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Showing most liked content on 05/09/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Someone give me a rep so I hit 69 ty
  2. 1 like
  3. 1 like
    Thanks to the Voting Gauntlet, my 5th 5* exclusive and favourite Blue Lion is now done. Am tempted to try and get a copy of Fallen Lilith when the new banner drops because Spd Smoke 4 granting Dodge is really nice. Now time decide which of my +9 5* exclusive will become number 6: B!Eirika, (has the advantage of currently being on a banner), Adrift F!Corrin (will appear on a weekly banner in August), or Naga (probably any where from July to September depending on whether they keep the Remix banners to 1 Legendary/Mythic per month or swap back to 2).
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