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Showing most liked content on 04/24/2019 in Posts

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    One moment she had been on a plane to Germany. The next, she hadn't been any where. And now, all that the girl knew was that as she opened her eyes, she was met with a blinding light to contrast the pitch black void she had just been in. Shielding her face momentarily from the light, the girl took a second to realign herself, trying to make sense of where she was. The room didn't seem to have very much in the way of features, but the most obvious of them was not a "what" of the room but a "who." Stepping back and seeming cautious, the girl looked at the dapper woman who had come to greet her. While on guard, Ross eventually seemed to calm down a bit as she came to understand the situation. Ultimately, she was some kind of magic lady that had teleported Ross to a city on a planet that was not earth to become some kind of fighter in an arena of sorts. It was a lot to take in all at once, and while Ross had very many questions about what was going on, she settled down as she figured one of three things was happening. Ross was going crazy. This was all a dream. Or she was summoned here by a magic entertainer to partake in a sport based combat. Ross figured that two was the most likely, though there was something telling her that this thought was wrong. All the same, when the woman had finally finished her introduction, Ross's usual level expression had returned as she looked to the woman at the screen. "Well, I held down the same job for four years, so shouldn't be a problem. All I have to do is fight right? Anything goes?" "Only in the Arena, and only who you're directed to, but yes just fight...oh and no nudity, please." Ross was taken off guard by the last comment, stammering out a, "wha-" but stopped herself. Collecting herself, the girl understood that it was basically the same job, just a different boss. Needing to make sure that it was just indeed gladiator-esque combat, she asked, "and just other fighters in the arena. You don't have any demons that need hunting or anything?" Mauvache smirked. "No, though there are events you can take part in. But nothing outside of the Arena." "Got it." Ross nodded. Having a good understanding of her situation, Ross stopped herself for a moment as she realized something about that comment. Looking back to the monitor she asked, "um, this is going to sound weird but everything else has so, you wouldn't happen to have demons around would you? I have a special kind of...diet, to keep in mind." "Ah, that's right, those creatures in your world are called demons aren't they? Unfortunately those creatures don't exist here but fear not, I've already contacted a certain doctor who will be able to give you a synthetic solution that will help." With an expression that read, "of course she does," Ross shrugged and then asked, "alright. Where can I meet this doctor?" "He should be at the hospital right now. Though would you like to meet your fellow fighters first?" "I've got nothing else on my schedule. So sure." Mauvache thought about it for a moment and the smiled wide. "Why don't you message them yourself? Introduce yourself that way and offer to meet up. It could be a good way to give your own first impression after all." Ross looked down to her newly acquired watch, saying, "sure." The girl marveled the device on her wrist, both in the strides that seemed to have been made in watch technology and that it seemed to be fine on her arm at all. Getting acclimated with the device, the girl eventually found a list of contacts that were filled what she could only assume were the other fighters. To: All From: Ross Hey. I'm new to this arena thing and the boss told me to do some kind of meet and greet with you all. So, yeah. I'm Ross. I'm at the arena right now. Hi. Finishing her message, the girl then looked back to the monitor. "Well, if I wake up tomorrow and this is all still real, then I guess I look forward to working with you Boss." "Oh, don't be silly." Mauvache said with a chuckle. "Who's to say what is real or not anyway?" The woman then gave a short bow, heading for the door as she did. Ross sighed as the woman made her way out the room. Ross had worked with a very strange collection of people in her time with the DHG, but she had a feeling that this was about to take the cake for that.
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    At first I thought this was no good because one could easily banish tons of cards from the opponent's deck by calling its least common card, and potentially lead to a deckout if neither player has the declared type. For instance, most decks nowadays run a couple of Traps, if at all, so that would be safe card type to call; the exception of course are backrow-heavy decks like Paleozoics and Traptrix, but in those instances you call for Spells instead. However, by re-reading I noticed that it's the opponent who makes the calls, which means the card is not as drastic since it should be expected for the opponent to call the most common card type in its deck to minimize the mill damage. I would say the risk is then reversed because if it happens to call your least common card type then it's you who is getting the most mills, but then I think that if you are playing this you better run a balanced number of monsters, Spells and Traps.
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