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About M0B0X

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 129

  • Title: Magistri Nihil

  • Post Count: 12

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 6

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 01/11/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1934 Days

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  1. Infinite Magic? Yes please, my favorite kind!
  2. Consider the following: In a possible parallel universe somewhere, you actually replied to this status! So, by posting here you are able to shift from this universe to another one, wow! ?

    1. LordCowCow


      Implying I don't do that regularly

  3. Nice name, goes well with the art, effects and overall aesthetics of the card. I don't know too much about links, but it seems easy enough to make with those generic materials, and is worth it I suppose being able to unlock a zone most of the time. It also has decent ATK for a link 2. And about the effects: the first one is obviously useful for disruption on your own turn(to potentially get rid of a hand trap, perhaps?), and maybe also trigger something with that discard(like say, a fabled?); as for the second effect, once per turn attack/effect targeting protection is definitely a good thing to have, and if it was in the extra zone it can free it while still sticking around(not bad at all, used a similar effect on my very first link Hotrash.) I don't wanna seem too positive about the card here, it does have it's flaws I'm sure, but definitely more good than bad. Anyway, good work and keep it up ?
  4. Hey, o_smily from YCM! Welcome to NCM ?
  5. M0B0X


    "Don't be afraid to start over. It's a new chance to rebuild what you want." ― Anonymous Hello and Welcome to NCM, enjoy yourself ? “Every moment is a fresh new beginning, a wonderful inauguration of the great cosmic journey through the universe. We can do whatever we want. We can change reality at any moment.” ― Russell Brand
  6. !!!This is an Official Spinda Welcome!!! ~Spin ya later~
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