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Showing most liked content on 03/15/2023 in Posts

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    Genuinely not sure. I left because, at the time, I had burnt out of YGO card ideas, I had larger projects to pursue that left zero mental space for roleplaying, and the community was permitting a few too many problematic ideologies to remain present and prominent (this was four years ago, so I'm not saying this to drop shade on anything in the present). I dunno, there were a number of reasons that I decided it was time to say goodbye. But more recently, it was just one of those prompted ideas of like "hey remember that community? I wonder what they're up to?" and deciding to pop in and check it out. I'd do it at the YCM forum too, except there are zero active names there I recognize anymore.
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    Fen listened to the answers the two girls gave her, thinking about it. That Kelsey preferred to do some kind of special kind of fighting on her free time didn't come as much of a surprise to the girl, that there was a place to partake in a hobby shouldn't have been much of a surprise to Fen either and the young chef did wonder where Kelsey went to partake in boxing, though figured if nothing else this city was filled to the brim with amenities and locations. The girl then gave a nod acknowledging Fiona's woes in shopping, thinking back and noting that she wasn't particularly good at shopping for clothes either. "I see, I see," the girl said along as Kelsey continued to say more options of things to do. She could more or less guess what an amusement park was by the name though she hadn't the faintest idea of what a "movie" involved, and so figured that'd be a good place to go check out. Melissa then talked about her own home world and the interesting dynamic it had with a set of trading cards. "Oh, that sounds like a fascinating world you come from Melissa. Or, hm I suppose peaceful is the uh, better word for it? Since most conflicts, and the like, from where I come from usually resulted in some form of brawling with weapons...or magic...or both." The girl sighed at this, thinking of all the different conflicts that brewed and how easily it was for any amount of combat to get out of control. The more power the individual held the easier it was for destruction to become widespread and injuries to happen, as just a matter of collateral and to say nothing of the individuals actually fighting. "Ahh, I think...I'd really like to learn more about this card game," the girl spoke aloud though to no one in particular. Once they got into the store proper Fen went to the counter analyzing each of the flavors. Some of them seemed to be recognizable to her like the standard, "mint," "chocolate," and "vanilla." Then there were some others like "birthday cake batter," or "candied fish," that she wasn't quite sure what to make of. After a bit more of pondering she eventually got her order and walked back to the rest of the group. Showing the pink ice cream on a cone to Melissa, she said, "I got some kind of Strawberry and Apple mix. And uh some of these um, worms." Turning the cone around, a series of colorful gummy worms could be seen mixed into the ice cream. "I've had bugs before but, well, I've never had with them with cream of any kind." Seeming genuinely curious about the gummies and their strange shape, the girl then looked up to see Trevor joining in. Giving a wave to him, she gave a nervous laugh at the thought brought on by his comment. "Ah, um, yeah. That sounds like it might uh, be rough to deal with."
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    ╔. .═════════╗ "I knew you could do it," she whispered to her vice-captain, cutting straight to the point. "Congratulations Kendra. And you too, Daichi." Kendra rubbed at her neck for a moment, shaking her head gently, "...It was too close for comfort. I only got lucky that he overthought the situation and played into Counter Gate." She glanced down at the roughly put together duel disk on her arm, brushing her fingers over the deck in it as she frowned, "Hardly a ground shaking performance from me." Kendra wanted to take some praise for the duel, but realistically, she should have lost. Yukihito was a conceited, narrow-minded duelist and that worked to her advantage, but that didn't mean she should have won. She did turn her head to Daichi though, giving him a little thumbs up, "Obviously I didn't catch most of it, but you looked like you were holding up pretty well there. Seemed like a tough opponent." “Yes, you both performed so well!” Vega beamed, though she now took a position with her hands on her hips, chest jutted out, and grinning wide, “Everyone on the team has shown off what they’re capable of now, so you guys should start making a good name for yourselves. Who knows… maybe the comparisons to Team Origin might come in handy!” She paused as she considered Vega's statement, a tiny sigh escaping her, "We shouldn't worry too much about that particular... Aspect. Seems like an easy way to get a swollen head..." --- "Oh, by the by, you all can call me Maddy. Nice to meetcha!” Kendra yawned as she glanced up from her spot, her head resting on her arms as she mumbled a tiny bit. She waved a hand in a small greeting to the new arrival, hardly considering who it was as she mumbled lightly to herself. Vega probably wasn't going to be a huge fan of the sudden intrusion. "It's nice to have you here today; I hope you're not offended if we dive right into things. We have an important match here, I think, even more so than the team may realize." Kendra raised an eyebrow briefly at that. Sure, it was following up a solid performance from them, but they didn't even know who they were facing yet. For all Rosalia knew, this could have been an immensely uphill battle... It seemed a bit excessive to build it up right away, but what did she know? Then... She followed it up with another round of congratulations, which only made Kendra's face drop a little. Despite winning, the duel left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was hard to feel proud of winning it, when it only happened due to her opponent being an airheaded narcissist. "But now we're gaining steam; Two wins... a draw," she added, a slight strain to the word, "and no losses. We're going to start garnering attention. Though we've already started gaining that in... one aspect." This, at least, Kendra could nod her head with. People are going to be paying more attention to them now that they're positive. If they had lost and stayed tied, people would lose interest... "I think we can take this momentum and really drive into it. For our next match... We attempt a clean sweep." Kendra didn't interrupt, despite immediately having a response in mind. Her finger lazily ran through a strand of her hair, curling it around her finger as much as she could manage as the captain continued. Sai's own response to her comments... Until finally, Rosalia asked for input. She let out a tiny breath... "...I think you're correct to put yourself in. We should probably wait and see what we might be up against, but they're going to want to see the captain giving a strong performance." She tapped at her desk for a moment, "Sai also should be in, and I have no doubt he can perform well enough. As for..." She glanced towards Eve and Falisha, her finger tensing for a moment, "I don't know nearly enough about Turbo Duels to say who should go in here." She shrugged her shoulders a tiny bit, "Daichi isn't... Entirely correct about things just falling into place, we have to work towards the goal, but he is right about one thing. Don't stress yourself over it too much. You'll perform better that way." She gave Rosalia a small grin, right up until... “You’ve got some real straight shooters, don’t you?” Maddy grinned as she hung on Vega’s shoulder, the younger woman’s face still drained of any color, “You know, you should really invite them t-” “Mom. Can we talk about this outside?” The coach’s face dropped a bit along with her tone. Not so much angry as… uncomfortable. Annoyed. The cheery Maddy blinked as it happened, giving a nod. “Alright, alright, I don’t wanna pester too much. I just wanted to come see your team, and pass along a message from your dad. If you can step outside with me for a minute, I can do that, and be on my way… oh and one from your auntie too!” “Yeah, that works. Just… warn me next time, will ya?” With a sigh, Vega nodded, stepping towards the door with her mother in tow. She turned around and pointed at Kendra, “Sorry guys, but I guess I need to handle this. Kendra, you’re closest to the projector and my notes so you’re in charge. Go ahead and go over our opponents this week and you all can start planning while I handle this.” As Vega pushed her mother out of the door, Maddy leaned back and gave everyone a happy wave, just in time for the door to slam shut behind the duo. Kendra let out a small yawn as she sat up slowly, shaking her head a bit as she did, “...Dunno what I’m supposed to really say, first time I’m learning about our opponents too. Haven’t had a chance to look into them.” She made her way towards the projector, flicking it on as the screen lit up in front of the team, “Alright, let’s go… Stormwolf. I’ve vaguely heard of them. They’re not a very notable team… Average performance, they had been in the league for a while. The most notable thing is that for most of their run, they were running with only three team members.” She tapped to the next slide, pulling up a picture of the Team Captain, “Mason Dunbarr is the captain and his known deck is Cloudians. He’s maintained a positive record, despite being their only Standard duelist. Guy looks even more tired than me.” Another tap, “Sigrid Talbot. She was their only Action Duelist at first… Vega seems to want us to use the same order as we did against Team Free, which is a choice I guess.” Kendra snickered a tiny bit at the next slide, “Here’s one for Daichi, their original Turbo Duelist. Corbin Fey, who has since swapped to dual roles. Action and Turbo. Fortune Ladies, which I guess we shouldn’t be surprised over…” She continued, the next tab showing a woman in a lab coat, a small pause given before she spoke again. “Vanity shot I guess. Eris is their second Turbo Duelist… And finally, we have a new guy. No record, no games, but they finally found a second Standard duelist.” Kendra’s eyes narrowed a tiny bit as she glanced at the notes Vega left her, a small mumble escaping her, “...Man, the coach’s notes are super scattered. Anyway. Like I said, she seems to want to put us in like she did with Free. She thinks the new guy, Itsuki, would be their standard duelist for the surprise… Dunno why she thinks the other two though. You three good with that?” Kendra folded her hands on her lap as she sat back, glancing at the others. The bags under her eyes were a bit softer than usual, but other than that… She looked just as tired as always, and just as forward as she glanced between Eve and Sai. Then she turned to Rosalia, "I think you're the better bet here. Your deck is more well-rounded than mine, I'm just good at fine tuning for my next opponent. A benefit to Xyz, ya know? When I don't know what deck they use..." She tapped at the projector lightly, "I don't like my odds as much. Think you can handle this?" ╚═════════. .╝
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