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Everything posted by Ash

  1. 1st to reply gets a profile song ?

    1. Unlisted Member

      Unlisted Member

      With that in mind though, if you wanted to request a new one: do you have to buy another "Profile Song" first? Or can you request changes without any transaction of points? Just curious...

    2. Ash


      Itd be another purchase unless you change your mind in like a 24 hour period.

    3. norI worK
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  2. Check discord 'foo.

  3. Literally any but platformers and puzzle games really. Again it's a patience thing and it's my weakest asset (although I do have some semblance of patience) Love a good FPS but also really enjoy a deep RPG so Fate / Grand Order I think Three Houses brings an entirely new level to the support conversations, they are just so good. I don't think there was any that I didn't enjoy. Felix + Annette's are incredible Mercedes + Sylvain is so wholesome Pre Three houses
  4. Ash

    Theme Opinion Poll

    @Members Morning/Afternoon All, I've been contemplating adding more themes but I'm conscious about adding too many that users are flooded. If you could please vote in the poll, so I can gain your general consensus on what you feel is the best then that would be much appreciated. Ash/Torm
  5. I feel like that Cat is pretty iconic, so just have something I like the look of.
  6. I'd rather give people the choice tbh
  7. Yeah I cheated and gave u two Yeah yours is pretty sick so hard to beat tbh but here There abouts although I've seen @BGMキャノンs moustache and that thing is pretty stylish. I'm going to cheat and give you Fate stuff because hey, cheating is fine in moderation Finding art with just Kazooie is actually harder than I anticipated but this feels appropriate.
  8. Ash


    Welcome home. Hopefully YCMaker will fix things and get the card maker but either way you're welcome here anytime.
  9. Bored with your current look and want the second most stylish person in NCM to give you an avatar? POST HERE!
  10. As the biggest anime fan on the site I feel it's only appropriate I too am provided with a waifu for laifu.
    1. Zaziuma


      Who makes cards anyway, that's for losers, pst, che, pst.

  11. Demogorgon (Stranger Things) The Shimmer (Annihilation) George Harvey (Lovely Bones) Jotun (The Ritual) Joker (The Joker 2019) Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men) Hans Landa (Inglorious Basterds) Cujo (Cujo)
  12. Joker is very good. Very much recommended. I don't know what I just watched but I enjoyed it.

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