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Showing most liked content on 04/28/2022 in Posts

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    "Hey, did you read the paper today? Seems there was a freak accident a couple of days ago in the subway..." Quick and Dirty version of the Application (But please watch the video, it took a lot of work): Colored Character Images
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    “After all, it wouldn’t do for me not to repay you somehow for letting me rest here.” It was somewhat amusing seeing the girl so intent on repaying Mene given her condition. Perhaps she should have Ciela take a look at her too once she's determined her stance on healing magic. Mene was quick to deny Citron's help and Penelope felt the need to point something out to the girl. "You know, we did essentially save this town, you even got hurt during it, I think that's enough payment wouldn't you say?" She didn't raise any objections to Mene insisting on doing things herself. After all it was her own home so it wouldn't be proper to help without being asked. However, she couldn't extend such kindness to Alois as he went to the door intent on finding Citron another place to go for the night. She gasped and brought a hand to her mouth. "Alois! I cannot believe you would be so quick to send her away. We do not even know yet if Edrick will return to rest here." Her eyes darted over to Mene and then back to Alois with faux-concern on her face. "Do not tell me you are hoping to spend the night here with just me, are you?" Penelope moved over to Citron and put a hand on the other girl's shoulder. "I didn't expect this so suddenly, Alois." she said. The princess was unable to keep the amused smile from her face so she didn't move her other hand from in front of her mouth to cover it from Mene and Alois. "Don't worry Citron I won't let him toss you out like that." Gunther was relieved that things seemed to be settling down. It was still awkward, with Tsetseg on edge, but at least there was no worry about conflict. It was rather amusing, perhaps a bit frustrating, how easily the wyvern got the boy, who they had been struggling to think how to help, out from his situation. Gunther made sure to tell the wyvern "Good job!" for fulfilling this duty. "whaddaya says to us all gittin' back to the village? Ah gots sum things to tell Missus Mene. You too, Raki. Ahm thinkin' ye shoold come along this time. I donts want tae leave ye oot 'ere by yerself if'n one of those pair o'baddies comes back." Mene...ah, right, that was Alois's mother. Well that suited them fine he could report to Penelope all that he had seen while he was away. Though he also remembered he was meant to spend the night elsewhere so it felt slightly awkward going back. Gunther smiled, despite himself, at Tsetseg's antics. Even if she was worried she still kept her bright energy. Though the smile slipped a moment later. "Oh, oh well let's take you - escort you! there. Especially if there are baddies out. Baddies are no good but we're really good at fighting baddies, mhm, mhm." "Wait a moment." He said, face screwing up in thought, and looked towards Timmy and Raki. He knew there was the one who cursed the village but, as far as he knew, it was only one person. So then.... "You mentioned a pair of, er, baddies? What is that all about? Is there someone else out here we should be worried about?"
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    I feel like I should deny this on principle but alas I am a man bereft of them. As such once more if I have liked your posts then you're accepted and if you were already accepted before this post then congratulations you're on double secret acceptance. So yeah, with this app submissions are closed and the RP will start proper later this week. So look forward to that. Before this post ends though gonna go clear some things up and add new mechanical nonsense into this RP. First MP is an abstraction and a poor explanation as to what your casting limit, flavorfully is. In universe it would more so be referred to as "Focus" and is a more a measure of mental stamina then it is a pool of magic that you pull from. Therefore, when you run out of Focus nothing is physically wrong with you, your mind just can't focus on doing complex things (IE arts and magic) and so it just fails at them. This will re-explained in the opening post. Next up, I saw on two of these apps the notion of spending more MP on an art to make it better on cast. And rather than just keep it in total abstract I'm a man of rules and guidelines. And so I've decided to add in the "Overcharge" mechanic. Essentially this is useable on any Art or spell in the game. When used it doubles the Focus used when cast and increase the potency of the attack by 1.75x, essentially trading cost for time efficiency. When used, Overcharge will also make the attack look visually stronger. Arts can be upgraded to grant additional levels of Overcharge up to a max of Overcharge 4, increasing by +1,+.75 for each additional level. (Ie Overcharge 2 would be 3 times the cost and 2.5 times the effectiveness.) This will also be added to the opening at some point. Along with other gameplay nonsense you have to look forward to. So yeah.
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