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    Surprised you didn't name the tokens as "Onionion Token" and "Onion Token" :v I'm confused about the last effect. The way you wrote it, instead of the Tokens being destroyed, they Summon the 2 smaller Tokens instead. But that's, well, unfair, since they are practically indestructible as the destruction substitution effect doesn't have a limit of uses nor anything. I assume the Token is intended to generate the 2 smaller Tokens once it's destroyed, but would like for you to confirm.
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    The Mountain Dew one was one I found that someone else made. I don't know where they're from or how long that template was around (some flavors could no longer be). I'm almost sure they weren't Canadian unless they simply looked up a lot of different flavors since I really don't think most of them have been around here (but we do have more that the ones I've had, at least in terms of the Kickstart ones, don't know about the other ones). And for Diet Coke, I looked on both the US (dietcoke.com) and Canadian sites (coca-cola.ca), and the only difference I found is the US has "Ginger Lime." That's not ginger and lime, just lime with "Ginger" as the description like with "Feisty Cherry." I think. The reason I said only one I found is because I couldn't find out what they have in Freestyle in the US... but it seems I haven't looked hard enough because now I see they have "Ginger Lemon." It says this on https://www.coca-colaproductfacts.com/. I won't bother adding that unless someone confirms it actually is different than regular lemon flavor. Same with Ginger Lime because although the canned one is just a description, I have no idea about Freestyle since I have not seen Ginger Lemon/Lime in them here. Come one, dietcoke.com! Why are you not good enough? There's actually yet one more thing you didn't have (which I found thanks to the other site). =T I'm not sure if anyone here would have had it, but I'll add it (Diet Coke, sweetened with Splenda). I'm not going to bother putting it on my tier list because I didn't even know it existed, but it's there.
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    Burgundy Chartreuse ??? Fuschia Teal
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    Posted on YCM but that place is dead. Ignore the side deck. It's just smoke screen shenanigans for locals. Nothing I would bring to a higher tiered event I would side something serious. This deck is fine going first or second. I personally like going second a lot because honestly that extra card can be nutty in here. Monsters: 6 2 Sky Striker Ace - Raye 2 Ignis Heat 1 Dinomight Knight 1 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy Spells: 27 3 Engage 3 Dragonic Diagram 3 True Draco Heritage 2 Disciples of the True Draco 2 Shark Cannon 2 Mystic Mine 2 Area Zero (Will be bumping to 3. Only have 2 on me at the moment) 2 Stormforth 1 Widow Anchor 1 Terraforming 1 Hercules Base (Filler for Area Zero, would play Upstart but I like the small grind it gives me with Disciples) 1 Spellbook of Knowledge 1 Spellbook of Power 1 Set Rotation 1 Multirole Traps: 7 3 There Can Be Only One 3 True Draco Apocalypse 1 True King's Return Raye: Only playing two because I don't want to be normal summoning it that often. Area Zero popping a True Draco spell is the main way Ignis: Two is fine. Anymore than 3 Dracos and the deck starts to get conflicting hands Magician of Prophecy: The best normal summon in the deck. It's fine if they Ash it, but who ashes this damn thing anyways. Stormforth: Playing two because it's actually pretty crazy in this deck. Normally would use a True Draco trap and Widow Anchor to steal a pivotal monster from our opponent and tribute it for a True Draco monster during their Main Phase, but now that Widow Anchor is hit this card takes it spot. Prefer to use this over the single Widow Anchor as well to save Widow Anchor for Borrelsword. This is maybe my favourite card in the deck. Mystic Mine: Trying to find room for a third copy but I think two for now is fine. Helps break boards going second and keeps me in the grind. This + There Can Be Only One and a Hayate a lot of the times can be a win condition vs a lot of decks. Shark Cannon: Normally I would play one and side in the second, but this card is pivotal for Borrelsword plays now. Very disruptive as well There Can Be Only One: I could play Nibiru for Salamangreats or Thunder Dragons, but TCBOO is good against all the same decks that Nibiru is good against. If I was to play hand traps Nibiru would be the only one I would play. Ash, Ogre etc don't really hit any decks hard enough to warrant taking out engine cards for them. Nibiru is a blowout verse certain decks. Will be siding. There Can Be Only One can stall if I brick or is a straight up win verse certain decks.
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    Ari was relieved that this big bad legendary guy didn't think they were bad anymore. That would've been...bad. But mainly, it was just insulting to be treated like a...a villain! Like they were Mightyena instead of Pyroar, even though none of them were either...but still. He was also relieved that Mac was talking to him now, even if it was to yell at him. It was just...weird when she was being quiet. "I'm not Kazo's fan! He's way too cool to need fans." He knew that what he was saying didn’t really make sense, but he didn’t like the way Mac was trying to put down Kazo’s awesomeness here. Zekrom then said something that completely floored the lion. No, not that they were good people. He already knew that. But what came after. About them becoming his followers. "A-are you serious?" he stammered, before recovering. The cub drew himself up. "That sounds...awesome! Does that mean I might learn to become super cool and strong like a legendary is?! Maybe as strong as Entei!" -- Easter sighed, put out at being attacked like this. "You all are ridiculous," he shook his head. Fighting small fry like this really did little more than whet his appetite...or not even that. Glancing around the battlefield, attempting to shake off the Carvanha attached to his leg, he made small analyses in his head. Denku was hit, but he's made of tougher stuff than that to go down so easily. Brooke is getting aggravated, probably because of Dora. And of course, Dora's decided to join in and fight anyway. There really wasn't much he could do about that though until he got rid of these two bottom feeders. "I guess it's time to clean house," he muttered. "I tire of you," the Sylveon said, firing a Moonblast at the Carvanha aiming a kick for him. Normally, he would've tried to avoid the attack, but his maneuverability was halved with the sucker attached to his leg. So, the next best thing was to just blast the nuisance in front of him away. -- This is dumb. So, so dumb. Why are we even here again? Oh, that's right. We're on the road to Adarid City, meeting new enemies along the way. Once again, Keanu could not help but wonder how he got dragged into messes like this. And why he even bothered moving past them. It was obvious he had been born under an unlucky star, doomed to forever get himself thrown into fight after fight. At this point, he was just starting to get resigned. He wasn't even surprised that Marie decided to stand in the way of this Lucario. She was just delusional like that. "You brahs are bad for my health," he groaned. "And I don't mean that in the sick way, but in the I'm at risk of losing my life way." It didn't matter though. No matter what he said, it couldn't change what was happening. It didn't change Marie getting slammed by that Lucario, Randy losing his temper and getting tossed around, or the fact that that very same gijinka that took down their most powerful was headed their way. The Pikachu looked at Nani. "Looks like we won't be able to keep heading along." He shook his head at the Lucario, who probably couldn't see what he was doing...or maybe he could since he seemed to know where everybody was. "I wasn't gonna fight ya, but looks like I have no choice now." He then charged an Electro Ball and sent it flying at the fighting type. Afterward, he attempted to dash away and hopefully not get hit before the Lucario got to him. The Nightmarish Terror next to him would probably be fine, since she was a ghost type and could somehow sink into people's shadows. Keanu, on the other hand, was very much both solid and squishy.
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