregor (Awakening) 

2. Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem) 

3. Sharena (Heroes)

4. Owain (Awakening)

My remaining 4 nominations will go to the bottom of the last CYL.

5. Frost (New Mystery of the Emblem) 

6. Danann (Genealogy of the Holy War)

7. Halcyon (Gaiden) 

8. Scipio (Genealogy of the Holy War) 

Owain is already on the list

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12 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

Owain is already on the list

Well, next up the bottom of CYL3 is Deimne (Genealogy of the Holy War)

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Here's some serious nominations

1:Lyon (Sacred Stones)

2:Eliwood (Blazing Blade)

3:Ayra (Genealogy of the Holy War)

4:Grima Female (Awakening)

5:Fjorm (Fire Emblem Heroes)


And here's the meme nominations

6:Camilla (Fates)

7:Oliver (Path of Radiance)

8:Surtr (Fire Emblem Heroes)

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Suppose I should put in my additional 2 just in case we get a sudden influx of people and I run out of spaces lol

Maria (Shadow Dragon)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)

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On 3/6/2019 at 6:45 PM, The Frost King said:



On 3/5/2019 at 10:14 PM, Mr Spaz said:



On 3/4/2019 at 8:39 AM, Azure said:



On 3/4/2019 at 2:08 AM, Sethera said:

Quoting y'all cause you've nominated 8 and I've since moved the max to 10

Aaaaand now I'm moving the max to 11 so those of you who got to ten can add one more.
Might end up going to 12 but hopefully won't need to.

Also for these extra nominations I think I'll lift the "four per game" restriction. Well, I'll change it to 6 per game.

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