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Jack of All Trades

yui last won the day on April 25

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About yui

  • User Group: Jack of All Trades

  • Member ID: 15

  • Title: I am about to waddle doo something that can't be unwaddle done.

  • Post Count: 997

  • Post Ratio: 0.51

  • Total Rep: 576

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  • Joined: 01/07/2019

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  1. "a serving of macaroni" means that a singular cheesy noodle is called a macaronus

    1. radio414


      all the poor single pasta noodles live in the spaghetto

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      What about a nice cheesy hot dog & hamburger?

  2. Okay so first of all, please, for the love of god, use punctuation every so often. See how much easier that first sentence alone is to parse compared to the paragraph-length run-on sentences seen above? I've wanted to mention this for a while but couldn't find a good chance. Might as well cover it now, even if it's not really relevant to the rest of all this. Secondly, I feel like I left here knowing more about your personal feelings than the supposed issue at hand (and even then, I'm not entirely sure I correctly understood parts of what you were trying to say). That's just poor journalism and presentation - not saying that we're a news site or anything of the sort, of course - and circling back to the YouTube note, I can't help but find Britech's channel suspicious in its own way. An 8+ minute upload every single day (or close enough to it) on matters as complex as data security and PC usage reeks of poor research, or worse yet, clickbait to get that midroll ad money. But that's just speculation. Let's look back at the truth for a moment. The truth is that this not the first time Discord data has been scraped and potentially sold, and it will certainly not be the last. This is, however, not a Discord problem, but a specific symptom of a greater, internet-wide problem. I'm sorry to say, but no matter what hipster, non-mainstream OS, browser, and websites you use, if you've used the internet at all over the last couple of decades, your data has probably already been collected and/or sold. Doubly so if you live in the US. If you were truly deadset on ensuring your data is never scraped or sold, the only surefire way to do so would be to not only stop using the internet entirely, but find the respective avenues for every website you've ever visited to delete any and all data pertaining to yourself. Even our posts in this very thread present something to be collected and distributed (not that Torm would ever let this happen as long as he's got anything to say about it), probably to ad companies, which is fine since we both use adblocks. And even if I didn't, any company that wants to send ads laser-targeted to appeal to me specifically are welcome to try. As a closing note, I gotta say it's rather bold of you to say you'll take criticisms "as long as they are civilized and they are more in a debate type of format with some research to back it up", only to immediately turn around and say in the very next line, and I literally quote, Unlike the other forum, we're all more or less reasonable over here and wouldn't get offended by something as petty as one guy hating the mainstream. But even if we weren't, I kinda almost have to applaud anyone that goes "I'll take criticisms as long as they're civilized, now excuse me while I insinuate that some of you may need a mental check-in (not a very civilized thing to say)."
  3. “Does being an aspiring professor mean you know a lot about caring for Pokemon? Is there any advice you could give me with Peat? I make sure to brush and oil his fur every night, and I help him pick his teeth and claws clean too." "Weeeell..." Not really... Now that he'd mentioned it, it was probably best to double-check Arthur. He'd just been recovered from a kidnapping, after all, and Bridget wouldn't forgive herself if she was so caught up in having him back that she overlooked some sort of injury on the Trapinch's part. Thus, as the team continued along Route 102, did Bridget pop open Arthur's poke ball and give the creature a good, thorough inspection. And, like the impudent toddler it could very well pass for when not playing, Arthur resisted her every step of the way. "What kinda stuff do you have to do for Artur?” "'E's real fussy about 'is care, actually," Bridet answered, as she tried to part-coax Arthur into opening his mouth, part-pry it open herself. "Won't let me do anyfin' for 'im, 'side from feedin' and playin' wiv 'im. C'mon Arfur, open up, I'm makin' sure you're not hurt!" After several defiant chirps and chitters, and no small amount of trying to wriggle out of Bridget's grip, the Trapinch finally relented, and opened his maw of a mouth for Bridget to investigate. As she confirmed there was nothing of concern inside his mouth, and continued checking the rest of his body for anything that could be a possible concern, she remarked "See what I mean? Best I can do is force 'im to take a bath when he's dirty, and that should be its own category of battle." As if to prove her point, the mere mention of the word "bath" elicited a growl of obvious protest from Arthur, and further attempts to escape Bridget's grasp. The Trapinch only settled down once it seemed to process Bridget was just talking about baths, and not saying it was time to take one. "Pokemon care isn't really somefin' I know much about though. And I 'aven't seen that species until gettin' to Korova, either. Sorry. Peat looks healfy 'n' happy though. I'm sure anyone who knows more about care stuff would say you're doin' a good job." The bog up ahead was, as bogs went, certainly a bog. Nate and Quinn went on ahead into the marshy wetness with varying degrees of effectiveness. Bridget followed suit, taking to the marsh with a sense of familiarity gained from some field research back in certain parts of Galar. Which isn't to say she was just at home in a marsh as on dry land, but between having put up with this sort of terrain before, and having the appropriate footwear for the job, it was safe to say Bridget was faring better than her peers right now. Of bigger concern to her was the statue in the middle of it all. People could be fickle creatures sometimes, but Bridget was always willing to trust a pokemon. And as she eyed the statue's surroundings, she couldn't help but notice almost all of them were avoiding the statue. Peat even refused to follow Nate right up to it, which was an immediate red flag to her. She wasn't an art history major, or a geologist, or anything else that could potentially pertain to identifying a statue, but if all the local wildlife was avoiding that thing, it couldn't be anything but bad news, as far as Bridget was concerned. As much as she wanted to get up close and inspect the statue for herself - really wanted to, more than usual - Bridget made a point to keep her distance, and to keep an eye on the other two in case some sort of timely intervention was needed. Plus, somebody had to make sure Arthur wouldn't get into trouble. Bridget looked down to Arthur... only to find that while she was keeping a watchful eye on Quinn & Nate, her pokemon had slipped away, and was now proudly trotting about in the bog. Gonna have to give him a bath later. Might as well make something of this! Not keeping her attention away from her teammates for too long at any point, Bridget followed her Trapinch companion through the water and mud, then pointed at the first pokemon to cross Arthur's path. A Solosis that was otherwise minding its own business. "Let's blow off some steam, Arfur! Give it a good Bite!" Arthur, for one, seemed all too happy to oblige, charging up to the stray Solosis as best it could, jaws wide open and ready to snap shut on its new quarry.
  4. youtube keeps throwing random music with very low view counts at me and you're coming with for this journey
  5. Plok Super Punch-Out Super Mario Kart Mortal Kombat
  6. Sekibanki (Beach Dullahan) [universe C3]
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