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Jack of All Trades

Everything posted by yui

  1. frost Isekai Quartet and Carol & Tuesday seem pretty neat I guess. Nothing here that really stands out to me at a glance though.
  2. favorite nintendo franchise that isn't Fire Emblem or Pokemon?
  3. [spoiler=for SCIENCE!]B I U I did this by just typing a background code like we're on YCM so bear with me if it didn't work [align=right]do we align like this?[/align][/spoiler]
  4. Long story short, the text editor palette for NCM is rather shitty. I'd like to propose switching it to match the one from YCM. I've included the names and hex codes of every color you see above except the bottom row (because they all look the same anyway) both for ease of access, as well as to see how it all looks on NCM. black (000000), maroon (800000), saddle brown (8b4513), dark slate gray (2f4f4f), teal (008080), navy (000080), indigo (4b0082), dark gray (696969) fire brick (b22222), brown (a52a2a), goldenrod (daa520), dark green (006400), turquoise (40e0d0), dark blue (0000cd), violet (800080), gray (808080) red (ff0000), dark orange (ff8c00), gold (ffd700), green (008000), cyan (00ffff), blue (0000ff), plum (ee82ee), dim gray (a9a9a9) light salmon (ffa07a), orange (ffa500), yellow (ffff00), lime (00ff00), pale turquoise (afeeee), light blue (add8e6), pink (dda0dd), light gray (d3d3d3)
  5. yui


    are you pleased with how quickly we broke the site after it went public?
  6. They have the entirety of giphy at their disposal so that's actually a lot of power given to the masses. However, I also have the entirety of giphy at my disposal, plus my considerable library of bookmarks. I still have the strongest gif game. Also, something something giphy saves their shit as mp4s
  7. To be fair, it's very hard to see on the default theme.
  8. It's weird having everything not suck, but I'm sure we'll all adjust in due time.
  9. This is not the greatest AMA in the world. This is just a tribute.
  10. yui

    neo forum who dis

    wait we have a gif button? finds the gif button REALIZES YOU CAN POST GIFS JUST BY COPY-PASTING URLS Torm I love you
  11. don't touch my gif
  12. yui

    Yui Rates Music 3.0

    OH GOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS ARE HUGE HERE! 7/10, seems like a forced combination 2/10, what's pitch-shifting lmao
  13. Recap on the rules One song at a time. Don't post a new one until I rate the last one you posted. Don't just post a link. I reserve the right to skip anything for any reason. happy posting
  14. Digging the whole black and blue aesthetic tbh

    1. yui



    2. The Warden

      The Warden

      Notification settings. Then you can turn off notification sounds.

    3. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      I like it, and status reps are here too. Though, the hearts go through the top banner.

    4. Show next comments  384 more
  15. yui

    First Misc. post

    admin cheatin smh
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